Teenage Guinea Pig
Dear Minerva and Gaia
There was an Emergency Meeting of the GPU at short notice and we would like to say:_
"Congratulations!" You have been awarded the very first GPU Gold Medal in Slave Training! To train your Slave into giving you treats and then making it clear that you will not fall for her desensitizing antics definitely needs to be rewarded!
Your friend in a crisis
Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,
Our thanks to you and the GPU for bestowing this honour upon us! I (Gaia) do graciously accept both gold medals and will also wear both of them as Minerva will only lose hers when she runs behind the sofa and plays 'can't catch me!' with the Slave.
We did secure a lot of treats today so we can't be bothered moving, could someone deliver the medals to us and tell our Slave they are meant for us, not her (though she should know this...)
Wheeks and kisses,
Gaia and Minerva