Meet Jynx!

This is the closest I've let Socks get to the piglets without a barrier! She had her nose very close to Luna and was very well behaved. Luna was not convinced though, so I won't be making it a habit. Check out that side eye! 😄


Socks is a cheeky scamp indeed. 😁 It didn't take her very long to get back to her usual self after her spay.

It's been a while, but all four piglets are doing welland enjoying life! Daisy had been showing signs of probable hormonal changes, so she's had a series of injections and is back to her usual self. I look forward to having a few quiet weeks in the run up to Christmas!



Jynx: the perfect hamster face 😄


And Socks the Crotch Dog too, of course!

The very opinionated Miss Jynx hasn't quite been herself lately and has gradually lost weight over the last two months, so we popped over to see the vet yesterday. She's still eating, squabbling, and begging for her veg, and the vet couldn't find anything obvious, so she's off for tests on Thursday. Fingers crossed we find the cause! She's not a Metacam junkie like Jasmine was!

Oh poor little miss Jynx. Hope you can get to the bottom of what’s ailing her. 🤞🏻 it’s something easily treatable.
Hoping you find out what’s troubling poor little Jynx 🤞Such a worry when you don’t know