Meet Jynx!

I sadly found Sam the Stud in his forever sleep this morning. I weighed and checked him over last night, and all was good, though I noticed he was breathing more heavily than usual and decided to call the vet in the morning.

The fireworks didn't bother him; he was happily asleep in the hay out in the open on Bonfire Night! He'd been showing his age recently, but his weight hadn't dropped and his appetite was as voracious as ever.

The vet saw him last month for a limp ( Signs of a stroke?) and had commented that his heart sounded good, so I think it was just his time. Jasmine had the same symptoms two hours before she passed away, so he may very well have gone shortly after I'd gone to bed.

Here's the final photo I took last night of the Sam the Stud, my good-natured Chonkyboi and absolute unit of a boar. He's already found his love Jynx, I'm sure.


I am so sorry. It sounds like it was simply his time.

Try to take comfort in that while it has come as a bad shock to you, Sam had a quick and easy hike to the Bridge under his own steam from his familiar surroundings.

But it is tough to lose two piggies rather close together. Try to picture them togther at the Bridge.

RIP Sam the (handsome) Stud
I am sorry Sam had to leave you and I send you lots of hugs. It may comfort you to think of him together with Jynx at the Bridge. He had a happy life with you and would have known you loved him.
Popcorn with Jynx handsome boy 🌈
I’m sorry to read about beautiful Sam
He was living his best life with you all
Popcorn freely at RB Sam reunited with lovely Jynx
Take care of yourself as you process his loss
Thanks, folks! Daisy is still a bit shocked by it all and Luna's been quiet too. I'm going to see whether they'll accept each other again, especially if they have a full 2x8 C&C to themselves. However, they've both drawn blood in the past, so I'm not holding out much hope.
Oh what a shock for you. I’m so sorry that chunky Sam has made his way to the Rainbow Bridge. Big hugs x
So sorry that your handsome boy has crossed the rainbow bridge. Sleep tight Sam.❤️🌈
I am so sorry you lost your beautiful chunky boy Sam, I’ve only just seen your post, take care x

Popcorn high with Jynx big fella 🌈
The lovely Luna has had awful diarrhoea and not pooped in over 24 hours, so we made an emergency trip to the vet in icy conditions today. Thankfully, it was all positive news! There was no bloat, she's peeing, and she still has gut sounds, even if they're not as healthy as they should be. Her weight is marginally down and her temperature is a little low, but she's been eating of her own accord; I've given her some Critical Care to keep her going.

The vet prescribed some Cerenia, Cisapride and Metacam for five days. If she still isn't pooping by tomorrow, then we'll go back for an ultrasound. Good news is that I've already seen some sloppy poops and they're more solid than they were on Monday. Keep the floor in your thoughts!


Including dazzling Daisy, so she doesn't feel left out.

Lol how do you get your pigs to sit still on the scale? Mine try to jump out of the bowl.

Thinking of your girl, hope she gets better.
Daisy and Luna are doing great. Luna seems yo enjoy having her own space, whereas Daisy is definitely a bit quieter since we lost Sam. However, they have settled nicely with each other as neighbours. I might try to reintroduce them soon, but I have my doubts that they'll live together after they drew blood from each other months ago!

Magnificent Daisy


Sceptical Luna 😄 That side-eye is deserved after the terrible haircut...

