TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

sorry but i wanted to post more pictures, they are also on my webcam cos i look terrible on digital camera

You are pretty and your kids are sweet!





aww Cavy they are sweet
They're gorgeous kids cavy! and you certainly don't look old enuf to have an 11 year old!
Niki x :)

ok i put all the pictures of me all in one, I'm a little bit of a posa! but I'm not full of myself. :-\ before any1 thinks that..
you are a posa! i will curl my hair tonight, plans for 2nite, let chinchillas out, curl hair, take picture, put on here, ooo i cant wait to get my hair blondified
i like my hair curly
for example



It was a few years back but oh well
I think you're all beautiful :smitten: :smitten:
I bet if you saw a pic of a girl in a magazine like that you'd say wow she's gorgeous, well that's what we all think when we see you all O0 O0 :-* :-*
No more self hate girls, want to hear lots of positives about you from now on :) :) :) :) :-* :-* :-*
i curled my hair but we had no batteries for the camera :(
Thanks everyone!
We need more pictures of everyone! Dont be shy!
A newer picture of my grandmother and I at the zoo!

And one of my friend Katie and I getting ready for a night out on the town! LOL
Hey everyone! I thought I'd upload some piccies of myself so you can all see what I looksy like :)


This is me and my other half - Tim at my cousin's wedding last year


Me and Tim


Me and my lil sis on holiday last year


Me and my brother

and finally....

another one of myself and Tim!

Hope you liked them :) :D ;D
Awwww lovely pics ... i'm only down the road from you..... Stockton ;)

Saz said:
Trufflefluff said:
Awwww lovely pics ... i'm only down the road from you..... Stockton ;)


Thankyouuuu :smitten:

Oooooh us Teessider gals ;D hehe

Heyy, cant't beat it.. you're not a boro supporter are you? ;)
Nah not really into football, if i HAD to choose tho, it would be pools i've been to see them a couple of times. Well, only once i think ::) not really my cuppa tea!

Just for the record, I can't stand football >:( My OH is slightly obsessed though ;D
Trufflefluff said:
Just for the record, I can't stand football >:( My OH is slightly obsessed though ;D

Mine too! if I watch the soaps for an hour, he says that he has 1 hour football time! They so don't equal out :tickedoff:

Thought I'd give you all a look and throw my ugly mug up here

They're like a year old, I don't have any good recent ones, but I look the same :)

