Meet Jynx!

It’s marvellous stuff, wish we humans could get some. Hope your news is good tomorrow 🤞
Jynx had her bloods and x-ray done today, and they all cane back normal - with the exception of her white blood cell count (which was a bit high, implying an infection somewhere) and her red blood cell count (which could be normal for her, but she's a little on the anaemic side).

Nearly £500 later and nothing conclusive! Her bladder showed signs of some sediment, so we have Cerenia to flush that and a course of antibiotics (Karidox) in the hopes that will get rid of whatever affliction she may have.

Interestingly, there were signs of faintly reddish discoloured wee on the towel in the crate home, and I actually caught her squeaking a little when she went to wee as soon as I put her down - so after all that, I have a strong suspicion where her issue may lie!

Of course, to round the meds off, she's on Metacam too. Hopefully she'll be right as rain very soon!

And here's a breakdown of the damage, should anyone wish to see it!

Thanks for seeing the vet fee breakdown. I've not needed diagnostics for ages, so it's helpful to know the size my vet fund needs to be. Vet's fees seem to have risen dramatically recently.

I hope Jynx gets better with her treatment.
The bar of soap had perked up with the meds, but she's looking more like a jacket potato again today - rounded and poofed up. I know she's been squeaking while going to the toilet, and have seen some red spots in her wee. The vet checked her bladder on the x-ray and said there was some sediment, but I don't know whether they also checked her urethra; I wonder whether there's a stone causing her issues.

On another note, I have seen her do some very normal poos right in front of me, but I've also seen various squishy poos (sometimes with mucus) in the cage; it's just not been possible to tell which of my four they belonged to. However, I have just encouraged Jynx out of the hammock and found this, which I'm pretty sure must be hers.


I think I'll call the vet again tomorrow and see what they say. ☹️
I sent an email to the vet yesterday and am waiting on a reply. I didn't try to make an appointment because I don't think they would have suggested anything else, and we were only onto day 4 of 10 of the antibiotics so they may have needed a bit of time to kick in.

And I think I made the right decision! She's perked up again, been fighting the meds, and is moving around much more, so I think she's starting to feel better. The next step would be an ultrasound, so will continue to keep an eye on her.

In slightly devastating news, I found out that our go-to vet, Lianne, is leaving the practice and I shed a few tears about it last night. I'm so grateful for all she's done to support my guineas over the years!
So glad little Jynx has perked up 🤞and is now on her way to recovery.

I often wonder about losing good vets, if only they could let us know where they are going if it’s fairly local, like hairdressers do
Jynx still has some red tinted wee (although I've definitely seen it improve since last week) and is still a little hunched up, but she's definitely looking much happier. However, her poos today (while no longer mushy which could've been down to the antibiotics) are looking rather pale and a tad stringy. She's still eating hay, enthusiastic about her veg and drinking water, so what does this tell me about her gut? I've included a regular poo for comparison!


I've started giving her some Critical Care (which is the only thing she'll readily take from a syringe so far) as her weight is now 811g - down from ~900g over the last 2-3 months where she previously was a steady ~1100g.

Vet update:

I took her in again today as she's been a bit up and down, though looking better.

Her bladder seems fine, but she may have a UTI or the sediment is irritating it still as she's still peeing red, so continue the antibiotics and Cerenia for another week, and the Metacam for another 2-3 weeks.

She was the loudest piglet at breakfast today, so it's all good news so far!

And with regards to my go-to vet, I don't know the name of the practice but she's moved closer towards Ellesmere Port, I believe. I'll do some more digging!
Well, things are looking up! The vet did a thorough examination and noted Jynx definitely had some discomfort in her abdomen. Her gut is still dealing with the effects of the antibiotics, so it is probably a result of that.

The vet prescribed 0.1ml of Cisapride twice a day for the next 5 days, but to stop it if her diarrhoea gets worse as it's a possible side effect of the medicine. They also changed her Metacam dosage from 0.55ml to 0.3ml twice a day for 7 days and advised me to feed her nothing but hay - not even Critical Care - to further reduce fluid intake which is exacerbating her symptoms.

Jynx is looking sooooooooo much happier in herself today; it's really noticeable! She's still a bit hunched but moving around much more and screaming for veg which I sadly have to deny for now!

I've just given her a bath as she's covered in wee and I'm changing the fleece more regularly. There's definitely fewer smeared poops everywhere! 😄