Show your crafts (WIP or finished)

I love this one! Are they all individual pieces? Or are they a bit like a log cabin type piece? Either way it's fab!
Thank you.
I am enjoying working with so much colour.

It is basically just a lot of 2.5 inch strips joined together.
If you google 'french braid quilt pattern' you will find loads of examples, and it actually came together pretty fast.
Thank you.
I am enjoying working with so much colour.

It is basically just a lot of 2.5 inch strips joined together.
If you google 'french braid quilt pattern' you will find loads of examples, and it actually came together pretty fast.
Ooooh I am liking that very much, shouldn't really have googled it! I don't have enough time for the one I'm doing let alone look for the next! Although I'm wondering if I could incorporate it somewhere/somehow?!? 🤔🤔
Ooooh I am liking that very much, shouldn't really have googled it! I don't have enough time for the one I'm doing let alone look for the next! Although I'm wondering if I could incorporate it somewhere/somehow?!? 🤔🤔
I do that all the time. I have a 'follow the pattern' quilt and an 'experimental' quilt, so I can practice new techniques or add in styles or ideas that I like.
With the experimental one I just keep going until it is sort of a reasonable size, and then stop and start over again with different fabrics, colours and techniques.
Today I have managed to catch up on my stars, have decided working is overrated, I'd get so much more quilting done if I gave up school!
They are far from perfect but I am really pleased with how they have turned out and at least this week when I go to my class I can actually say I have done something!
So the next step is to add their borders and work out how I connect them to the main piece. 🤔
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Today I have managed to catch up on my stars, have decided working is overrated, I'd get so much more quilting done if I gave up school!
They are far from perfect but I am really pleased with how they have turned out and at least this week when I go to my class I can actually say I have done something!
So the next step is to add their borders and work out how I connect them to the main piece. 🤔
Very neat!
I’ve started the colourwork on one of the sleeves. I can’t decide how to finish the sleeve. I’m not sure ribbing would work in this case. Perhaps just a few rows of stockinette in brown…View attachment 219642
I'm not absolutely sure about the translation, but if you mean what I think you mean ;), that should look really good.
You just have to make sure the sleeve isn't too tight around the wrist because it won't be as elastic as ribbing. And it will roll up a bit.
I would probably do a row of purl stiches (if that's the right translation) at the beginning of the finishing part.
I'm not absolutely sure about the translation, but if you mean what I think you mean ;), that should look really good.
You just have to make sure the sleeve isn't too tight around the wrist because it won't be as elastic as ribbing. And it will roll up a bit.
I would probably do a row of purl stiches (if that's the right translation) at the beginning of the finishing part.
It fits well. I didn’t decrease as much as I usually would because it would have been tight with the colourwork. I put a lifeline in in case I want to 🐸 it
I've got a lot of ears to do in the next couple of days :eek:
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And let this be a warning to all Forum members - this is what happens when you get a pair of piggies and don't sex them correctly. The lack of ears is probably a genetic defect due to the parent piggies being closely related. :D
And let this be a warning to all Forum members - this is what happens when you get a pair of piggies and don't sex them correctly. The lack of ears is probably a genetic defect due to the parent piggies being closely related. :D
Not a trace of inbreeding going on. :inn:
Crocheted piggies are always born without ears and paws.
As you can see, the ears are coming along fine.
I probably shouldn't mention that not all of them have got paws yet.
But as soon as they are ready to leave mother wool, all of them will have 4 paws as well. :cool:

As for the number ... these piggies are part of my pignapping devence plans. They are supposed to distract @Merab's Slave and @Betsy, when they come to Vienna in a few weeks (just don't tell them about it).
The piggies are practising nipping, wriggling and jumping from great heights. And these little guys are going to help as well.
Not a trace of inbreeding going on. :inn:
Crocheted piggies are always born without ears and paws.
As you can see, the ears are coming along fine.
View attachment 219746
I probably shouldn't mention that not all of them have got paws yet.
But as soon as they are ready to leave mother wool, all of them will have 4 paws as well. :cool:
View attachment 219747

As for the number ... these piggies are part of my pignapping devence plans. They are supposed to distract @Merab's Slave and @Betsy, when they come to Vienna in a few weeks (just don't tell them about it).
The piggies are practising nipping, wiggling and jumping from great heights. And these little guys are going to help as well.
They are fab, is there a pattern that you follow? My daughter has taken up crocheting and would love to have a go.
With the wedding 14 weeks away this week has been full of wedding DIYs.
My photo booth sign just needs varnishing and our email address adding to it.
Thanks to my wonderfull bridesmaids I have 25 metres! Of rag bunting to decorate the forest with.
Table runners have been tie dyed. The photo doesn't do the colours justice but I'm really happy with how they've turned out.
Not a craft but I have spent every spare minute this week with a bottle of brasso polishing us candlesticks that I've spent the last year collecting.20230106_193659.webp
With the wedding 14 weeks away this week has been full of wedding DIYs.
My photo booth sign just needs varnishing and our email address adding to it.
View attachment 220201
Thanks to my wonderfull bridesmaids I have 25 metres! Of rag bunting to decorate the forest with.
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View attachment 220203
Table runners have been tie dyed. The photo doesn't do the colours justice but I'm really happy with how they've turned out.
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Not a craft but I have spent every spare minute this week with a bottle of brasso polishing us candlesticks that I've spent the last year collecting.View attachment 220206
Wow, I love all the decorations! Are you getting married in a forest? It looks to be a very magical wedding!
Wow, I love all the decorations! Are you getting married in a forest? It looks to be a very magical wedding!
Yeah the ceremony is in the woods and there's a field and a barn nearby for a big festival themed reception. The venue include loads of activities too so there will be crazy golf, archery, segways and a falconry display. So it's a bit eccentric and crazy but that reflects who we are.
My cousin had her Reception in Tehidy Woods in Cornwall with Traditional Cornish pasties, hand tied hawthorn decorations and a Ceilidh and it was wonderful. She wanted to get married there too but wasn't allowed.
That sounds lovely I used to go to ceilidhs a lot as a child and they're always great fun.
It all looks fabulous.
Hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful marriage

We will want pictures of the great day.
No worries once the pictures come back I'll be showing anyone with eyes. I'll be worse than when I'm showing off photos of my fur babies.