Minnou’s piggies

I offended Her Majesty again 🤪

She was bumbling about during floor time and wandered over to me to see if I had anything she could cadge off me. Since she was close and still, I took the opportunity to slowly and gently catch her and check her paws in case her nails needed doing or anything.

Well, she screamed the place down and that worried Minerva so Gaia was screaming in my lap while Minerva was literally doing laps of the room and wheeking for Gaia's sake.

I give Gaia a quick check, pet her a little whilst she was sat on my lap and then she bit me. 🧛‍♀️

I scolded her and put her back on the floor and then she and Minerva went back to trying to hump each other. 🙄
Had family around again and the girls got to NOT enjoy some lap time.

Seeing the girls weren't enjoying themselves, one said they'd probably run as fast as their little legs could carry them if we were to put them on the floor and then they suggested we race them.

So, we stepped out of the living room and put them on the floor of the hallway at the same time, to see who would get back to the back room/dining first. My money was on Minerva because Gaia can be a bit of a ditz and is hefty fuzzbutt.

Gaia sped off in the right direction, Minerva did a u-turn and ran back into the room she was supposed to be escaping from.

Dang it, Minerva.... 🙄
The dreaded nail trim time...

*scoops up Gaia and places her in our usual nail-trimming spot with a bright lamp on so I can see the quick in each nail*

Of course Gaia knows what is going on and chooses to be dramatic...

*stands with her paws on my chest looking up at me, pleading for her life*

Gaia: "Nooooo! Pwease don't do this to me, Slave! I'll be good! I swear on Minerva's life!" 😭

*deftly trims each nail in 2 minutes with no issues and picks her up again to return her to her bed*

Gaia: "Oh... was that it? Well then..... TAKE THIS! >:c *begins furiously kicking and scrambling and mauling my arm all over* TAKE THAT! *bites* AND THIS! *bites* AND THIS ONE IS FOR MINERVA! *bites*

*sets Gaia down*

Gaia: *one solitary popcorn*


It's too early for this level of senseless drama and violence. 😒
How do those of you with long-coat guinea pigs manage? 😭

I try to gently comb the knots out of Gaia's hair but she won't sit still for it, tugs away and ends up getting her hair pulled and then she cries and legs it, often with the comb still stuck in her fur which sees her doing crazy laps around the house with it whilst chattering her teeth.
Mine are all short haired, but maybe a haircut could help?
Just shave a massive bald spot in that one spot. 👍

She only really gets tangled in one specific area and it's quite high up; practically on her back and away from her toot and bumhole. It's bizarre...

She will be getting a very short, full body summer trim when the temperatures pick up a bit again (and when that chainmail armour I ordered is delivered).
That has it's own issues doesn't it @Minnou ?😂🤣😂🤣
It does. The issue is something has teeth and a temper. 🤣
How do those of you with long-coat guinea pigs manage? 😭

I try to gently comb the knots out of Gaia's hair but she won't sit still for it, tugs away and ends up getting her hair pulled and then she cries and legs it, often with the comb still stuck in her fur which sees her doing crazy laps around the house with it whilst chattering her teeth.
I’ve never had a long haired piggy so can’t offer any advice or tips sorry.
How do those of you with long-coat guinea pigs manage? 😭
Just do a little bit at a time, at the same time every day and they get used to it. I get my three out every morning before their breakfast for a cuddle, Thea first, then Misty and finally feisty Miss Bramble. Usually, Bramble will only let me untangle a little bit and other days she's fine with a full untangle. If she's in the mood for "you're not combing me today Slave, think again, I has teeth you know!" I only do a little bit and then carry on the next day where I left off. All three of them always get Coriander after a cuddle/untangling session. Then they have their breakfast in the run. Bramble is quite good at letting me cut her fur with scissors (have yet to try the all over Grade 4 Bikini Bod with the clippers).
Just do a little bit at a time, at the same time every day and they get used to it. I get my three out every morning before their breakfast for a cuddle, Thea first, then Misty and finally feisty Miss Bramble. Usually, Bramble will only let me untangle a little bit and other days she's fine with a full untangle. If she's in the mood for "you're not combing me today Slave, think again, I has teeth you know!" I only do a little bit and then carry on the next day where I left off. All three of them always get Coriander after a cuddle/untangling session. Then they have their breakfast in the run. Bramble is quite good at letting me cut her fur with scissors (have yet to try the all over Grade 4 Bikini Bod with the clippers).
And if she doesn't want to even see the comb let alone be untangled a bit at a time?

