Merab's Herd

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Beautiful Ruth is 5 this month. Her exact birthday is unknown so we celebrated today with a sliver of melon.
Ruth loves her food - it’s a wonder she’s not heavier!
She loves Micah but gives him grief if he’s too enthusiastic.
She’s not particularly loud but talks almost incessantly.

Happy 5th birthday my beautiful girl ( whenever it is )
Piggies weighed and checked.
All is well.
Micah sat on my lap and chuntered
Ruth scrambled up to my shoulder and huffed in my ear.
They do not appreciate their health checks !

To add insult to injury the cage was cleaned out and the paper bag they had so lovingly turned into a horrible mess disappeared 😁

IMG_7578.webp Micah had worked so very hard on it.
Dear Ruth and Micah

I notice your Slave had downgraded your paper bag to a Waterstones from a Hotel Chocolat bag. What is going on?!? This just will not do! Why has your Slave not given you an upmarket bag and just given you a common or garden bag? I wouldn't put up with that!

I would demand Hotel Chocolat bags at all times! To do this you must not go in the heapy cheapy Waterstones bag but if you must find it "worth investigating" wee and poop in it and on it as much as possible so that your Slave will have to change it quickly. Let her know that her decision to pop it in your cage is not a good idea.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,
According to our slave we are very good at weeing and pooping in the paper bags.
We heard words like ‘disgusting’ when she removed the last bag from the cage, with 2 fingers 😁
Her excuse for making us put up with a Waterstones bag is that there is only one Hotel Chocolat bag left and we have to wait until we get back from our holiday before we can have it.
Love from Micah and Ruth
Dear Ruth and Micah,
I am saving some Hotel Chocolat bags for which I have sacrificed my waistline, for your slave to collect at the Potteries Fair next month. I am sure you will agree that it will be worth that long journey to get hold of them, although most of them are the little ones. I would have had one of the palatial-sized ones but my husboar was careless and ripped the one in which he had bought my anniversary present.
I hope you can hold out until then.

Your friend,

Qualcast&Flymo xx
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Hello forum friends.
We are on our holiday but we really are not very happy about it. At first we were excited to see our sea grass house again and we immediately started working on it to expand the doors.
Then things got worse yesterday. There were lots of strange men in the house who made lots of noise and made it very cold. They didn’t give us any treats.
Then our slave wrapped and extra towel round the cage so we had an extra shelter but nowhere to climb the bars or tell our slave we are starving.
Then we had lots of extra hay but it was still cold because our slave said the new boiler wasn’t working yet.
We have had a miserable day and expressed our displeasure by sulking all day.

It’s warmer and quieter now but we’re worried there’s going to be more strange men making lots of noise here tomorrow.

Love from Micah and Ruth

Note from slave - new boiler and solar panels being installed this week. Boiler now working again 🎉

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The view from the kitchen window
I’m pleased it heated up and quietened down in the end Micah and Ruth. Enjoy your sea grass house.

Lovely view 🦆
Hi Micah and Ruth we are very concerned that your slave kept you in that cold place today and hope you are warm again now. Well done for sulking all day and we think you should get extra treats to compensate!
Love and wheeks from Tilly, Coco, Tabitha, Whisper, Daphne and Russell
Dear Micah and Ruth

Being made to be cold all day with strange noises and strange men in your holiday (but soon to be permanent) home? Dear dear what is your Slave thinking of? And also not being able to ask for treats?!? this is just not on!

The fact that solar panels and a new boiler had to be installed isn't your fault is it? It is the fault of your Slave. Why should you have to suffer the consequences of being cold all day and night with just an extra towel and a bit of hay to keep you warm? Did your Slave not think of a blanket or a duvet or even snuggle safes to keep you warm? No she did not. I bet she had a nice warm hand knitted jumper to wear (we know this because our Slave knitted her one years ago) and probably a hot water bottle to snuggle up with in bed. She looks after herself but doesn't look after you! This behaviour is completely outrageous!

You both may be nice and warm now but I wouldn't let her get away with the cold day (with all the scary noises and strangers) and night you have had to endure. Whenever she enters your room (the kitchen?) wheek loudly (Ruth I know you are very good at this) and climb the bars of you cage, try looking extra cute so she will have to give you the treats you were lacking when the frightening noises were happening. Take up bar biting (but not so hard you break your teeth) Slaves like the noise it makes and find it strangely comforting and don't believe them when they say its annoying as that just means they want you to carry on.

Yours horrified at what you have had to put up with

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,
Thank you for your concern for our wellbeing.
You are quite right about our slave being nice and warm in the lovely woolly jumper your slave knitted for her.
She just told us that we had plenty of extra hay to keep us warm, and we had extra cucumber as a treat today so what are we complaining about ?
We asked her why she could have a hot water bottle but we don’t get snuggle safes. The excuse was we haven’t got a microwave!
We have decided to sulk all day tomorrow as well in protest at this treatment.

Oooooh - green oat hay, yummmmmmy, we have to go and eat it now.
Love from Ruth and Micah
Dear Miss Bramble,
We would like to report success in our sulking tactics.
Today our slave came back with this for us

We have been much happier today as the house is nice and warm and it’s been quieter today. We have been warned that tomorrow more strange men are going to come and drill holes in the walls and traipse all over the house with miles of cable.
We may have to sulk again.
Love from Micah and Ruth