Meet Jynx!

I took Sam the Stud to the vet this morning as he's seemed a little lethargic at times and his breathing is noisier than the others when I pick him up. He was very well-behaved while they checked him over, and they listened to his heart for quite a while longer than they have my other guineas.

After having lost Belle to heart disease, I was concerned that Sam could be showing the same symptoms. However, the vet gave him a clean bill of health and said he's just fat! 😆 I won't be feeding him pellets anymore!



I took Sam the Stud to the vet this morning as he's seemed a little lethargic at times and his breathing is noisier than the others when I pick him up. He was very well-behaved while they checked him over, and they listened to his heart for quite a while longer than they have my other guineas.

After having lost Belle to heart disease, I was concerned that Sam could be showing the same symptoms. However, the vet gave him a clean bill of health and said he's just fat! 😆 I won't be feeding him pellets anymore!

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Lavender who weighed in today at 1370g, thinks he is a very handsome boar and possibly big enough to not suffer crush injuries if she gets friendly? Quite important plus size dating criteria. She'll be right round, with snacks :)
I took Sam the Stud to the vet this morning as he's seemed a little lethargic at times and his breathing is noisier than the others when I pick him up. He was very well-behaved while they checked him over, and they listened to his heart for quite a while longer than they have my other guineas.

After having lost Belle to heart disease, I was concerned that Sam could be showing the same symptoms. However, the vet gave him a clean bill of health and said he's just fat! 😆 I won't be feeding him pellets anymore!

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Aw so pleased Sam the Stud is ok bless him! :):wub:

Now come on Sam, 50 laps of the cage for breakfast today please! :D:))
Lavender who weighed in today at 1370g, thinks he is a very handsome boar and possibly big enough to not suffer crush injuries if she gets friendly? Quite important plus size dating criteria. She'll be right round, with snacks :)
Sam would love a fourth wife! He's a super cuddly chonk, and would love it if Lavender moved in and decided to stay of her own free will without being pignapped. 😄 He may even let you sleep in the hammock!

Sam would love a fourth wife! He's a super cuddly chonk, and would love it if Lavender moved in and decided to stay of her own free will without being pignapped. 😄 He may even let you sleep in the hammock!

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I wouldn't believe Sam about letting you sleep in the hammock, Lavender. :whistle:
Hey all! It's been quite a while since I've been on here; I even had to log back in! After a turbulent few months at the start of the year, I'm finally getting back on track with life and things are going well. 🙂


Sam has lost a bit of weight now he's not stuffing himself full of pellets, and Daisy and Luna are old enough to give him some sass when he tries to hoover up all the peaflakes. 😄


Jynx is still very much a potato and so much more confident these days. She definitely prefers the herd life!


Daisy and Luna still have their crazy hair!



Piggos are currently enjoying some time on the grass! And Socks is very good at not bothering them. 🥰

Hello again, I’m glad you’re all back. You have been missed ☺️