Pepper & Pringles Thread

He is! We went to vets yesterday to discuss his medication (and get some more!) and the vet agreed to slowly wean him off emprid, she also extended his baytril by a few days to make sure the UTI duly clears ans we are to start reducing CC by 10% each day! He was 1kg yesterday so we are hoping for some more gains today!
Aw look at Pringle looking after him. Bill stayed by Ted’s side after his first GA dental. I was never sure if it was true devotion or cupboard love knowing there was all that extra food going spare 😁

Hope he is feeling better soon x
I haven’t been on in a while but have been thinking of Pepper. How is he doing?
He is getting there, still on but meds he weighs 1033g today so still has atleast 100g to gain! He is starting to get a bit fiesty with the syringe feeding again but seems to be eating lots of hay!