Minnou’s piggies

For pete's sake!

You cannot have any fun, tiny spy holes/windows in any of their cardboard boxes. Why? Because Gaia will chew on them until the hole is just a bit bigger than her head, then try to squeeze her entire girth through it, get stuck and have a fit!

I thought I could hear her chewing on a box in the backroom and pushing it about until, thinking she was being unusually rowdy, went to have a look and found her stuck in a box window. Head inside, entire booty outside the box, walking around with the box around her neck.

Then she screamed when I tried to free her.

She was doing just fine until I intervened, apparently.... 🙄

Gaia: Well, I was....
*Minerva SUDDENLY appearing in the middle of the living room*

Minerva: "ahem.... WHEEKWHEEKWHEEKWHEEKWHEEKWHEEKWHEEK! 'Kay, bye! *runs out*

Me: O-O

No, wait, tell me more! What's wrong!? Is the house on fire? Did Timmy fall down the well? Has Gaia got her fat butt stuck somewhere again!?

Gaia: "I've only done that 7 or 8 times!"
It was time for another dreaded Gaia fur cut (because it looked like she was dragging a lifeless Cousin Itt beneath her and sporting a 60s beehive on her butt).

She hates the whole affair and yells at me the whole time.

Poor Minerva kept stepping into the room out of concern for Gaia and kept running around wheeking.

Gaia got over it very quickly though.

Gaia: 'I remember getting some apple, the rest is all a blur..... Why do I feel lighter now!?'
For whatever reason, Gaia trots around better when she has had a furcut.

Normally, if you watch her from behind, her back legs look splayed impossibly far apart, like she's doing the splits as she runs. And I'm left feeling that she should be on a diet of some sort as her being being too fat for her little legs to carry her must be the only explanation.

But watching her go today, she'd stopped splaying and was running like a normal-ish guinea-pig. :hmm:
Maybe it's the extra weight of the fur weighing her down?🤔

I keep meaning to weigh the fluff piles I take off her but it's too late as I chucked it all in the bin. In the Spring, I'll leave it outside with a sign saying 'Free Samples!' for the birds for their nests. But I should only be taking a few measly grams off her anyway.

Maybe the hair around and inbetween her legs just alters her gait a little, like a nappy on a toddler.

Speaking of her legs, I took more fur off the front than I usually do and now I can see just how haughtily she stands when she's staring me down. :xd: :xd:
Bought them some new bobble bath mats and washed them before first use.

The girls seem to have realised they are new and are viewing them with great suspicion. Gaia is also wiping her toot all over them to make them more acceptable.

Gaia: "........ unforgiveable!...... lousy Slave creating more work for me....*scent-marking intensifies*
I lean over into the cage with my arms spread open like I'm going in for a hug, then I call Gaia over and she comes.

She then headbutts me in chin, headbutts my hands away if I try to stroke her and then literally walks all over me.

At first it may seem as though she wants affection/wants to give affection but really she's just looking for an opportunity to beat me up. 😭
Minerva has bestowed arm-lickings upon me! Before nipping me.

Minerva: *lick*lick*lick*....... *nibble*

Me: HEY!

Minerva in all her wide-eyed innocence: 'What?'

Minerva: *lick*lick*lick*....... *nibble*

Me: HEY!

I now have two marks on my arms that look like bee stings.

They both shut me out of everything. I give them nice strokes and they both lay down, nose-to-nose, shut their eyes and pretend I'm not there whilst they look like they're making out!
Would you believe that Gaia is sweeter than honey? .......but only when I'm carrying a big pile of fresh grass for her. 🙄

Her eyes twinkle, she makes the happy purr/rumble noise, does the 'food dance' and accepts nose smooches for her grass.