Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

She is drinking and eating,I will take her to the vet if she needs to go,but I'm checking them all every half an hour.I'm going to place her with me in the lounge so I can intensely monitor her.ill start syringe feeding if her gut slows down,obviously take to vet as an emergency if she can not take any fluids or is drooling.
Fingers crossed she’ll be ok, all you can do is monitor and act on it if needed x
Outside is a lot more efficient but does work inside, if not quite as well the windows in the full sun still heat up. But the evaporating cooler air will help to cool the room down a little bit.

It also works if you peg a wet towet to the cage side and train a fan on it. This is one of the measures listed in my hot weather guide, by the way - have a read again and see how many of them you can implement over the coming days. This is really the time to throw the kitchen sink AND your bathroom suite at it. Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike
With the towel/fan technique, I've managed to keep the cage temp to 25.5c today, vs a 37 outdoor temp.

Thank you so much!
One of my piggies was overheated....I've had to give her a lukewarm bath.I'm doing all I can ,wet sheets,Ice pods.maybe cold snugglesafes in the fridge may help.I'm just getting anxious now.
I hope she is ok xx
Our piggies have been on a circuit of the house as we move them room to room to find them the coolest spot. We have blinds and black out curtains in the lounge so that helps a lot. Also have frozen water bottles as cool packs they can use if needed.
I'm worried that I wouldn't know if they were really struggling. Can I assume that if they're eating they're ok? Toffee seems a bit quieter than normal, but when i topped up their hay a little while ago he came out and did a little popcorn and now they're both munching away happily. Even though the cage temp has gone up to 26.3C.
My phone tells me it's now 38C outside :(
I'm worried that I wouldn't know if they were really struggling. Can I assume that if they're eating they're ok? Toffee seems a bit quieter than normal, but when i topped up their hay a little while ago he came out and did a little popcorn and now they're both munching away happily. Even though the cage temp has gone up to 26.3C.
My phone tells me it's now 38C outside :(

They sound to be ok from what you have said but this guide will help you with further information on heatstroke
Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike
if using tiles, do you put them in the fridge or just pop them in the cage?
The sun is finally hitting the front of the house so I've brought out the ice packs.. theyre more interested in eating them than laying next to them at the moment but at least they have them if they want them, now to restock the freezer with new ones for tomorrow! Both hamsters are out and about wondering what the heck is going on but everyone seems OK.
I'm pleased I bought ours in, it's a logistical nightmare with the dogs but we all seem to be ok, Mr Pig is on holiday in my son's room, and the girls in my daughters, whilst the thermometer we've put in there says 28, the girls are happy and ignoring the ice bottles, the shed however is at 40, we've kept curtains closed etc so whilst 28 is not ideal they are ok.
I'm pleased I bought ours in, it's a logistical nightmare with the dogs but we all seem to be ok, Mr Pig is on holiday in my son's room, and the girls in my daughters, whilst the thermometer we've put in there says 28, the girls are happy and ignoring the ice bottles, the shed however is at 40, we've kept curtains closed etc so whilst 28 is not ideal they are ok.
Glad I brought mine in too. My (insulated) shed is now 30. The downstairs of my house is just 22!
I'm worried that I wouldn't know if they were really struggling. Can I assume that if they're eating they're ok? Toffee seems a bit quieter than normal, but when i topped up their hay a little while ago he came out and did a little popcorn and now they're both munching away happily. Even though the cage temp has gone up to 26.3C.
My phone tells me it's now 38C outside :(

Please read the relevant chapters in this guide here; they detail the symptoms of heat exhaustion or potentially fatal heat stroke and what to do: Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike

You haven't mentioned any of the red alert symptoms but it is good to be able to post them.

Please ensure that you top up/refresh any water bottles regularly; tomorrow even more so than today as the coming night won't bring much relief and the heat will build on top of that.
hope everyone and their pigs are doing okay! looking at the temperatures outside tonight 25-23 degree’s, i’m a bit worried about putting the girls back in the shed! although this is the same temperature our room sits at.. only problem is, the cage takes up our only floor space in the flat and we can’t shower when the pigs are in the room as i worry about the steam!
hope everyone and their pigs are doing okay! looking at the temperatures outside tonight 25-23 degree’s, i’m a bit worried about putting the girls back in the shed! although this is the same temperature our room sits at.. only problem is, the cage takes up our only floor space in the flat and we can’t shower when the pigs are in the room as i worry about the steam!

It depends what the temperature in the shed actually is inside. 23-25 isn’t too bad at all.
i wouldn’t think the steam would harm them (piggies with respiratory issues can be helped by being put in a steamy room) , it’ll just be if it makes the room hot.

My two are staying in the house as the shed won’t cool down - it’s 41 out there now and id be surprised if it gets much below 30 by tomorrow morning.
Sounds awful. What part of Shropshire are you in? I'm in the south. Shade temp is 35
Well I'm packing my bags and moving to live by you. I'm south too. It's pretty bad, was up early adding damp towels and sheets over windows and was burning my feet. Daren't go out now. Just got to hope the hay in the shed doesn't ignite (no light can get in but worry about temp building up. Can't have doors open as it's in full sun.
It depends what the temperature in the shed actually is inside. 23-25 isn’t too bad at all.
i wouldn’t think the steam would harm them (piggies with respiratory issues can be helped by being put in a steamy room) , it’ll just be if it makes the room hot.

My two are staying in the house as the shed won’t cool down - it’s 41 out there now and id be surprised if it gets much below 30 by tomorrow morning.
okay thanks!

oh right okay thats good to know! i try not to keep them in the shed any higher than 23 degrees, but you think 25 may be okay (ill be up early to bring them in) i’ll definitely have to keep my eye on the temperature in there throughout the rest if the evening and decide later!
Well I'm packing my bags and moving to live by you. I'm south too. It's pretty bad, was up early adding damp towels and sheets over windows and was burning my feet. Daren't go out now. Just got to hope the hay in the shed doesn't ignite (no light can get in but worry about temp building up. Can't have doors open as it's in full sun.
I worry about self combustion too! Have been without a car for several weeks and have finally just got a replacement. So hVe got a lot of bags of piggy waste waiting to go to the tip. Wont be going anywhere in this heat tho. They get really hot in the middle so I check them every so often and try and keep them in the shade🤣