Stripe and Chesney

Walked in on the boys napping, but they got up for some romaine.

Then I gave them part of a biscuit and they both left them. Stripe left his to eat some of his own poop and Chez went for some hay. Now Stripe is eating both biscuits.

Occasionally they eat a pellet but never all.

I had an exterminator for the earwigs and none in the cage the last four days!
I had to work late last night, so less time with the boys. Now I have to work early, so I got up at 6:30 to spend time with them.

They had their lettuce and chez's mouth is green. I wonder, would Dignified Sir George of the Beastie Boys stoop so low? Chez is definitely not dignified.

He was zooming and every time he got near Stripe he'd stop in his tracks, turn around and zoom the other way. Maybe he's getting smarter about Stripe's rumbling?

Even Stripe did a little popcorn with his big body.

I'm going to miss them at work!
Just cleaned the boys' cage. Does anyone know where I can just get a new coroplast? I don't need a whole cage.

Chez has been a wheeker today. Every time he hears me in the hallway, he wheeks. I think he wants veg or maybe my company?

The boys have some new pellets, they munch a little but not much. Better than their old ones.
I think Chez is a smart piggy - he’s realised a wheek will get your attention 😂he’s training you into his slave !
I wouldn’t worry about eating the pellets as they aren’t a big part of a piggy’s diet
I got my corex from Amazon and you can cut and bend it as you need
I really enjoy reading your news 😂and I love those boys ❤️❤️
The boys have settled down for a nap, Chez under the fleece and Stripe on top. Beforehand, Stripe did a little popcorn with his fat body. Now he's actually closing his eyes. He didn't even open them when the phone rang. He sure has gained confidence with the arrival of Chez.

The new fleeces from Kavee arrived last night! Will change them tomorrow and post pics. They're a rainbow pattern. I have to wash one to shrink and fluff it up.

Stripe's new nickname is S.T. Chez is now Chezzy. So much for learning their names.

Off to the grocery store for some lettuce, pepper, cucumber and basil.

No work for three days.

The boys are chutting and munching.
Chez is asking for handouts but he's had his lettuce. Stripe popcorned after his. The boys smell and smell the new pellets but only end up eating a couple. I'm not too worried, they are both growing.

Today I have lots of homework.

Stripe is zooming now. Now he's trying to copy Chez by going under the fleece but he's too scared.

Ope, now Chez is zooming and popcorning.

Their nails sure are growing slowly, was going to bring them for a trim but they are still short.
Stripey ditched some of his Boston lettuce to go munch hay. This is not the time to get sick of it, I bought two heads and I work all weekend! He is also getting sick of his biscuits, but I have another variety he likes.

He just chased Chez away from the pellets even though he's not even eating them. Chez isn't smart enough to remember there's another little pile.

Hay munching time!
I had to leave the pigs for a late shift then until morning. But they were okay! Now I have to work this morning, so I only have a half hour with them.

My cat has separation anxiety when I come home after dark.

I hear a steady sound of munching, munching, munching as I type.

Wish I didn't have to turn around and work, I feel like I just got home!
Those piggies are happy little things
Sad that your cat has separation anxiety hopefully not too bad
Just got home from my long shift. Think the boys are happy to see me. After veggie time, Stripe did quite a lot of rumbling, then they both just started tearing around the cage at top speed. The only thing that stopped Stripe was the odor of a pee Chez did when he was rumbling at Chez.
Barrett the cat is on my lap.

Stripey went under the fleece for the first time today. He's been working up the courage to do it for weeks.

They both zoomed this morning, Chez fast as lightening, fat old Stripe a little more awkward.

*Sigh* it's a cage cleaning day. But they have been a little easier to catch lately. And they love a clean fleece.
Last night I got home from work and wanted to check their hay level, and they were sleeping just inches apart! So they do like each other! It was so cute. Of course they both got up to beg, so no pictures.

I have to go to the store just for them today.

Last night I got home from work and wanted to check their hay level, and they were sleeping just inches apart! So they do like each other! It was so cute. Of course they both got up to beg, so no pictures.

I have to go to the store just for them today.

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Isn’t it funny how very quickly our lives revolve around them ❤️❤️
I think the boys are excited about their romaine. They're both zooming around the cage. Must've taken a lot of energy because they both just plopped down.

Stripe is a little fat, so he doesn't zoom as fast as Chez.

It's a cage cleaning day, they are spared for now, but after my appointment I will catch them!
Just cleaned the cage.

They munched some pellets, Stripe played with the new toy I got them at the pet store today, and all was calm.

Then I decided to take out some trash from spot cleaning that's been there a few days.

The sound of the plastic bag made them start wheeking louder than I had ever heard them! So much popcorning and running around I thought they were going to break their backs (you know how they sometimes bend their back to popcorn)!

So I topped off their hay so they felt they were getting something out of the whole ordeal.
Just cleaned the cage.

They munched some pellets, Stripe played with the new toy I got them at the pet store today, and all was calm.

Then I decided to take out some trash from spot cleaning that's been there a few days.

The sound of the plastic bag made them start wheeking louder than I had ever heard them! So much popcorning and running around I thought they were going to break their backs (you know how they sometimes bend their back to popcorn)!

So I topped off their hay so they felt they were getting something out of the whole ordeal.
Happy birthday 🎂🎁
Have a lovely day 🎈🎉
Stripe and Cheney have you wrapped round their little paws ( the rustling and the wheeking and they get some extra hay ) ❤️❤️