Stripe and Chesney

X-rays good. No broken bones, sludge or stones.

Nothing visibly wrong with Stripe, but like @Wiebke said, maybe a behavioral change.

Metacam for a week to see if the behavior changes.

Also eye drops every 12 hours and a recheck of the eye next week.

In June the doctor wrote in his chart that he was nervous, but she said he was calm today. Lap time is working! He loved the tech, when the doctor wanted to see his walking he went right over to her. Now to get Chez used to lap time, he's such a wild child.

I don't think the secretaries like me because I call so much and also I have a trust my mom left me so I had to call the trustee to pay the bill and they all stared. But the doctor likes me

I'm so relieved!

Any tips on eye drops?
Administrators can be awfully set in their ways. Glad the vet is good.
Are you managing the eye drops and metacam OK?
I got the eye drops in on the first try! He didn't wiggle or hide in his pouch and he took the metacam, too! I'm so encouraged, I even called the vet about it, they put it in his chart.

Didn't even waste a drop!

He's really gotten calm since I started lap time, now I just have to get Chez used to lap time.
They also seem to be settling down after the stress of yesterday. They had a face to face last night with rumbling and squealing both. Chez continued to rumble in the evening.

Chez started again today but Stripe kinda moved his head towards Chez and Chez backed off.

I heard the whimpering about an hour after the metacam. The doctor said maybe he's not really whimpering. But he never used to make that noise or walk slow and I haven't seen him popcorn or zoom in a week and a half.

He's on 1.5 metacam and it's a little different here in the states, I asked if it was dog or cat and she said both.
Stripe had his eye drops and metacam. We also had a little cuddle time, which was really nice.

Last night when I got Stripe out for his meds, Chez was wondering where he was. He was making noises and looking around the cage. But the pellets distracted him this morning.

Then last night after I put Stripe back in the cage, Chez tried to hump him.

Still bunny hopping but he can walk normal if he has to, like when I go to pick him up.
Sir George has a history of urinary tract infections. Whenever he had to have medication Master Boris would get jealous. It's standard now that after seeing to his lordship, the unruly one must be given a syringe of water, an all over check, get weighed and have a yummy treat for being a good boy too....🙄🤣
I'm going to take them both out of the cage tonight so Chez doesn't feel left out. I have to get Chez used to lap time anyway. Stripe sits nice on the end of my knees but Chez doesn't like that. I'm thinking if I hold him closer to my body he'll like it better?
Just had a lovely lap/med time with Stripe. He really likes to be pet on his neck and head. He doesn't even move when I do his eye drops.

Chez was too busy with pellets to hump Stripe when I put Stripe back in the cage.

Then they had their romaine, and I was extra generous, I didn't make them eat the hard part.

Stripe's vet is going to call me Wednesday to see if the metacam is helping. She is hoping for no change in behavior meaning he was never in pain. Yesterday I explained he whimpered while rumbling but she said they can develop new vocalizations. Anyone had that?

We talked about broken bonds as well.
It would be interesting to hear the sound of you could video Stripe. Someone very experienced might know if it's pain or a high pitched wheel. But if you are in doubt, it is better to consult the vet, sooner rather than later, so you have done the right thing for your piggies ❤️
Any tips on taming wild child Chez? I had Stripe out for his meds and Chez was going to hump him so I decided to take Chez out, too.

Chez squeaked when I tried to pet him and he tried to escape the snuggle sack.

The whole thing upset Stripe, too, who squeaked in the cage because Chez was distressed.

How do I get him used to being held?
Any tips on taming wild child Chez? I had Stripe out for his meds and Chez was going to hump him so I decided to take Chez out, too.

Chez squeaked when I tried to pet him and he tried to escape the snuggle sack.

The whole thing upset Stripe, too, who squeaked in the cage because Chez was distressed.

How do I get him used to being held?
It’s a slow process and Chez may never like being held.
Of my two Geoff is reasonably happy to be held and stroked but Bobby really isn’t and I’ve had both boys 4 yrs ( they’re 4 and 1/2 years old)
Just keep handling them gently. Slow is the way to go, but often. They will eventually decide it's not too awful, but might never become completely comfortable with being stroked. It's good to handle them every day if possible as it makes personal care easier, nail trimming, health checks, bum care, and just getting to know them.
Last night I had a dream I took the boys camping and their cage was outside. I thought Chez got away, I yelled, "Chez!" But looked in the cage, both boys were there. It was weasels and they were stalking the boys. I woke up after the dream and thought I heard the boys scuffling. But no blood on either one this morning.

Just cleaned the cage, and the boys are munching pellets. I'll bring in some endive in a minute
Last night I had a dream I took the boys camping and their cage was outside. I thought Chez got away, I yelled, "Chez!" But looked in the cage, both boys were there. It was weasels and they were stalking the boys. I woke up after the dream and thought I heard the boys scuffling. But no blood on either one this morning.

Just cleaned the cage, and the boys are munching pellets. I'll bring in some endive in a minute

I dream about my pigs often and it’s never a nice dream. There is always some drama like them getting lost, or I can’t find them. It’s obviously my anxiety coming though.
I had a dream once that I had left them for weeks and weeks and weeks. Then I was going to see them hoping they were still alive! They were and I was soooo relieved.
Please keep Stripe in your thoughts as he starts his antibiotics for his inner ear infection. He squeaked in pain today and his walking wasn't so good.

Stripe's illness has prompted some dominance behavior in Chez like humping and rumbling, so hopefully they can remain together.

Stripe is such a champion with med taking, it's just the hours that affect me with work and sleep.
I hope the horrible ear infection goes away soon, poor Stripe and poor Mom!
I had a dream once that I had left them for weeks and weeks and weeks. Then I was going to see them hoping they were still alive! They were and I was soooo relieved.
I also have had those dreams ….leaving pets, not feeding them etc - apparently those dreams mean you are neglecting something of yourself ……maybe you’re not putting yourself first , can’t say no , pleasing people when you really don’t want to etc
I discovered I was always doing things for other people and it was causing me problems and making me grumpy and fed up and when I stopped and put myself first those dreams went away !
Just gave Stripe his meds. Today and tomorrow with metacam and eye drops, and nine more days of antibiotics.

Stripe couldn't jump over the hay pile today to get to his romaine, he wanted to but just couldn't, so I reached in the cage to give it to him. I think he was sleeping for quite a while in the same spot because there was a huge pile of poop next to him. But he's at the hay pile now.

Praying that his antibiotics work soon, I just want to see him rumble at Chez and popcorn.
I also have had those dreams ….leaving pets, not feeding them etc - apparently those dreams mean you are neglecting something of yourself ……maybe you’re not putting yourself first , can’t say no , pleasing people when you really don’t want to etc
I discovered I was always doing things for other people and it was causing me problems and making me grumpy and fed up and when I stopped and put myself first those dreams went away !

Yes I do find it very hard to say no to people. 😁
Hope his ear feels better soon and the infection goes away quickly 🐾