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Wow that’s great ! I love those colours together !
You’re right to feel proud of yourself 🥰🌟🌟🌟
Colour matching is one of those things it's weird to have a skill for, but I have it. Weird in the sense there's not a lot of use for it, I mean. But I love playing around with colour stuff. The bigger test is going to be if I can actually pull it off twice now, lol. Not starting another one tonight, though, I need to split the squares still.

Plus I might need to find something else - I've got enough for 24 squares, but 3x8 and 4x6 both feel on the narrow side. Might have to find something else to make a similar block with to pad out the middle.
I had to unpick a couple of squares as it was, lol. Then I got it right and took a photo of what it was meant to look like from the back - why couldn't I have started with something symmetrical, lol.
Amazing - that is seriously good Lorcan.

Thanks! I still wish I'd gone for symmetry, lol. I love how it looks, I hate how my brain switches off when I'm trying to match up wrong sides - I did the exact same thing with this as I did with the first/tester one the other day....this one at least, I unpicked the stitching to redo. I hate unpicking my stitching, I dunno how anyone else does it, but I always finish a seam with a bit of backstitch to avoid accidental unravels. That's a bit of a pain for unpicking, heh.
One down, only another 19 or 23 to go for the next section.

Main section ready to quilt, this time it's a quilt as you go technique instead of sashing blocks and doing it in one large piece.
It doesn't line up in some places but I'm being less perfectionist this time, well trying to!
I think it looks fabulous, do the seams really matter if it's lined up how you want? No-one sees the seams in the end.

I was thinking more about trying to press the seams later, anything I've done before has been smaller than this will end up being and I'm not really sure how having them slightly mismatched would work out...the seams along the squares I've been pressing flat anyway. Maybe I'm just overthinking it?

As for getting the points to match, most of them don't but then, triangles. I'm loving how it looks so far, mind you.

And yours looks amazing!
I was thinking of taking a break from quilting until after Christmas, but I couldn't do it.
The theme of the next quilt is 'bright'.
Fabric is purchased, washed, and waiting to be cut up and turned into a quilt top.
I think this one will be for my DH. He says he doesn't need a quilt, but everyone needs a quilt.

I was thinking more about trying to press the seams later, anything I've done before has been smaller than this will end up being and I'm not really sure how having them slightly mismatched would work out...the seams along the squares I've been pressing flat anyway. Maybe I'm just overthinking it?

As for getting the points to match, most of them don't but then, triangles. I'm loving how it looks so far, mind you.

And yours looks amazing!
Thank you, I think sometimes we do over think, I know some of my seams are not quite right but I'm trying to go with it..... I am also not making tiny triangle square blocks ever again! I didn't like my quilt until I added the dark border but I think I was just fed up with the section I'd been working on, it seemed to take forever.
I was thinking of taking a break from quilting until after Christmas, but I couldn't do it.
The theme of the next quilt is 'bright'.
Fabric is purchased, washed, and waiting to be cut up and turned into a quilt top.
I think this one will be for my DH. He says he doesn't need a quilt, but everyone needs a quilt.

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Everyone needs a quilt! Looking forward to seeing this one, love the colours!
Thank you, I think sometimes we do over think, I know some of my seams are not quite right but I'm trying to go with it..... I am also not making tiny triangle square blocks ever again! I didn't like my quilt until I added the dark border but I think I was just fed up with the section I'd been working on, it seemed to take forever.

It's not putting me off at all but I think my next one will be using squares and rectangles as some kind of cross, lol. This one is going to be wider than I thought it would be, which is good. Might still need an extra couple of squares to make it an acceptable length, but I'll see when I've got more together.

Mum was on at me about the points and I'm like...yes. The triangle seams are pressed clockwise because that's how I'd sewn it, with the squares pressed open. It's going to be a bit skewed. "Well no point in asking me, I don't do triangles." I can't work out if I'm more miffed she's assuming I'm skipping the pinning it together part, or if it's because she's apparently complaining about the pattern I'm following. Not my fault it was easier to follow than the ones she sent me, lol.
So my mother and I have had a conversation that was useful. I've been pressing seams wrong, pinning wrong, plus others, but she's finally explained why it's wrong and how to do it right. I don't remember how to do it right, mind you, but that's my fault and not hers. So I'm about ½ inch too short for each block's side and some fabric has been tucked in because of bad pressing and I'm not even mad, lol. She's said she'll get me one or two patchwork/quilting books for birthday/Christmas because there's some good ones out there and I should be using the scary looking foot and not the standard stitch one. 🤷‍♂️

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-14 at 20.46.40.webp

(that's not a joined 4x4 square, but I felt like I needed to add a photo to the post)
So my mother and I have had a conversation that was useful. I've been pressing seams wrong, pinning wrong, plus others, but she's finally explained why it's wrong and how to do it right. I don't remember how to do it right, mind you, but that's my fault and not hers. So I'm about ½ inch too short for each block's side and some fabric has been tucked in because of bad pressing and I'm not even mad, lol. She's said she'll get me one or two patchwork/quilting books for birthday/Christmas because there's some good ones out there and I should be using the scary looking foot and not the standard stitch one. 🤷‍♂️

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(that's not a joined 4x4 square, but I felt like I needed to add a photo to the post)
Scary looking foot? I use a foot with a 1/4" guide on it.
I have these two:

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-14 at 19.27.36.webp

But I wasn't sure which one was better or more appropriate and I have a serious problem with asking for help. That's why I end up sort of...working it out as I go. It's not that I don't want help, but asking for it has historically been problematic and then I get left to work it out anyway. Now I'm an adult and I usually skip the asking step.

(welcome to why Mum and I have these "disagreements", it's my fault as much as hers though).

My other problem is I could watch Youtube videos except I can't. I can't watch and listen and work through it at the same time, and it's the watch step that my brain skips. How my teenage self managed to get any GCSEs is an absolute miracle because I am not fun to teach at all. But I'll get it done.
I have these two:

View attachment 214645

But I wasn't sure which one was better or more appropriate and I have a serious problem with asking for help. That's why I end up sort of...working it out as I go. It's not that I don't want help, but asking for it has historically been problematic and then I get left to work it out anyway. Now I'm an adult and I usually skip the asking step.

(welcome to why Mum and I have these "disagreements", it's my fault as much as hers though).

My other problem is I could watch Youtube videos except I can't. I can't watch and listen and work through it at the same time, and it's the watch step that my brain skips. How my teenage self managed to get any GCSEs is an absolute miracle because I am not fun to teach at all. But I'll get it done.
The one on the left looks like my guide one, I find it really helpful.
I'm not great with YouTube videos either, however my daughter is teaching herself to crochet from them.
The one on the left is the ¼" quilt piecing guide, and on the right is the ¼" quilting foot. Not that I really understand the difference. I taught myself most of the crafting stuff I do from books, so I'm looking forward to getting books again.
Current WIP which will be a gift. Much swearing at my machine which isn't being kind to me today but it's getting there.View attachment 214760
Gorgeous - can I ask what pattern it is please.
I have some beautiful skull fabric for a little girl, and this would be the perfect make.
Thanks Kelly - I thought as much, but wanted to check before I buy the pattern.

Pretty much all my patterns are waves and wild. Annoyingly when they relaunched I didn't repurchase it so I had to print and stick it all together which I hate doing
During the first covid lockdown I crocheted this cardigan. Originally I had been planning to do it with a different, more expansive wool, but I wasn't quite sure about the pattern, so I did a trial run. It was a good thing, because I wasn't very pleased with the outcome.
Last time I wore it, I decided that it could be a good idea to change it into a wrap around cardigan.
I think that was the right decision. :D