Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

Morning! Hope you manage to get some sleep @BossHogg.
Up early trying to gather a bit of the cooler air from outside. I just put a thermometer in the garden and its says 23.7C.
Boys are confused, they got to stay in the playpen last night.
Hope everyone stays cool today.
Here's to hoping this heatwave will be the last of the summer. I can deal with 30°C but 40°C is just too much. 🥵 (Though I would probably deal with it better if I wasn't stressing out about the piggies).

We put the piggies in the basement on Sunday. It stayed a nice 22°C yesterday (their usual room was at 26.5°C in the evening), but I expect it'll be hotter today. The frozen bottles are ready. I hope we can put them back in their usual living space quickly, but the temps will take some time to come down in the house after all this...

I have a horrible memory of two summers ago, when we had a heatwave that lasted a couple of weeks with several days over 38°C... Even in the basement, it was 27° in the evenings.

I hope you all manage to stay cool today, and I hope the forum members with Covid aren't suffering too much in this heat.
We have moved the piggies downstairs into temporary runs in the living room. It's 3 degrees cooler than their room upstairs. We were up early and the piggies are currently out in the garden, which is shaded in the morning. We will bring them back in at 8am when the shade temperature starts to rise.
Been up since 6am to get the cats (who sleep in the kitchen at night) out of there. Harrison has gone out, I do worry about him going out but it's his choice and he'll come back if he gets too warm. Austin and Morris are relaxing in front of the fan.

I'm sure the piggies are fine with their auntie Wiebke
Yesterday evening the temperature in the piggies room was creeping towards 28C so I decided to set up their play pen in the kitchen and move them in there where it was slightly cooler. My flat is on two levels and the kitchen is immediately under the piggies room, both facing north west. I got up at 4am and opened all the windows but it hasn't made much difference, it didn't seem to go below 25 all night.

I'm leaving them in the kitchen for now. It's currently 26.5 but their own room is 28. There's hardly any room to move in the kitchen now but I don't really need to. I'm certainly not planning on doing any cooking!

Incidentally I've just checked my bedroom and that's 29.1! And only 9am. Just counting down the hours until this is over.

Apologies for all the posts - coming on here helps to keep me calm.
We got up super early to try and let cool air in........note to self; just stay in bed! It was 26.5 at 05.30am! It's not 29 at 09.30. Inside we are a few degrees cooler but lots of water bottles in the freezer ready for El & Leia.....actually might put one in for the humans too!
what did you do in the end?
what problems do you think it might cause ?

my boys move indoors during hot weather and only go back out when the shed is cool enough (sometimes they only need to be in during the day and can go back out at night, other times (such as now) it’s consistently too hot and they stay inside day and night and for an extended period)
the girls ended up having a sleep over with us lol! i was worried about putting them out after being in for a night or two but its just winter time when its too much of a temp difference it can be a problem isnt it?

although its already 28.5 degrees in here🥴
the girls seem fine bless them, frozen bottles have gone completely ignored but are still in there as thought it may help keep the area cooler. they do keep scaring me though, i think being on the fleece they get super comfortable and sprawl out and immediately i’m fussing thinking there too hot! they would definitely be using the bottles if they where uncomfortable wouldn’t they?

thanks for the reassurance!
the girls ended up having a sleep over with us lol! i was worried about putting them out after being in for a night or two but its just winter time when its too much of a temp difference it can be a problem isnt it?

although its already 28.5 degrees in here🥴
the girls seem fine bless them, frozen bottles have gone completely ignored but are still in there as thought it may help keep the area cooler. they do keep scaring me though, i think being on the fleece they get super comfortable and sprawl out and immediately i’m fussing thinking there too hot! they would definitely be using the bottles if they where uncomfortable wouldn’t they?

thanks for the reassurance!

Don’t worry, they will be fine to go back out after the heatwave as night time temperatures will still be at least 15C it’s only in winter when it’s a problem.

If they were warm, they’d be using the frozen bottles 😉
the girls ended up having a sleep over with us lol! i was worried about putting them out after being in for a night or two but its just winter time when its too much of a temp difference it can be a problem isnt it?

although its already 28.5 degrees in here🥴
the girls seem fine bless them, frozen bottles have gone completely ignored but are still in there as thought it may help keep the area cooler. they do keep scaring me though, i think being on the fleece they get super comfortable and sprawl out and immediately i’m fussing thinking there too hot! they would definitely be using the bottles if they where uncomfortable wouldn’t they?