The only thing sufficient enough to bribe/reward her with would be apple and she can't have that every day. :c

I'm sure everyone is dying to see Miss Bramble's bikini bod so hopefully she will allow you to do that. 🤣
Can you buy baby gates which are designed to keep guinea pigs out? 😭

Minerva is quite adament that the living room is her territory and keeps trying to enter it. I like watching her try so have kept the living room door open but created a little wall with stacks of cooking books so I can watch what they're getting up to in the hallway.

Minerva just climbs over the book wall instead. 🤣
And if she doesn't want to even see the comb let alone be untangled a bit at a time?
You gotta love a feisty piggy! Try a baby brush to get her used to the feel of the brush on her fur, then when she is used to that add in one stroke with the comb and build up from there.
Can you buy baby gates which are designed to keep guinea pigs out? 😭

Minerva is quite adament that the living room is her territory and keeps trying to enter it. I like watching her try so have kept the living room door open but created a little wall with stacks of cooking books so I can watch what they're getting up to in the hallway.

Minerva just climbs over the book wall instead. 🤣
C&C grids?
C&C grids?
Never even thought about them but then I think she'd just topple them somehow.

It's funny watching how determined she is though. She keeps running from the back room/dining room, through the kitchen, through the hallway, just to get rumbled trying to clamber over the books. Does some stroppy looking bounces then runs back to the back room then returns again. 🤣
Can you buy baby gates which are designed to keep guinea pigs out? 😭

Minerva is quite adament that the living room is her territory and keeps trying to enter it. I like watching her try so have kept the living room door open but created a little wall with stacks of cooking books so I can watch what they're getting up to in the hallway.

Minerva just climbs over the book wall instead. 🤣
Clever girl Minerva
My haircut advice, is the same as Betsy. I quickly learnt that Basil preferred a baby brush, and little & often haircuts- we did much better when I brought proper smallish grooming scissors. I used a grass pile to keep him occupied. Basil was very adept at karate kicks.
Basil, left us with an almost summer ready haircut!
Here’s the mess after round one photo…

It’s possible to get fabric gates that you pull accross, but they have no strength in them and a guinea pig could just push underneath! I think C&C with something heavy behind it might be your best bet- if you really want to keep her out!

Good luck 🍀🍀
Dear @Minnou

You can join @weepweeps and @fluffysal on the Wall of Shame FOREVER for that comment! And @Sweet Potato can give you back the Cup of Disgrace and you can also wear the Bucket of Shame! Gaia is just a large lady that is all. The Founder of The GPU The Ever Beautiful Betsy was 1448g at one time and she wasn't fat. There is nothing wrong with a chunky lady.

Yours very disappointed with you!

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia

How disrespectful is your Slave?!? It's one thing posting a lady's weight on the Forum for all to see but then she asks everyone if you are fat! What was she thinking? You aren't fat you are just a chunky lady. Nothing wrong with that! As you can see above the Founder of the Forum weighed more than you and she just pleasantly plump.

I would make your Slave pay dearly for what she has done so I've sent you a wheekmail detailing everything that you and Minerva need to do. I won't put the details on here as she will know what you are going to do. Forewarned is forearmed as they say. She will know when you have started to follow the instructions.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear @Minnou

You can join @weepweeps and @fluffysal on the Wall of Shame FOREVER for that comment! And @Sweet Potato can give you back the Cup of Disgrace and you can also wear the Bucket of Shame! Gaia is just a large lady that is all. The Founder of The GPU The Ever Beautiful Betsy was 1448g at one time and she wasn't fat. There is nothing wrong with a chunky lady.

Yours very disappointed with you!

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Sorry, Miss Bramble. 😭

I only asked because several sources online have told me that a healthy weight for a female guinea pig is much lower; some even saying it should be around 700-900g. I don't mind Gaia being chunky (I actually threaten to set her on people a lot and the larger she is, the more intimidating she is) but I also don't want her to be obese and suffer health complications because of it. 😭

(And I feel like I'm in good company being on the Wall of Shame actually!) 🤣
Dear Gaia,
How very dare your slave suggest that you might be fat!
Be assured that both of us are bigger than you (obviously because we are hunky chunks of boarliness!) and we enjoy the sight of a lady piggy with a lovely ample bottom. As far as we are concerned it means there's more of you to love.
Yours with kisses and rumbles,
The Beastie Boys,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris ❤️💋