Minnou’s piggies

I've decided the often tatty states of their butts is because of their pee battles when they're in season. Squirting pee through their fur is probably what is causing the semi-regular matting because I clean their cage and change their bath matts etc way too often for them to get into such a state.

They going to have to submit themselves to daily butt brushing if they're going to be mingers all the time. But neither of them have ever liked being brushed/combed so I bought them one of those soft bristle, anti-tangle brushes.

Tried it on Gaia and despite it going through her fur a lot easier, she still hates it.

Minerva... now has a brush kink.

I was doing her butt and she started quietly rumbling and presenting her butt to me, the butt getting higher and higher each time. The little fruit.... 🫢
Generally they're not allowed to have floor time in the living room and Minerva sneaks in there any chance she gets.

When it was time for them to go back in their cage, they decided it was time to go live under the sideboard in the dining room and whilst I was busy trying to coax Gaia out, Minerva went around me and scuttled off through the kitchen.

I knew if I'd forgotten to shut the living room door, she'd be in there. And she was... sat near the chair, trying to work her way into a caramel chocolate from the Cadburys Roses tub. 🤨
Well it was gorgeous and sunny and warm outside so I put the girls out in the run and put my washing out.

They slithered in and out of the various shelters, doing their best to avoid being out-outside. Typical.

But then it suddenly - very suddenly! - got dark and starting chucking it down; I mean the rain was bouncing off the floor and I ran out to rescue them but did expect them to be mostly dry because they'd be under one of the shelters.

Wrong. That would have been the sensible thing to do, instead they were both running around in the rain, getting soaked and panicking. :doh:

I went in to grab them and they both ran around even more.

Gaia: 'SEE? I knew not to trust the Slave! This is an outdoor shower! She has probably got some of Sham's Poo with her as well! RUN!'

I caught them both eventually....

Here's some pigtures of the damp idiots.


Minerva was last inside.


Gaia looking bedraggled.


Too close, Gaia. XD


Scampering off in opposite directions, butts in perfect alignment.


Demonic piggy.

Minerva "I will kill you with my laser eyes!"
Gaia... If looks could kill!
I always thought you were exaggerating about Gaia .... But now I've seen a recent picture.....🤔🤣
It's lovely to see them, they've grown up so pretty ❤️
Minerva "I will kill you with my laser eyes!"
Gaia... If looks could kill!
I always thought you were exaggerating about Gaia .... But now I've seen a recent picture.....🤔🤣
It's lovely to see them, they've grown up so pretty ❤️
Exaggerating what about Gaia? 😇

Which pigture specifically made you believe me? 😆

They are pretty... They have to get by on their looks because they're not academically gifted.
Well it was gorgeous and sunny and warm outside so I put the girls out in the run and put my washing out.

They slithered in and out of the various shelters, doing their best to avoid being out-outside. Typical.

But then it suddenly - very suddenly! - got dark and starting chucking it down; I mean the rain was bouncing off the floor and I ran out to rescue them but did expect them to be mostly dry because they'd be under one of the shelters.

Wrong. That would have been the sensible thing to do, instead they were both running around in the rain, getting soaked and panicking. :doh:

I went in to grab them and they both ran around even more.

Gaia: 'SEE? I knew not to trust the Slave! This is an outdoor shower! She has probably got some of Sham's Poo with her as well! RUN!'

I caught them both eventually....

Here's some pigtures of the damp idiots.

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Minerva was last inside.

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Gaia looking bedraggled.

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Too close, Gaia. XD

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Scampering off in opposite directions, butts in perfect alignment.

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Demonic piggy.

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Damp - and cross 😡😄
Damp - and cross 😡😄
It's their fault for deciding to run around in it and not stay under the shelter! 😆

Also it's Minerva's fault I put them both outside in the first place; if she hadn't been doing zoomies I would never have entertained the idea they might like to run around outside in the sun.
I thought you were exaggerating about Gaia having a vendetta against you (or the whole hooman race?)
Picture 3
That's a serious stare...
Uh oh you're in trouble!

Dear Minerva and Gaia

I have just heard your Slave tried to drown you today! What terrible treatment. She calls herself a loving owner? I don't think so! Fancy leaving you out in the rain! No wonder you didn't want to be caught you were scared and frightened by the downpour hitting you like knives and then your Slave comes along and scares you even more by attempting to pick you up. Doesn't she realised that as prey animals we DO NOT LIKE BEING PICKED UP? When she got you inside, did she have a nice soft, warm blanket to dry you off? I don't hear any mention of one. She just took pictures of you both looking soggy and she blames you both for getting wet to try and shift her feeling of guilt for letting you get completely soaked.

I wouldn't stand for any of this appalling treatment.

You need to:
  • Carry on giving death stares and serious side eye
  • Ignore any snacks she gives you for a short while (difficult I know but needs must)
  • Start bar chewing as Slaves find the noise it makes very relaxing
  • Wheak loudly at any given opportunity particularly when your Slave is on the phone or is watching the box in the corner with lights and sounds.
Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Uh oh you're in trouble!

Dear Minerva and Gaia

I have just heard your Slave tried to drown you today! What terrible treatment. She calls herself a loving owner? I don't think so! Fancy leaving you out in the rain! No wonder you didn't want to be caught you were scared and frightened by the downpour hitting you like knives and then your Slave comes along and scares you even more by attempting to pick you up. Doesn't she realised that as prey animals we DO NOT LIKE BEING PICKED UP? When she got you inside, did she have a nice soft, warm blanket to dry you off? I don't hear any mention of one. She just took pictures of you both looking soggy and she blames you both for getting wet to try and shift her feeling of guilt for letting you get completely soaked.

