Stripe and Chesney

He'll be on baytril for two weeks then just observe.

With his CBS he might have more ear infections.

Hopefully it'll be a while till he relapses!
Hope the Baytril works quickly and there is no relapse.
He’s very lucky to have such a dedicated slave
Phew! They finally stopped! Got home from work and Stripe bit the bars for a second cookie. Chez copied. They got a second cookie. Bar biting for a third cookie commenced. No cookie this time and I could not get them to stop! Naughty boys.

I got a new cookbook today, a Milk Street cookbook that is simple. Thinking of making the udon noodles with shiitake and soy sauce and butter.
Lol I don't know what Stripe was doing last night, his hut was completely upside down this morning! Must've been doing some mad zooming.

He started choking on his cookie, but he got over it.

Chez doesn't like any of the cookies we have in the house except one, but it's an odd shape and once got stuck on the roof of his mouth so I can't feed it.

Cleaner comes in two hours!
Perhaps Stripe is interested in the forthcoming cleaning process. When I am redoing the piggies' C&C set-up, Polo comes to help me by chewing Correx and wood and generally supervising. Truffle is more supervisory and less teeth-on unless he wants lettuce. The cookie issues sound alarming. Choking on your favourite cookie is too bad 🙁
I thought Chez might be a little bored because he was biting his fleece a lot. So both boys have new toys and even Chez was tossing his around.

I'm going to call the vet and see if Stripe relapses if I can just give his current weight and pick up the antibiotics without bringing him in. We know it's an ear infection, there are no signs to the naked eye, and vet visits are stressful. He has 6 more days of baytril and then observe and keep in touch. Praying for him.

Stripe was zooming at dusk again.

We woke up to a beautiful layer of snow.
The boys are munching, in a couple minutes here I'm about to ruin that for Stripe with med time, but he gets over it right away.

I'm a little scared my nephew is going to think the pigs are boring. When he was 9 I got Barrett the cat and he came over and Barrett just sat there so he got bored and ever since then he's called Barrett "evil" and a "weenie" for having separation anxiety.

Chez is 8 or 9 months now and he takes a few more naps but is still my zoomer. Stripe has his first birthday next month.
Stripe's poop looked a little bigger today! He's currently wheeking and scurrying around. His vet texted this morning saying how to increase his metacam for his weight gain. Chez is currently zooming.

I'm going to order some more benebac today and also start my Farsi lessons.

I'm on a budget but there's always something. I need a new passport.
Stripe is not ready for the day! I came in their room at 5:45 am, Chez had his lettuce, Stripe had a cookie but he's in his hide thinking "why is she in here so early?" I usually come in at 7:45.

Oh, here comes sleeping beauty.

He gets weighed today at cage clean.
We have a midnight release party at the bookstore tonight, which fortunately I'm not working. I get out at 9.

It's inauguration day and Martin Luther King day.

Stripe can handle wheatgrass and basil, but when I try cilantro he gets small, soft poop again. It's been a few days and a couple look better. He also gets a slice of pepper with benebac which he can tolerate.

Stripe has his first birthday coming up end of February.
I almost broke Chez's teeth! I was topping off the hay and felt resistance when I opened the cage, he was biting the lid! I heard a ping when he let go. Luckily no broken teeth and he's eating.

I would have felt so guilty. I'll have to watch out from now on.
It is so easy to lose track of where they are. A vet visit for a dental with Chez would be quite hectic I think!
On the LA Guinea Pig site they have symptoms of CBS. One is the jaw can be affected. Hopefully Stripe doesn't get this, but I always worry because it takes him longer to chew his cookie than Chez. I know they are unable to eat if it progresses.

Stripe has been off his antibiotics for two weeks and still no ear infection, so will be praying he doesn't relapse. We're having an Arctic blast so it would be dangerous to bring him to the vet even if I heated the car. Just the walk into the vet at -10 would be cold.

The boys have cage cleaning, health check and weigh day.

Then I'm going to the Albanian bakery just to get the car warmed up every day so I don't have any issues for work tomorrow.
Hectic 🥶 When it freezes here I wear so many clothes it's ridiculous. I think your winters would be too much for me. I hope Stripe stays well and doesn't need the vet.