Minnou’s piggies

Oh heck! The Rumblestruts are back.

Minerva is being very indecent and flashing her toot at everyone. 🫣

She rumbled her way over to Gaia but Gaia was having none of it, stood her ground and gave her a fierce nose jab. Then Minerva half popcorned / half ran around the cage before flinging herself onto the floor on her side then she began furiously rolling around, limbs flailing everywhere.

Now I'm not sure if she is throwing a tantrum or having a horny fit. :hmm:
I've made a mistake...

Yesterday, while the girls were having floor time, I thought about the possibility of training the girls, for example, to stand on a bell in order to get a treat but I didn't have a bell so I rewarded them with a pea flake if they put their paw on my foot.

Didn't think of doing it today during floor time but Gaia remembered... 🙄 So she came over and stood on my right foot, Minerva followed suit and stood on my left foot and now I've just made my own life difficult. 😬

And Minerva didn't even want the pea flakes; she kept taking them and dropping them on the floor, she was just doing it because Gaia was doing it.
Did Gaia not just hoover up the discarded pea flakes? Obviously after she had demonstrated that she is clever......
Yes... She stood on my foot, got her pea flake, whilst she was eating that, Minerva got one and dropped it, Gaia turned around and gobbled that one off the floor then she returned to stand on my foot for another pea flake, got another pea flake from me and whilst she was gobbling that, I offered Minerva another, which she dropped on the floor, so Gaia went and ate that then returned to my foot... repeat 5-6x. :roll:
I have two piggies with very mismatched energy levels. :xd:

Gaia is sprawled out over a pile of hay, trying to eat breakfast in peace and Minerva is doing popcorn laps around the lazy lump. Minerva keeps stopping to give Gaia a nudge in the bum; I think she wants Gaia to chase her. She has got no chance. :xd:
Aw Minerva wants a play mate!
I know... I picked the most unsuitable companion for poor Minerva. Well, not quite... they don't fight at all, will share dens and snacks, pine for each other if separated for longer than 10 minutes and have been spotted nuzzling each other. They get along great.

Gaia just needs to release her silly side more often. More time playing - less time planning world domination.
Can’t blame her lol
Perhaps... but you can blame her for continously deciding to flop down upon her fur, pee on it and be too lazy to move... she's like a soggy teabag unless I keep her butt-end fur shaved short.

I think she likes being wet and stinky because that usually means no-one wants to cuddle her. :roll: I do anyway, just to thwart her plans.
Oh a Fairweather Friend then or rather "If you have food I'm your friend" friend! 🤣🤣
Yes, that's probably as good as it is. :xd:

She is practically feral when you hold her; always wriggling, headbutting your hand off her head, mauling your clothes.... unless you have food then she just lays in your arms like a persian cat, calmly eating whilst you carry her around.

Minerva doesn't like being held either but she never bites. She just tucks herself into your neck and stays there.
My very noisy niece and nephew were over today and the girls sensibly decided to make themselves scarce; they retreated to one of the dens and more or less refused to leave it for much of the day. Only venturing out for water and snacks when the kids weren't in the same room as them. Often carrying supplies back to the den.

I caught them popcorning about the place after the kids had left. :xd:
The goblins do this, but then they manage to block the entrances and can't get themselves out again. Don't be goblins, Gaia and Minerva.

Er.... its Gaia and Minerva @Lorcan was that autocorrect correcting incorrectly? It often does!

:whistle:you can't blame the goblins, they do try their best!
Poor Minerva is still wary about coming out even though it is obvious we don't have guests as you can hear a pin drop.

Could easily imagine her packing a little suitcase and leaving yesterday if she could. :xd:
Misty is a bit nervous. If I move a bit too quickly she will dive for cover. She's fine if I move slowly.
Misty is a bit nervous. If I move a bit too quickly she will dive for cover. She's fine if I move slowly.
Mine don't like two hands.

They're smart enough to know the difference;

1 hand enters cage = snacks/little strokes

2 hands enter the cage = being picked up and cuddled

So when they see the second hand, they leg it. 😆
They didn't have any floor time yesterday because we had company and there's no way they would've moved an inch had I got them out so they're having early floor time and I've cleaned their cage.

They were running around the room while I was busy and then they went quiet.

I usually scatter a few box dens around and I could see Gaia watching me from one and assumed Minerva was under there with her but when I turned to head to the kitchen to grab something, Minerva came strolling back into the room from the kitchen 'Like, hi! I'm back'

Goodness knows where she'd been.

Then she was back to running around with Gaia whilst I continued cleaning. I went to the kitchen for something else and saw Minerva just sat in the hallway, staring at me.

I'm just busy laughing. 😂

Why? Where was she going? What was doing? How is she so sneaky?
I've left them to it and am upstairs.

I have an infrared motion detector (with a pager device) and have put it in the middle of the kitchen; when anything moves in the kitchen, the pager vibrates in my pocket.

Minerva has infiltrated the kitchen 2 more times and must be wondering how I keep catching her out. 🤣
Your doorway forcefield has clearly stopped working!
I know! Well, it still mostly works on Gaia... if she can't be bothered following Minerva.

And here's me thinking they'd be too afraid to go anywhere or do anything today in case there were kids lurking somehwere. :roll:

Maybe that's what Minerva was doing; checking to see if the kids were still around and to see what damage they'd done to HER house.

Or, she was trying to find my shoes so she could order me to put them back on and go and get them some more grass.