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Ill pigs. I’m losing the joy I once had for my babies.

Bea is in 5 meds now and it’s just absolutely exhausting. I really really hope the Baytril has a positive effect, I am beyond nervous and could really use a break right now lol
Fingers crossed the baytril will do the trick. You can give them some probiotic either 1-2 hours before or after the antibiotics. I would also keep going with the top ups.
Keeping you and your furry potatoes in our thoughts! Have you got probiotics to give 2 hours before or after the antibiotics like Siikibam said? We're using Pro C that you can get from Petsathome or Amazon. We just wash some chopped up veg or lettuce so it's damp and sprinkle it on the top then put it in the cage and they all eat it. One less syringe to do if they take it that way. Or I've heard good things about Fibreplex.

Keep going. You got this! Try to have you-time breaks in between med and feeding times. Take yourself to a different room or out for a walk round. Try not to sit staring at them worrying like I've been doing this morning knowing I shouldn't be! xx
Fingers crossed the baytril will do the trick. You can give them some probiotic either 1-2 hours before or after the antibiotics. I would also keep going with the top ups.
I’m full on with the pro c haha. Poor little guys haha, I feel like a drug dealer getting it all over my hands and measuring it out lol
Also have any of you got any insight as to whether nuggets cause bloat?
We had one piggy in the rescue years ago who was allergic to grain. She would bloat almost immediately after eating it, whether in nuggets or elsewhere. Might be worth cutting any grain out for a bit if she eats any, maybe it will work for your piggy 😊
I’m full on with the pro c haha. Poor little guys haha, I feel like a drug dealer getting it all over my hands and measuring it out lol
Omg that's how I feel doing Oreo's cystease. It comes in capsules of white powder. She has half a capsule twice a day so I open the capsule and sprinkle half out onto veg or into water. I feel like a drug dealer with all the syringes and powders. Then you turn around and they're begging for the metacam and you realise you have some little druggie piggos too! :D
Hey guys, Bea’s hooting and looking pretty in pain, got all her pain meds going etc, reckon I could syringe her some pro c, along with having it in their water bottles & fibreplex 3x a day, or is that too much probiotics. Lemme know if there’s anything else I can do :)
Hey guys, Bea’s hooting and looking pretty in pain, got all her pain meds going etc, reckon I could syringe her some pro c, along with having it in their water bottles & fibreplex 3x a day, or is that too much probiotics. Lemme know if there’s anything else I can do :)
Please do not put anything in their bottles, you do not want to deter them from drinking water.

You are doing so well for them, have you done some investigative work to find the cause of these ailments?
Please do not put anything in their bottles, you do not want to deter them from drinking water.

You are doing so well for them, have you done some investigative work to find the cause of these ailments?
Mouse and Meep, absolutely just your standard URI, Bea I think she’s just been unfortunate to have bloating caused by hair stones on top of a URI.
I mix the syringe food with pro c water. Don't use it at the same time as anti biotics though.
I just sprinkle the pro C on some salad or veg and mine take it like that. I just wet the lettuce leaf or veg slice and sprinkle a bit on.
I wonder if putting some piggy-safe heat pads in the cage under bedding or keeping the room warm might help with their pain? You don't want them to get too hot though and they need to be able to move away from any heat pads. Just an idea.

I don't know anything about bloat but I wonder if the vet could suggest anything else. Could her painkiller dose be increased? I think I've seen gripe water and massage mentioned on here for mild bloat after consulting with a vet.
i would get a vet check regarding bloat,you can be given medication for this.a heat pad would be a good idea,they will move away from it if they feel warm enough.you are doing a great job.
If she is bloating now then she needs a vet. A probiotic won’t help that (I didn’t see that bit about bloat and only saw URI issues) - probiotics just help replace gut bacteria depleted by antibiotics.
For bloat she needs gut medications. Gripe water can be given but it will not cut through acute bloat, proper prescribed medication is needed for that

Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
She on emeprid, fibreplex, metacam and calpol. I’m doing all I can but unfortunately she’s still blowing up. And combined with a uri she’s really struggling but I’m going to try my best :) Thank you for the advice.
Hi, l have only just read this thread and am so sorry for all that you and your piggies are going through. You are not alone.
With regards to the bloat is Bea still on calpol? My understanding is that it is usually not considered suitable for piggies because it works by forming the gas into a single bubble to be burped out but piggies can't burp so this doesn't work for them.
It might also be worth discussing with your vet the doses of her other meds. Depending on what she is on already there may be room to increase the metacam dose. Also Emeprid can be given up to three times a day if your vet thinks it necessary. There is also an other gut motility drug called cisapride, which works on a different part of the GI tract to emiprid, so would be worth discussing too.
I wish you all the best, you are doing so well caring for your piggies.
Hi, l have only just read this thread and am so sorry for all that you and your piggies are going through. You are not alone.
With regards to the bloat is Bea still on calpol? My understanding is that it is usually not considered suitable for piggies because it works by forming the gas into a single bubble to be burped out but piggies can't burp so this doesn't work for them.
It might also be worth discussing with your vet the doses of her other meds. Depending on what she is on already there may be room to increase the metacam dose. Also Emeprid can be given up to three times a day if your vet thinks it necessary. There is also an other gut motility drug called cisapride, which works on a different part of the GI tract to emiprid, so would be worth discussing too.
I wish you all the best, you are doing so well caring for your piggies.

Calpol? Simethicone containing products such as infacol aren’t recommended because they gather gas into a big bubble, but calpol is a paracetamol based painkiller for children.
Definitely see a vet about the bloat. When Nugget had bloat I asked about treatments I'd seen on line like gripe water and massage and the vet said "absolutely not". Your vet may have different ideas but these treatments seem to be against current thinking. Massage can cause immense pain, I was told. We had Ranitidine and Cisapride as meds. I was also advised to syringe feed to keep the guts and gas moving and to give Fibreplex.
Definitely see a vet about the bloat. When Nugget had bloat I asked about treatments I'd seen on line like gripe water and massage and the vet said "absolutely not". Your vet may have different ideas but these treatments seem to be against current thinking. Massage can cause immense pain, I was told. We had Ranitidine and Cisapride as meds. I was also advised to syringe feed to keep the guts and gas moving and to give Fibreplex.
See I’ve been told I could give Gripe water and was actually thinking about doing so, so you reckon I could give her an extra 0.1ml of emeprid also?
Definitely see a vet about the bloat. When Nugget had bloat I asked about treatments I'd seen on line like gripe water and massage and the vet said "absolutely not". Your vet may have different ideas but these treatments seem to be against current thinking. Massage can cause immense pain, I was told. We had Ranitidine and Cisapride as meds. I was also advised to syringe feed to keep the guts and gas moving and to give Fibreplex.
We’ve been before and he’s aware of the bloat, she’s on so many medicines, it’s just so unlucky she’s just caught a URI and that has to be treated at the same time too :((
If she is bloating now then she needs a vet. A probiotic won’t help that (I didn’t see that bit about bloat and only saw URI issues) - probiotics just help replace gut bacteria depleted by antibiotics.
For bloat she needs gut medications. Gripe water can be given but it will not cut through acute bloat, proper prescribed medication is needed for that

Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
She’s been to the vets 3x about bloat and is now on 3 meds for it.