Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

So here in the middle of London the temperature in the piggies room didn't go below 24 all night despite having all the windows open all round the flat.
It's 26 in there now , wet sheets up at the windows, wet towels hanging up, fan on, and frozen water bottles in the cage - which neither of them are showing much interest in, so hopefully that's a good sign. Praying (yes literally) that they will be ok.
Up at 4.30 to open the doors and windows of house and piggy shed. Checked forecast saying will be 36! The shed is insulated, windows face north and have sheets over. Yesterday the official outdoor temp reached 30, piggy shed reached 27, downstairs of house maxed at 23. Have cool mats, cooling fan and a freezer full of water bottles and tiles ready to go but fear this won't be enough. Opted for plan B and brought everyone indoors. Sooooo, 50 piggies later....

Sending cooling vibes to everyone and
thier piggies (too warm for hugs!) x
This is the temp here where we live now at 12noon.

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We are managing to keep the living room at 23.5 C because of the portable aircon. I'm only glad that all my washing will be dry soon!
My washing machine broke down recently (beyond repair) so having to hand wash everything, the only good thing about this weather means it can all drip dry on the line, even soaking wet towels🤣
My washing machine broke down recently (beyond repair) so having to hand wash everything, the only good thing about this weather means it can all drip dry on the line, even soaking wet towels🤣
I sympathise with you! It happened to me around 3 or 4 years ago. Washing machine broke down. Had to buy a new one. But I hand washed our clothes in the bath for 2 days before we asked hubby's cousin if we can wash our towels and bed sheets in hers. We had to travel to Ellesmere Port though from Denbigh. 😂😂
The animals seem to be coping far better than I am, theyre honestly stressing me out 🤣 the cat is running around playing and a good few of the piggies are popcorning and running around! I'd be far happier if they would just sit still 😅

Me too. The goblins just seem miffed I keep adding damp stuff to their cage and room. Meanwhile I stood up, let the meter guy in, cleared the hatch for him, closed the door after he left, closed the hatch back down...and now my body's reacting like I've done a 3 mile walk. Like really?! Plus he pointed out it was nice and cold in the cellar. If not for the millipedes, I'd be down there myself right now lol.
The animals seem to be coping far better than I am, theyre honestly stressing me out 🤣 the cat is running around playing and a good few of the piggies are popcorning and running around! I'd be far happier if they would just sit still 😅
One of my cats keeps pushing past my windowsill defences to lay directly in the sun! She’s black too and boiling when I touch her!
Hope everyone and everypig can stay as cool as they can! Those temps that you are experiencing are the norm here. Just a word of caution, do not drink ice cold drinks during this time. You can shock your system and could have a heart attack; we get those messages from the doctors in the area every summer.

How long is this heatwave supposed to last?
Just got home from work - I work in the village so have a short walk home…and it is a short walk about 4 minutes, unless it’s in excess of 30 degrees and then it feels about 4 hours!

Anyway, Ive got in to find the house temperature is 25. I’m quite pleased with that. Just went to check the shed thermometer, out of curiosity, and its showing 39. I expect the house to go up a little more this afternoon though as it’s the afternoons which the sun hits my house most. Operation transfer wet sheets from windows at front of house to back of house is about to commence!
Hope everyone and everypig can stay as cool as they can! Those temps that you are experiencing are the norm here. Just a word of caution, do not drink ice cold drinks during this time. You can shock your system and could have a heart attack; we get those messages from the doctors in the area every summer.

How long is this heatwave supposed to last?
Thanks for the tip! 👍
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is forecast to be the last day of this current heatwave. Temperatures should drop to below 25 on Wednesday. But the heat could come back...
Just stepped out the back door, what a shock the heat hurt to breath. Lovely and cool indoors, north facing room with overhanging eaves never gets any sun (I usually moan about that!). The south facing windows have the curtains drawn and the back door that has glass in it and does get hot has a wet bath towel over it. The piggie cages are draped in wet towels, don't think we are going to need the frozen water bottles and ice pods. Caspy has spent the morning sleeping in a fleece house.
Sadly Red is showing signs of being unwell, maybe the heat although I would be surprised as it's really cool in the living room. I've put him in one of the garden runs by my chair, I can observe him better than in his cage. He's been running around in and out the wood tunnels and seems normal but he's not eating pellets or hay. I don't want to take him to the vets in this heat so have upped his pain killers (have permission from vet). I'm top up syringe feeding, giving fibreplex and he's eating grass. Will obviously take him to the vet if there are any new developments.
One of my piggies was overheated....I've had to give her a lukewarm bath.I'm doing all I can ,wet sheets,Ice pods.maybe cold snugglesafes in the fridge may help.I'm just getting anxious now.
Hope your piggy is OK.
She is drinking and eating,I will take her to the vet if she needs to go,but I'm checking them all every half an hour.I'm going to place her with me in the lounge so I can intensely monitor her.ill start syringe feeding if her gut slows down,obviously take to vet as an emergency if she can not take any fluids or is drooling.
One of my piggies was overheated....I've had to give her a lukewarm bath.I'm doing all I can ,wet sheets,Ice pods.maybe cold snugglesafes in the fridge may help.I'm just getting anxious now.
Hope she is ok, the bath should help. Take care of yourself too, the anxiety can be as bad as the heat xx
I’m sat with house rabbit Ted in the “snug” which has lovely cool floors, outside is unbearable! I’ve sat in the shade most of the day but can’t stand it any longer. Piggies are covered in a damp cotton sheet with covered ice packs and frozen bottled water but haven’t made any attempt to sit anywhere near them. I’m dreading going out for a meal tonight with in-laws though, hope we can find a shady spot or eat inside
She is drinking and eating,I will take her to the vet if she needs to go,but I'm checking them all every half an hour.I'm going to place her with me in the lounge so I can intensely monitor her.ill start syringe feeding if her gut slows down,obviously take to vet as an emergency if she can not take any fluids or is drooling.
Sending you and your piggie hugs, it's such a worry with this heat.
I’m sat with house rabbit Ted in the “snug” which has lovely cool floors, outside is unbearable! I’ve sat in the shade most of the day but can’t stand it any longer. Piggies are covered in a damp cotton sheet with covered ice packs and frozen bottled water but haven’t made any attempt to sit anywhere near them. I’m dreading going out for a meal tonight with in-laws though, hope we can find a shady spot or eat inside
I used to work in catering, glad not anymore! I pity all those chefs working today😓