Pepper & Pringles Thread

The boys and I are having a sleepover and pig dads mums this evening as she only lives 30mins from the cat and rabbit clinic, pepper has an appointment tomorrow at 10:10 so we can hopefully get to the bottom of why he isn’t regaining much weight! 8D78166C-FDB4-41B9-9752-D81620B27286.webp
We didn’t get any answers unfortunately, it could be a few things but only a CT scan or X rays would show it and I don’t want to put him under again. His teeth look fine, tummy, kidneys and bladder are not showing any pain. Even with a scan I don’t think their is anything they would be able to do, for the moment his is on tramadol and we hope he can start to maintain his weight on his own
Hellos forum friends it’s been over a month since I’ve updated P&Ps thread, I’ve been very busy with work and we have just come back from a lovely trip to Canada!

The boys were doing well pepper was maintaining a good weight in his own! When we picked the boys up from the boarders I have felt a lump under Pringles chin! It seems to be a loose lump so I hope it’s nothing serious, I’ll be calling the vets first thing on Monday to get him booked in!

Here are some pictures of the boys happy to be home!
Lovely photos - hopefully Pringle’s lump is just one of those pesky fatty ones ❤️
Welcome back. I’ve missed the boys. Hope Peppers lump is nothing serious. 🤞🏻
Thanks everyone, hoping it is just a fatty lump as well, I will weigh him tomorrow morning to make sure he hasn’t lost any (although he did have a few grams to lose!) Pringle has never been to the vets for anything other than itchy skin and a haypoke so I’m sure he will be very unimpressed!
So Pepper is peeing bloody again, last night I could tell something wasn’t right he looked uncomfortable, he has been drinking a lot since he was unwell but we were not sure if that was down to the hot weather, he was in a mess this morning covered in wee, and now we have a few spots of blood. He’s 920g which is about 100g down, so we will be discussing the options with the vet tomorrow, he is far to weak and small for any tests.
I’m heartbroken
I hope lovely Pepper gets on ok tomorro - sending you and Pepper lots of love and healing vibes ❤️❤️
I’m so sad to hear this but Pepper knows it’s his time
Sending much love
This is the hardest but most caring thing you can do for Pepper
We are all with you
Oh no I’m so sorry. Sending you massive hugs. Such a hard decision but the greatest final gift. Enjoy the greenest grass over the bridge gorgeous Pepper.
Oh no! Pepper knows the Rainbow Bridge is calling his name and needs you to help send him there that is why he's let you know. Enjoy it at the Rainbow Bridge and make lots of new friends gorgeous boy. Have lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: