Stripe and Chesney

The boys were peacefully eating hay when I started to sing a little song. Don't know why but both of them thought that meant I was going to give them a treat and came to beg! No treat this time.

Then Chez decided to run the perimeter of the cage at top speed and Stripe didn't even get mad!

The zoomies must have tired him out because he laid down for a nap.

No earwigs this morning!
This peaceful nap turned into a rumbling session! Although Stripe was rumbling, Chez kept following him. I don't think Stripe likes how close Chez was laying next to him.

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When my older boar Pebble rumbles around the cage my baby Patrick will follow him around too.
I had Chesney on my lap for lap time for the first time today! I was so scared he'd get under the furniture, but he stayed in the snuggle sack. Tried to escape at first then settled down. I was able to pet his head.

I think Stripe was wondering where he was because he made a little chutting noise, then Chesney made the same noise so I think they were communicating. I put him back in the cage after that.

I think I'll try Stripe tomorrow, as he's my nervous boy. I'm nervous he'll escape!
Awww as long as he’s in the snuggle sack I’m sure he will be ok. 😍
I had Stripe on my lap for a short time for the first time today! It went better than expected. He didn't try to escape at all but he was scared so he borrowed into the snuggle sack. He kinda froze but I was able to pet him. Yeah! Gonna try both boys tomorrow.

I changed the fleece and Chesney is zooming. Stripe even did a popcorn. I got two new toys in there, one ball and one meadow chew. Stripe is currently working on the ball.

They're also getting easier to catch for cage cleaning.
So I tried to have Chesney in his snuggle sack for lap time just now.

He kept trying to escape the snuggle sack. Any tips on where I should place my hand to keep him still? I panicked and put him back in the cage. He wasn't even out a minute.

He also made a little squeak like he was scared so I felt bad.

I'll try again tomorrow.

He's not mad at me or anything.
To be honest I wouldn’t be trying to make him stay still - his wriggling/escaping is telling you he doesn’t want to so Id let him go down/back to the cage
I make sure all mine can be handled for health checks but i don’t routinely sit and cuddle them - they simply don’t like it. One of them is more willing to sit for a bit longer than the others but even he has a short fuse!
How long does a health check take?

I'm going to try Stripe again for lap time tomorrow as he's the one who laid down. He didn't seem to mind it. I really want to work on him, anyway because it was written in his chart he was nervous for the vet visit.
How long does a health check take?

I'm going to try Stripe again for lap time tomorrow as he's the one who laid down. He didn't seem to mind it. I really want to work on him, anyway because it was written in his chart he was nervous for the vet visit.

It depends how in depth of one it is and whether nail need cutting etc. It can be a just a couple of minutes for a weight check and quick body check. 30 seconds for a weight check or 5-10 minutes for all the above plus nail clipping
Stripe is going to town on his new ball. They also love their meadow chew.

Here they are having a tiny piece of hay cookie, and they're making the most adorable crunching noises. I get really annoyed when I hear people chewing, but I think it's cute when I hear animals chewing.

They both laid down for a nap and I'm scared to wake them.

Chesney (submissive) has started something new today. He pokes Stripe in the butt with his nose/chin. Needless to say, Stripe's not too keen on that.
So I had Stripe (my older, dominant but nervous with handling) out for a short lap time today! It went really well. He sat there and let me pet him.

Chesney sure was wondering where he was, walking around the cage looking for him and wheeking.

I'd say it was a success and we're making progress. He got a piece of hay cookie for being so good.
I just had Chesney out and he was a little wiggly so I pet him a little and put him back. It must not have been too bad because he popcorned when he got back in the cage.

Stripe is nibbling his ears now.
Here's the boys getting a little piece of hay cookie. Chesney is round like a ball.

Chesney started wheeking really loud and I thought he was hurt, but then he popcorned and started zooming around the cage. Stripe didn't like the zooming and laid down the law.

Now Stripe is taking a snooze and Chez is munching hay.

Lately Chez has been smelling Stripe's butt and that doesn't go over so well.

The boys devoured their basil today. Cleaned the cage and they're happy.

I have an exterminator coming out for the earwigs today. I found three in their room and some under my dish pan in the kitchen. Don't worry, they are not going to spray in the boys room, just the outdoors by their room. I guess the neighbors are having them as well.

I put their favorite toys back in the cage, a meadow hay twist and wood ball.

I think I'll scare them today with the vacuum.