Meet Jynx!

Sam's been practising his puddling...



... and his death-napping!


Daisy is really hormonal and humping him lots, so I think she's worn him out. 😄 Off to the vets next week!


Jynx has had another UTI and lost a bit of weight, but is looking well again now.


Luna is as fluffy and dramatic as ever. All squeal and no bite!


And a cute pic of the guinea wannabe.

Miss Jynx is on the wrong side of 800g again with another suspected UTI. I'm concerned that this is the third time she's had it since I first noticed she looked a bit off in November, and she still hasn't regained her characteristic potato shape. She eats up the Critical Care from a bowl (when not distracted!) and happily chomps through her morning veg, but she tends to stand quietly in her cage and not eat enough overall because of discomfort. She's already had an ultrasound and bloods, so I'm not sure further tests will yield much else.

We're actually off to the vet tomorrow for Daisy as she has crusty nipples and keeps humping Sam (who's pretty happy with that! 😄), so I'll ask about next steps for Jynx then.

Miss Jynx is on the wrong side of 800g again with another suspected UTI. I'm concerned that this is the third time she's had it since I first noticed she looked a bit off in November, and she still hasn't regained her characteristic potato shape. She eats up the Critical Care from a bowl (when not distracted!) and happily chomps through her morning veg, but she tends to stand quietly in her cage and not eat enough overall because of discomfort. She's already had an ultrasound and bloods, so I'm not sure further tests will yield much else.

We're actually off to the vet tomorrow for Daisy as she has crusty nipples and keeps humping Sam (who's pretty happy with that! 😄), so I'll ask about next steps for Jynx then.

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Good luck at the vets. I hope you get some answers tomorrow 🤞🏻
We've got another seven days' worth of Cerenia and then I'm going to book Jynx in for an ultrasound. I'm away for the next week, so I'm glad I could get her seen before I leave!

The vet also checked Daisy over and said that, as she's already had a course of injections, they're unlikely to work again; it was a 50/50 chance they'd work the first time round. She couldn't feel any cysts, but the hormonal issues will only get worse and not better, so it's probably best to spay her - which is the news I was expecting!

I can book both in together when I'm back from my break, but need to consider whether Daisy may as well skip the ultrasound and go straight for the surgery. If it wasn't for Jynx, I'd probably go with this option; I just don't fancy having two poorly piggies simultaneously!
Good that you have answers although not the best news for either girl.
You know what lies ahead and are prepared for dealing with everything.
Enjoy your break
Oh poor you! Two post operative piggies at once. definitely book them in for after your break. You can get all prepared now, at least you have the experience to cope with two at once or would it be easier to stagger it?

Enjoy your break x
Big update! While I was away, the boarder found Jynx had passed a huge clot.


A few days later and she caught Jynx really struggling to toilet. On closer inspection, she was trying to pass a rubbery and silty sludge through her urethra which was never going to come out without help. 😢



Apparently, she felt much better after this and has managed to hold a steady ~830g in Paula's care, and has been devouring the Critical Care.

Thankfully, I'd already booked her ultrasound for today, and results came back showing that her bladder wall has thickened and there's some calcification around the urethra which isn't a stone yet, but explains the chronic cystitis. The vet thinks the clot might actually be from her uterus because it looks a bit abnormal (there may be a polyp), and her illness could be a combination of issues with both her bladder and reproductive tract.

They've taken a urine sample and will see what comes back, but they recommended a spay anyway due to abnormalities, which they'll carry out tomorrow. Poor thing! She's got Sam with her, and they'll update me after surgery.

Meanwhile, Daisy and Luna are enjoying not having to compete for all the grass on offer!
Update from the vet:

Surgery went well, and Jynx is awake and pooping! They've got a urine sample to send off for analysis.

On removing her reproductive organs (if I understood correctly), her uterine horn on the right side was too highly vascularized to remove without excessive bleeding, and she clearly had cysts on her ovaries. They've got a couple of samples from the masses to send off for analysis as well, but didn't give any indication of what they could mean or why. (All in good time, I suppose!)

They're confident they've resolved any further clotting issues and believe that's where those were coming from. They're going to monitor her today and tonight, and hopefully she'll be ready to come home tomorrow.

It's good news, but I feel a bit reserved when they're sending off mass samples for further testing!
Well, just to top it all off, I've caught Daisy and Luna in a flurry of hair. I've checked Luna over and found an old nasty puncture wound as well as some teeth scrapes from that fight on her bum. I'm going to have to separate these two now as well! 😢
Glad Jynx is recovering well from the anaesthetic. Oh no, what a day for the other girls to fight 😔
Oh what a day you’re having. Big relief that the op has gone well but I’m so sorry that the naughty ladies are misbehaving. Well done for stepping in to intervene. Clearly these girls have some issue with each other….
Oh what a day you’re having. Big relief that the op has gone well but I’m so sorry that the naughty ladies are misbehaving. Well done for stepping in to intervene. Clearly these girls have some issue with each other….
I wonder how much of it is down to her hormones. Once I'm happy Jynx is doing well again, Daisy will be off for a spay! Not having Sam the Stud around while he's with Jynx has not helped.
I’m glad to hear Jynx’s op went well but sorry Luna and Daisy are not getting on.
Jynx is home! The vet was really pleased with her progress; she's already happily pootling about eating hay and CC by herself, so I only need to bring her back for a check-up next week. We're awaiting the lab results from the urine sample and mass analysis in the meantime.

And here's the damage, in case it's a helpful reference! It's hefty, but pretty good considering all the things it covers: five lots of meds, a spay, an ultrasound, anaesthetic, overnight stays...


I'm keeping Daisy and Luna separated for noe, and put Sam in with Daisy and Jynx in with Luna.
Well done Jynx. Keep on pootling about and eating well. Sorry about the assault on your credit card :yikes: