Thankyou yes I will continue on 40ml for a bit longer as she has maintained on that but any drastic loss and I will up it again, Thankyou all again for all your help and support you have been invaluable to me this past week and a halfI would try and carry on at 40 ml for a few days longer. Your clue is her weight, don’t expect huge weight gains if any for now, weight gain is really hard but as long as she is maintaining her weight then you could try and reduce by about 5ml a day and see if her weight maintains. You have done remarkably well and your dedication to Cherry is lovely x
Cherrys appetite is starting to come back and she is eating more hay now (not loads) and we have more poop! question is should I reduced the syringe food to see if she will eat more hay? I’m just worried that her weight will drop a lot. But she really doesn’t want the syringe feeds but we are managing to do them. We have gone from about 70ml a day to around 40ish ml the last 3 days. Or should I go the other way and up the feeds?these are her weights same time each morning 5.30am
Two days after surgery 1100g
Monday 17th 1075g
Tuesday 18th 1075g
Wednesday 19th 1050g
Thursday 20th 1047g
Friday 21st 1025g
Saturday 22nd 1031g
Sunday 23rd 1036g
Monday 24th 1027g
Tuesday 25th 1027g
Wednesday 26th 1023g
Thank you I will go back to 70ml I wasn’t sure how much daily weight loss was ok, the first couple of days I struggled to get any feed in her as she was so out of it on the bupe, but if the 40 isn’t enough then back to 70 it is, hopefully I can increase the amount I give at a time as I have to schedule the feeds around work,If the weight is overall still going down it means that she is not feeding enough on her own so yo need to up the amount. I would recommend to go back to 70 ml and see how that works.
Thank you I will go back to 70ml I wasn’t sure how much daily weight loss was ok, the first couple of days I struggled to get any feed in her as she was so out of it on the bupe, but if the 40 isn’t enough then back to 70 it is, hopefully I can increase the amount I give at a time as I have to schedule the feeds around work,
It sure is exhausting! She won’t eat without me syringing it aside from the odd veg and nibble of hay. Should I be concerned about her weight?See whether she is eating some of it on her own from a bowl (like mushed up pellets), which would make it easier for you. As long as she is still losing weight, she needs more feeding support. That is what the daily weigh-in first thing in the morning is for. The weight should be stable or by now ideally starting to go up. I fully appreciate how draining longer term support is; been there and have that t-shirt myself. You will still have to do the bowl feeding outside of the cage to see whether and how much she is taking on.
I think you are looking for a trend, stable, up or down. While a daily same time weigh in is really helpful the daily weight can fluctuate between 30 gm either way depending upon a full tummy/bladder or an empty one. it’s good that she is up on yesterdays weight, look for more or around the same weight, she seems to have levelled out to me but I’m not a Health expertShe weighed 1022g yesterday and today was 1033g does that mean I continue with the 70ml as her weight hasn’t gone down?
Another check up done, vet is pleased with cherrys progress, weight was the same as last week which is due to the syringe feeds too so I’ll keep them up. No signs of infection and she has nice gut sounds. She doesn’t need any follow up appointments unless I feel she needs to be seen. So fingers crossed she keeps improving and begins to eat lots of hay. The vet (who also did the surgery) said she was under GA a very long time and the surgery was very tricky as the stone was stuck her urethra and said they gave cherry at 20% survival rate and didn’t think she would come off the operating table but she has proved them wrong. She was fiesty at the vets which was good to see! She still isn’t better by any means but we have made good progress, still on pain relief as she is still uncomfortable peeing and pooing. It’s been a hard and tiring 2 weeks but I’ll do all I can for my piggies. Please keep us in your thoughts and send healing vibes!![]()
Wow, that certainly tells you what an excellent job you're doing. You've both been fighting the odds!Another check up done, vet is pleased with cherrys progress, weight was the same as last week which is due to the syringe feeds too so I’ll keep them up. No signs of infection and she has nice gut sounds. She doesn’t need any follow up appointments unless I feel she needs to be seen. So fingers crossed she keeps improving and begins to eat lots of hay. The vet (who also did the surgery) said she was under GA a very long time and the surgery was very tricky as the stone was stuck her urethra and said they gave cherry at 20% survival rate and didn’t think she would come off the operating table but she has proved them wrong. She was fiesty at the vets which was good to see! She still isn’t better by any means but we have made good progress, still on pain relief as she is still uncomfortable peeing and pooing. It’s been a hard and tiring 2 weeks but I’ll do all I can for my piggies. Please keep us in your thoughts and send healing vibes!![]()
Morning I tried her with little bits of grass last week and she ate a little but then didn’t show any interest so I’m going to try again when I’m home from work now the grass in my garden has grown a little and is easier to cut. I’ve never tried fresh dandelion with her so I can give it a go! She has lost 6g from the daily weigh in so will give her a bit more critical care today than yesterdayMorning.
Or fresh dandelion leaves ours love them![]()
She only ate a few strands but hopefully she will eat more as each day comesThat's really good news, it must be a relief to see her eating!
She had another two “grass breaks” during her last syringe feedThat is wonderful news![]()