I wouldn't stand for any of this appalling treatment.

You need to:
  • Carry on giving death stares and serious side eye
  • Ignore any snacks she gives you for a short while (difficult I know but needs must)
  • Start bar chewing as Slaves find the noise it makes very relaxing
  • Wheak loudly at any given opportunity particularly when your Slave is on the phone or is watching the box in the corner with lights and sounds.
Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble,

Minerva and I do humbly thank you for your concern. It was an awful day! One minute I was having my nap disturbed by Minerva galloping around place and the next I was carried outside. I don't like being outside, even if there is fresh grass to eat; I like my grass to be delivered to me in my bed (which it was this morning, that was good enough). I let the Slave know I wasn't happy by running under a box and refusing to come out. Minerva... well you know what Minerva is like! I thought she would sit under the box in solidarity with me but instead she ran from one to the other and even went trotting around out in the open! She seemed like she was sort of enjoying herself so I decided to show a stiff upper lip and sat under my box without complaining too much...

Then, horror upon horror! Water began to fall from the great above! It fell very fast and hard. We both panicked and ran and it looked like the Slave was panicking too as she was also running... towards us! So we ran even more. The Slave caught me first and tucked me inside the things she uses to cover her body (she doesn't have any fur, does your Slave have any fur?) and I'll admit it was nice being warm and dry in there despite my complaints. She tried to get Minerva as well but Minerva was being her usual slippery self so the Slave hurriedly got me back inside the house then went back for Minerva.

There was worse to come, however! She tried to dry us with soft towels but as much as we both hate being wet, we also hate someone else trying to dry us. So we complained, fought our way out of the towels and ran. Then we noticed our playground had been set up in one of the rooms and that there were snacks so that made us happier and we divided our time between eating and correcting our fur. We did notice the Slave waving her 'phone' thing about and trying to 'get pigtures' as she calls them, so we gave her dirty looks. More so when she had a snack which wasn't being shared in a timely manner.

So, Minerva and I are dry once again and our fur hasn't been ruined. We've done our cardio for the day, had various snacks, complained a bit but are otherwise feeling content. However, when the Slave enters the room, we turn our backs on her and poop in her direction. This is merely the beginning of our planned punishment.

Wheeks and kisses,

Gaia and Minerva
How does one get their guinea pigs to understand that bell peppers are NOT the devil?

Gaia actually tasted one for the first time ever but that's only because she didn't stop to think about it; she knew I had something for her, raced over and wrapped her whole mouth around the bit of pepper - froze - then slowly opened her jaws and reversed until the offending item was no longer in her mouth - sniffed it - then went 'That is not food...'

Minerva just sniffed at her piece and also decided it was not food.

Why won't they eat peppers? 😭
How does one get their guinea pigs to understand that bell peppers are NOT the devil?

Gaia actually tasted one for the first time ever but that's only because she didn't stop to think about it; she knew I had something for her, raced over and wrapped her whole mouth around the bit of pepper - froze - then slowly opened her jaws and reversed until the offending item was no longer in her mouth - sniffed it - then went 'That is not food...'

Minerva just sniffed at her piece and also decided it was not food.

Why won't they eat peppers? 😭
My mouth fell open reading this. For Rosie and Lily, bell pepper is addiction in the shape of a vegetable:yikes:
My mouth fell open reading this. For Rosie and Lily, bell pepper is addiction in the shape of a vegetable:yikes:
Here I can use bell peppers to ward them off things - like garlic is to vampires. I can lay slices of bell pepper on the ground to create boundaries not to be crossed at their peril.
Dear Gaia and Minerva

We love bell pepper, red, green, yellow we love any colour we aren't fussy!

Please send your offensive pepper to:-

The Penthouse Suite
Betsy Towers
The Hutch
The Garage

Yours in anticipation

Thea, Misty and Bramble
The girls should just move in next door to mine and eat all the things Gaia & Minerva turn their noses up at; pretty much every veg/herb/certain grasses are on the list so they'd be well fed here. 😮‍💨
Dear @Minnou

We are very comfortable living in the Penthouse Suite at Betsy Towers and have lots of yummy food so won't be moving in next to Gaia and Minerva but thank you very much for your kind offer of accommodation.

Thea, Misty and Bramble
Darn it, I need influential piggies to get these two to eat proper. 😆

Not Miss Bramble though; Gaia is scary enough on her own without extra tuition from Miss Bramble. 😱
Not Miss Bramble though; Gaia is scary enough on her own without extra tuition from Miss Bramble. 😱
Don't forget that Miss Bramble learnt her stuff from The One and Only Thea who had the best Mentor of them all the founder of the GPU The Ever Beautiful Betsy. The One and Only Thea was quite formidable in her time as GPU Rep too!
The Beastie Boys are willing to live with some lady pigs...... especially beautiful ones
"Boys, those plums will have to come off"

The Beastie Boys are not willing to live with some ladypigs, even beautiful ones...🤣
The Beastie Boys are willing to live with some lady pigs...... especially beautiful ones
"Boys, those plums will have to come off"

The Beastie Boys are not willing to live with some ladypigs, even beautiful ones...🤣

Think of the offspring... :yikes:

Hirsute and handsome with Gaia's drive for world domination and Master Boris' assets...

Takes a lot of willpower and big balls to take over the universe.