thanks for the reassurance!
Yes if they start getting too warm they'll use the bottles. If they don't need it, they won't use it.
Some of the pigs are struggling today. Woke up to find Po, Autumn and Mia stretched out on the tiles so have popped in some bottles. Po has cuddled up to it so trying to think of other ways to cool him down. It's currently 40 outside, 33 in the shade and 29 inside. This isn't funny anymore.
Some of the pigs are struggling today. Woke up to find Po, Autumn and Mia stretched out on the tiles so have popped in some bottles. Po has cuddled up to it so trying to think of other ways to cool him down. It's currently 40 outside, 33 in the shade and 29 inside. This isn't funny anymore.
If he's too hot you can wet a towel, wring it out and wrap him up in it for a little while to draw out the heat.
Its very humid here today despite a breeze and being fairly near the coast- my damp sheet stayed damp and just started smelling like wet gym socks... I've got my main herd in the playpen on what is the shady side of the house in the morning and just about to give my old mucky bum girls a tepid bath, they are also going to get offered (but not forced) some chilled critical care recovery food- I dont know whether chilled critical care is advisable, I asked Wiebke and she wasnt sure either- probably not for syringe feeding a lot of it, but I think it might be better for the oldies that too much cold watery veg- keep those guts moving if they are too warm to eat enough hay!
If you need to wet/bath your piggies to keep them cool use tepid not cold water to avoid cold shocking them and remember the ears and footpads are where most heat is lost from, possibly a tepid wipe over with a damp flannel and especially wetting the ears and feet might help.
Stay safe and cool everyone! X
Don’t worry, they will be fine to go back out after the heatwave as night time temperatures will still be at least 15C it’s only in winter when it’s a problem.

If they were warm, they’d be using the frozen bottles 😉
A small amount of chilled critical care at fridge temperature was just received very enthusiastically by my old girls and poorly girl, just be very careful I think if you are trying this not to give too much too fast and cold shock their tummies!
We offered 0.3mls at a time and let them lick it from the syringe slowly rather than squirting it straight in, and they all went for it- and had three 0.3ml helpings- old lady Clover who had gut stasis last week and was worrying me today being a bit sprawled out and starting to breathe fast perked right up and stood up and went to eat hay straight away :)
24.5C in the goblin room last I checked. Stupid washing machine this morning refused to do a rinse and spin so I ended up having to pour detergent into the drawer and doing a full wash, which wasn't great. I still don't have the hand strength to be properly wringing out towels, bah. They're eating fine, the towels are pegged up (they got really grumpy about this, apparently I should've brought food instead) and there's a couple of hoodies hanging out on their door. Blinds are closed, bottles have socks on, frozen Snugglesafes were in the beds. The sirens have been screaming up and down the road all day.

I've done what I can. If I check up on them too often the heat builds up again because of an extra body in the room. They're being too quiet for my liking but they're eating fine and I need to repeatedly remind myself that's okay.
It's 29 degrees in the piggie room ☹we've got 2 fans going ,wet sheets over the cages,freezer ice pods,just run put of ideas.its 39 degrees outside.
Hope your piggies will be ok @eileen remember though its often cooler at piggy level if they are the floor than what the wall thermometer reads, and if they have ice pods they can use them if they need them.
Ollie and Hatty's room was 26 degrees this morning by the thermometer on my desk despite the blackout curtains and fan, but they had a frozen litre bottle in a sock wedged between their beds and they were fine, I popped the thermometer on their cage bars and it was only 23- probably cooler near the cool packs- but try not to panic!
Is your bathroom or hallway cool? Could you pop them there in a cardboard box or pet carrier with a cool pack underneath in an emergency? Or on a damp towel in the bath?
I decided to nip outside briefly just because I was curious what the actual temperature was, rather than my incredibly accurate test of waving my hand out a window or front door 🤣😱 luckily this is the opposite side of the house to the piggy room.

My house is officially 15 degrees cooler downstairs than outside, and the piggies room is currently sat at 30c. They're using their frozen bottles but my freezer has packed up (very sad, was going to have an ice cream!) So that's my first and hopefully only casualty.
The salamanders have joined the hamsters downstairs where its cooler and are now sulking because its brighter..can't win! 😅

I’m at the point where I’m too hot to keep running about now. I can’t breathe properly or move as it is with recovering from covid! Let alone this heat. I’ll be so relieved when it’s over.
I’ll have another water bottle/bowl change and ice pack swap and then might have a nap!

39 outside here too and 27.6 in the pig room.
Hector is enjoying his underfloor ice pack in the cuddle cup. Kiki is under the step stool with the pink fleece bagged ice pack. It’s quite dark in the utility room as the blinds are shut. The piggies don’t seem to mind at all. posh and Ginger have overhead ice packs on their step stools too
We are all managing well and we’ve found the window locking key to our bedroom so looking forward to a comfier night too