Minnou’s piggies

I think I upset Minerva. 😆

I was looking for places she might enjoy a good scritch and a lot of dogs love having a good scritch around their upper hind leg - it's like a tickle spot. So I gave Minerva some gentle scritches around that spot to see if it works for guinea-pigs too and if she'd like it.

Well, she flopped on the floor and presented her butt to me but at the same time, slowly turned her around with her teeth bared at me the whole time and she looked like a velociraptor. 😆

Minerva is a good girl and never bites anyone (unlike 'Bitey McBiteFace' Gaia) but I think she wanted to. 😆
Gaia takes relaxation to the extreme; caught her splooting and eating from her bowl at the same time.

She could only just reach her food on account of her body positioning but it's the weekend and standing is overated.
Oh dear God, Minerva made the velociraptor face again. 😆

I serve their large grass pile on a dish drying mat to prevent their cage liners from getting damp from the grass and I leave it in there until almost everything has been gobbled.

Anyway, I wanted to remove the mat to dry it and Minerva was flopped down nearby with one of the corners, literally a fingernail sized piece, underneath her belly so I pet her head then slowly dragged the mat away because I didn't want her to feel like she needed to stand up if she was comfy.... the face on her. 😆

She slowly turned her head with her teeth on full display again. No chattering, just murderous looks and showing off her weapons of mass destruction. I don't know what reaction she is hoping for but I usually just end up laughing out loud at her.

A little stroke on the nose and the teeth go away.
What a diva she is!
A video I watched on guinea pig behaviour said that showing teeth/no chattering is a sign of annoyance and they do it quite infrequently and they almost never do it to humans; only towards other guinea pigs.

So I feel honoured in a way....

But they're both divas and in different ways. It's entertaining. 😆
To calm down Miss Troublemaker (Bramble) I give her a good old head scritch between the eyes. I can tell she likes it cos her eyes half close and she immediately relaxes. I can imagine her thinking "thaaaaat.....feeeeels....sooooooo niiiiiiice!"
How many fingers did you lose before you figured out how/where she liked to be petted?

Minerva likes a good head scritch as well. I do a tri-attack; index finger behind one ear, middle finger behind the other and a thumb along her nose and between her eyes.

Gaia prefers flat palm strokes from her head to the booty. She tends to sploot when she gets one of those.
How many fingers did you lose before you figured out how/where she liked to be petted?

Minerva likes a good head scritch as well. I do a tri-attack; index finger behind one ear, middle finger behind the other and a thumb along her nose and between her eyes.

Gaia prefers flat palm strokes from her head to the booty. She tends to sploot when she gets one of those.
Surprisingly none! She was particularly unimpressed and angry with me one day for giving her a bit of a hurty groom and I'd tried cheeky rubs and chinny rubs which usually work to calm down the most fractious of piggies (it worked on the Ever Beautiful Betsy who was beautiful but a right moody cow I really don't know how Cutey Pie Dennis put up with her except that it was love at first sight). I just gave it a go and it was like having a different piggy in about a second.

Here are Betsy 🌈 and Dennis 🌈 sharing the love.

Betsy _ Dennis 2.webp
Minerva is beginning to understand what a shopping bag is used for.

I got them out for a little morning, pre-grass pile wander and forgot I needed something from the shops, so I left them to it, got what I needed and was back home within 15 minutes. Plonked the shopping bag down on the floor in the hallway and it wasn't long before Minerva was there, circling it.

Then she trotted over to the doorway and proceeded to wheek at me.

Which set Gaia off in another room.

Then they both cornered me in the kichen until I gave them something. 😭
At the moment, nothing amuses me more than watching Gaia groom herself, get a mouthful of fur and then get mildly annoyed when it sticks to her tongue and between her teeth as she tries to spit it all out. (Such a lady...)

She prefers having fur for lunch than being brushed though. 🙄
Gaia has what we call 'a magic elevator'

When floor time is over, I always go after Minerva first because she is the one who is most likely to go on the run like the dangerous desperado she believes she is.

