TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Here are some of the worst pictures of me ? i dont no why I'm putting them up. ::) i just am!


i only like this photo cause my hair is very very straight.


you cant see my huge eyes (i hate my eyes) in the dark light.


how the hell did my eyes get sooo big!?


i look horrible but my cute little cousin and fav top is in it!
You are really pretty Nat! Shouldn't put yaself down like that :-\ and you have gorgeous eyes! :smitten:

Here's one of me posing ;D.......

and a scary one wwoooohhh :D

;D :D
Sehnsucht said:
wow pretty piccies :o :o
Did you see the one of me a few pages back I saw yours and would reconise you in a pet shop that would be easy though you would be looking at piggies ;D
Pumpkinpiggie said:
Sehnsucht said:
wow pretty piccies :o :o
Did you see the one of me a few pages back I saw yours and would reconise you in a pet shop that would be easy though you would be looking at piggies ;D

a pic of me? eww you dont wanna see that,wash your eyes out quick
just cos i'm bored, here are some recent ones
(needless to say i am wearing the brown jacket)


can u spot me?

oh and me looking rather evil >:D

don't ask :embarassed:
oK...I cal it the cartoon hero school uniform. ;D dont ask. ;D


Super...powers... ?


Cartoon Hero...looking out for danger...


This Hero does not smile when danger is lerking about.


Hero in action!


Secret identity....


Cartoon Hero Natnat, with her physic...midget turtle..

Ok Comdey night over. ;D
;D great captions!
i got to get some recent pictures, you do not wanna c me in my school uni... its a brown uniform and we have to wear skirts.. although skirts i dont mind in the summer (and they are pretty short}) in the winter it is FREEZING! xx0

I'll have some pigtures from camping so will post them
ok Rachx, o yh, i forgot, rip_ernie. i like your pictures. your hair is really curly. mine is just wavy and i have to straighten it.
i want curly ginger hair! ;D
i want curly hair, or at least wavy, mines straight and curly suits me.... :'(

Me looking rather... Hmm normal I would say

HAHAHAHA! I have no idea whats going on :p

from up above! I had climbed this climbing frame thing! It was high :|

Old picture of me taken at the start of april

Like my picture?
Gee it's been awhile since i've been looking here and WOW have we got some great pics of our 'slaves' oh i just think you're all beautiful and hey LOL love some of the comments and captions O0 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Gosh what a bunch of stunners you all are! ;) ;) ;)

Its nice to put faces to names its funny what you imagine people to look like!
yeh they always look so different to what you expect!
☼smiler☼ said:
OOooo Ali, all arty farty pictures! ;D You look great! O0 :)
Shall I post one of her when she was a little girl ;D or I have a good one of her with long blond hair when she was about 13 ;D She would not speak to me ever again ;D now that would be good she talks way to much anyway ;D