Merab's Herd

Dear Ruth and Micah

I'm very pleased to see that your Slave has given in to your sulking, has finally decided to keep you in the manner in which you have become accustomed and has given you a very high quality Hotel Chocolat paper bag. I'll have to add sulking to the list of advice I give to other piggies as it has been so successful with your Slave.

You have some reprieve! I've just heard that you will not have to put up with lots of men, miles of cable and drilling in the walls today so you can have another day of peace, unfortunately, this means that it will happen another day. You can have a nice peaceful day snoozing instead of being alarmed at all the strange noises and men plodding all over the place.

Yours happy that you will get the quiet day you deserve

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Today a strange man came and checked the alarm.
He made lots of beeping noises and then he set the alarm off.
Micah just sat and stuffed his face but I was a bit scared and made little scared noises and I ran to hide in my tunnel.
This was a good tactic as Slave came and gave me some coriander so I wouldn’t be scared anymore.
Love from Ruth
Dear beautiful Miss Bramble, rumble rumble,
I most certainly do not need a kick up the derrière, or anywhere else.
I am a fearless hunk who does not scare easily.
I do not need to run and hide from strange noises and my bravery gives Ruth courage.
Besides, I always get some of the treats that Ruth cadges so I don’t need to play games.
Rumble, rumble from Micah
We were so excited yesterday. Daddy slave went to have his car serviced and came back with a present for us.

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Clean cage and we have our new paper bag.
Ruth has been very busy making a side door in it.
I’m staying in the corner with the oat hay and forage
Micah didn’t move until there was almost nothing left !

IMG_7631.webp Peek-a-boo
Got yourself a new coat this time? or a hat? Went past the Barbour shop in Wimborne a couple of days ago there were some very nice hats int the window.
Husband bought himself a new shirt while his car was being serviced.
Apparently the only reason was so that he could get a paper bag for Ruth and Micah 😁
Micah would like everyone to know that he is a very good boy, despite the trauma of the day.
He went with Ruth for a nail trim.
He hardly wriggled and left the nice nurse lots of healthy poops.
However when he was weighed she shared my concern at his weight loss and arranged for the vet to see him.
He was a very good boy even when being poked and prodded. He chewed happily on the thingy the vet stuck in his mouth and he donated even more very healthy poops 💩

So why, after such good behaviour, did he have to have a blood test.
Micah would like to know what the point of behaving well is if the vet is going to abuse you by taking blood 🩸?

Hopefully the blood test will show something to explain the weight loss.
There is no obvious evidence of teeth problems, bladder problems or unexplained lumps.
Now to wait for results…..