Meet Jynx!

I've weighed her this evening and she's down to 687g when her healthy weight is 900-1100g, so I've abandoned the vet's advice about hay only and given her as much Critical Care paste (as little water as seemed permissible) as she was willing to eat. She's lost ~70g since yesterday evening and is clearly hungry; at least her poops are firming up again.
Jynx is very much skin, bone and hair at the moment, but her appetite is excellent. She's been devouring the CC paste, fresh hay, pellets, peaflakes, etc. and the diarrhoea is close to being gone. She still seems to be in some discomfort, so I've already gone back to the 0.55ml dosage of Metacam and given her some apple and carrot to give her a boost. I feel we're on the road to recovery; she just needs fattening up again.
Good for you following your instincts and your knowledge as an experienced piggy slave.
I add mashed banana to the CC mash - mine love it .
Hope Jynx’s weight starts going up.
702g last night! And her eyes are noticeably brighter; they're not half closed like they have been. The Fibreplex and Oro-C finally arrived today. How does one administer the latter? Can it be turned into a paste like CC?

I've read the box and looked at the guides on here, but can't see anything (at least at a skim) which answers my question. 🙂
Pro c ,I put a small amount in the feed mix ,when I'm preparing it.Or put a moderate pinch in 1ml of water and syringe to the dissolves easily.
@Betsy, have you given both Pro-C and Fibreplex at the same time? The guide says the latter is a stronger version of probiotic. Do you know if it's possible to do too much?

*Edit* I re-read your post and it said either/or. 😄 I'll give her the Fibreplex for now!
746g tonight! That Fibreplex is something. I gave one dose to her yesterday evening and she's bounced right back! Although she still prefers her own method of checking Sam's bum for fresh poops. 😄

Any ideas why the hair on Jynx's nose is slowly fading? I don't think it's ringworm; none of the others are showing any symptoms and she doesn't have signs anywhere else. She has a wet bum again, so could it be her urine scald that's causing it?

It does look a little scabby, perhaps because she has been unwell, hopefully it will get better now she is recovering. I heard that fungus can often affect them when their immune system has been a bit compromised by an illness. Hopefully it will go away once she is fully recovered. Otherwise a vet visit to put your mind at rest?
It could be another fungus other than ringworm, a vet visit would be a good idea to get the correct treatment. Bertie had fungus on his ear that wasn't ringworm despite him only being a few weeks past a ringworm outbreak and a course of intrafungal. Once their immune systems become compromised all sorts of things can get hold.
Jynx is slowly and steadily gaining weight, her the hair loss is reverting, her poops are normal and she's back to her usual self! Except she's mellowed a bit and is happier to be handled. She was always a bar of soap when it came to being caught, but she'll more readily accept food through the bars and a head stroke in the cage; I think it's an age thing as she turned three back in August.

Here she is enjoying some coriander (after refusing the banana) to make her bum bath more acceptable. 😄

