Show your crafts (WIP or finished)

What’s wrong with purple? 😢 what kind of purple are we talking about…
The green, black (or is it blue) and white one is pretty. I’m not usually a green person but it nice 👌
It's a dark blue, I hadn't realised how not-focused the photo was til after it was posted, sorry, I didn't realise my hand shake was that bad. It's actually the same dark blue as what's in the other blue/white/brown one.
The wedding is 2 weeks away today! So it's the perfect time to sort out some last minute crafts.
Personalised coathangers for my bridesmaids and my mum.
Confetti cones
Packaging up the soaps for favours
And making a replacement cake sign because the last one is too big and I never really liked it that much.
Fabulous ideas. You are so talented. Bet you are super excited now.
I would have loved these little things at my wedding! I made my main bouquet and had an artificial one for the evening - my sister doesn’t do well around flowers and it was a double wedding.

Cue 😭 in the next couple of days when I couldn’t locate my bouquet. Found out my aunt had taken it! It was kind of the norm to take a souvenir from a wedding! I did get it back eventually. I’ll post a photo tomorrow…though I feel like I may have already…

Just enjoy the day and be ready to not remember or see everything. If something goes wrong then it goes wrong. The important thing is the commitment you and your husband to be are making to each other, and what follows that big day 😚How many guests are you having?
That is amazing!! Matching up the colours and doing those gradients must have taken an age. I understand why he loves it. Just beautiful.
What do you do to finish it? Do you free motion?
I would love to free motion, but I am still terrible at it, so will probably just end up doing a straight stitch or possibly waves, but DH is pretty picky and the lack of precision when I do waves would probably distress him :xd: