Minnou’s piggies

I can just imagine Minerva dragging your shoes to you with her teeth on by one so you get the hint! 😂
They're pretty heavy walking boots... She has climbed all over them and chewed on them a few times, that would be a good enough hint.
I'm surprised she hasn't pooped in them......yet!

How dare you! Minerva is a good girl!

Her only crimes are ALL of the wallpaper ripping (I thought it was both of them at first but turns out it is the only thing Gaia is innocent of), chewing on my shoes/slippers and sneaking about the house, spying.
including Miss Bramble, even though she terrifies me... Oops, did I say all that out loud? 🫢
Miss Bramble and The One and Only Thea are a terrifying combination:yikes::yikes: and you'd also have to contend with Misty for taking her baby away (even though Miss Bramble is all grown up now). Three scaaaaary piggies? I think not!
Miss Bramble and The One and Only Thea are a terrifying combination:yikes::yikes: and you'd also have to contend with Misty for taking her baby away (even though Miss Bramble is all grown up now). Three scaaaaary piggies? I think not!
I shall wear chainmail armour at all times. 🫡
My piggies are genteel most of the time so needed training.
I'm getting contradictory information regarding how sweet/vicious these guinea-pigs are. :hmm:

I'll just trust that no pig can be as bad as Gaia and take the lot! :bal:
During floor time, I usually give them a 'hay box' to play in. It's just a cardboard box filled with hay, with two holes cut into so they can run though it if they want. I've tried making the boxes waterproof by covering the base in plastic sheets, gorilla tape etc but pee always finds a way out so I bought a cat litter tray and sawed out two entrance/exit holes in that instead.

They were more interested in the tray than the hay because it was new.

Minerva, who is always the most curious but cautious of the pair, waddled around the entire perimeter, sniffing every part of the tray from top to bottom, giving intermittent nibbles and head-shoved it left and right.

Gaia bit one corner said 'All's good' then started gobbling the hay. :roll:
Minerva has been caught sneaking again...

Stepped out of the living room to find her in the hall... again... I almost missed her as she darted between some parcels I'd taken in for the neighbour.

Minerva: 'I'm so fast, no-one can see me!'
Put the walking bread loaves' brains to work today and uprighted one of their cardboard tunnels and filled it with grass and dandelion leaves right in front of their faces to see if they had the smarts to knock the thing over.

The answer is: Minerva, champion of pushing things, did not. :roll: Gaia almost got it when she stood up against the thing and she could have toppled it but instead panicked and backed off when it began to wobble. :hb:

So they ran circles around it for 10 minutes, muttering and stopping periodically to stare me in the eye to let me know I'd wronged them.

Then they changed tactics; Gaia sat next to the tube and started crying whilst Minerva waddled over to sit at my knee and gave me puppy-dog eyes until I'd been sufficiently emotionally blackmailed AND lost all hope in the pair and ended up just giving them the grass.
Had noisy kids around again so the girls went into hiding in what I shall now refer to as the 'air raid shelter.'

I stuffed plenty of hay and some snacks in shelter with them and they stayed there for most of the day. I occasionally found Gaia flopped out in the open with her feet out but Minerva wouldn't come out at all.

The second everyone went home though, Minerva was out popcorning. It felt like she was jumping for joy that they'd gone. Rude. 🤣
Info/advice needed!

I think the girls are both in season at the same time again and there is a lot of rumblestrutting, chasing and humping going.

Gaia is furiously humping Minerva with such vigour, I'm certain she is outperforming the boars. I did a double-check of her privates just in case I had a late-developer. :xd:

Only thing is, Minerva squeals now and again. Not experienced that before. Is it a submission squeal or could Gaia be hurting her?
It's more likely just dominance related. It's not nice to listen to (he says, glaring at both goblins lol) but you'd also know if it was more if you saw more happen.

Which is very helpful, I know.
It's more likely just dominance related. It's not nice to listen to (he says, glaring at both goblins lol) but you'd also know if it was more if you saw more happen.

Which is very helpful, I know.
To be fair, Minerva can easily outrun Gaia and instead she just stood there presenting her butt to her like a little temptress so she can't be feeling that abused. :xd:
I brought a small pile of grass in for them and set it in front of Her Majesty, who, as usual was already eating while lying down. (Seriously, 90% of the time Gaia is flopped out on the floor while eating - standing is for peasants).

And Minerva rushed over but couldn't find the grass - because she was sat on it. :roll:

That earned her a good nose-punch from Gaia.

Do not get between Gaia and food....
Gaia knew I had grass and was agressively bar biting and bar pinging to hurry me up.

And Minerva joined in for the first time ever and gently, quietly had a little nibble.

Gaia is such a bad influence. 🫤
I felt this this morning. Cam was screaming at me for breakfast from 9am and at one point he roped Bann into it too. 🤨
Gaia almost got Minerva full on wheeking just once....

Minerva never really speaks for herself; she just waits for Gaia to yell and that alone usually gets results so she just doesn't bother wheeking. :xd:
Gaia almost got Minerva full on wheeking just once....

Minerva never really speaks for herself; she just waits for Gaia to yell and that alone usually gets results so she just doesn't bother wheeking. :xd:
We have similar. Our boys have loud wheeks and the visitors have a little attempt at a wibble and a wheek, but decide it’s not worth it!
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