Gaia will watch me wrangle Minerva and put her to bed and then she will casually stroll over to 'the magic elevator' - which is their red, plastic tunnel - get inside it and stubbornly wait for it to teleport her to her bed before hopping out and demanding a snack.

I know for a fact she does this to minimize the amount of time I spend holding her and giving her kisses and cuddles. 🙄

Eats 7 peaflakes in the time it takes Minerva to eat 1.

Literally slurps up pieces of apple - I don't think she even chews them.

I took her to see the next door neighbour who also has a guinea pig and she thought Gaia was a puppy because she's such a chonk. She is bigger than the boar next door.

Someone else can tell Gaia she needs to go on a diet or take up jogging because I'm not. :flag:
Heard the furious skitter-skattering of paws and went to investigate.

Minerva had tried to exit a box through the small 'window' Gaia had chewed into it as opposed to using the door, gotten stuck halfway and was taking the box on a wild ride.

Once freed, she then got herself stuck between a mop bucket and the downstairs toilet. 👏
Aw, bless her. How long did it take to stop laughing enough to rescue her?

I didn't get to laugh at her for more than a few seconds before she popped out of both traps on her own. 😆

Minerva is clearly not living up to her namesake who was the Goddess of Wisdom!

I know... I should've waited at least 1 year before naming them, to see how they matured (they didn't). 😓

Or, I should've named them Humpty (Gaia) and Dumpty (Minerva).
Gaia is engaged in a mighty battle to pull free a piece of hay which has taken her fancy. The hay is stuck under something heavy; Gaia. She is sat on it. She'll be there for hours, never figuring out why that one piece of hay won't just let her eat it.
Had a wander into Pets At Home today... I didn't need anything, I just like to go in and gush over the baby piggies if there are any.

There was an adorable little teddy guinea pig in there today with pink eyes. Gaia & Minerva almost became aunties.

Also I just do not remember my two ever being that small. 😭
There was an adorable little teddy guinea pig in there today with pink eyes. Gaia & Minerva almost became aunties.
You'll be back there tomorrow and Gaia and Minerva will be aunties.

Was the adorable little teddy guinea pig with pink eyes an adorable little boy or an adorable little girl?
You'll be back there tomorrow and Gaia and Minerva will be aunties.

Was the adorable little teddy guinea pig with pink eyes an adorable little boy or an adorable little girl?

I didn't ask the staff but my gut is telling me they're all male... for whatever reason, the PaH closest to me almost always only has males in whenever I visit, or, the males vastly outnumber the females. My second closest PaH, always has an abundance of females when I visit and I got Gaia and Minerva from that one.

However broody I'm feeling, I won't spring a whippersnapper on the girls, just in case they hate it. There is also the bigger concern that Gaia might like it, take it under her wing and train it up to be a hooman-hating, murder fuzzball and it's not worth the risk. 😬
I didn't ask the staff but my gut is telling me they're all male... for whatever reason, the PaH closest to me almost always only has males in whenever I visit, or, the males vastly outnumber the females. My second closest PaH, always has an abundance of females when I visit and I got Gaia and Minerva from that one.

However broody I'm feeling, I won't spring a whippersnapper on the girls, just in case they hate it. There is also the bigger concern that Gaia might like it, take it under her wing and train it up to be a hooman-hating, murder fuzzball and it's not worth the risk. 😬
They won't be a whippersnapper just a young piggie looking for guidance of older Aunties. If it's a girl, no problem, if it's a boy just have him live alongside until old enough for the plum fairy, then 6 weeks later in with the Aunties ..... Simples!
They won't be a whippersnapper just a young piggie looking for guidance of older Aunties. If it's a girl, no problem, if it's a boy just have him live alongside until old enough for the plum fairy, then 6 weeks later in with the Aunties ..... Simples!

Everyone, call the police! Betsy is encouraging animal hoarding! D: