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hahaha yeah sorry about that, I knew drived was wrong but couldn't figure it out in my head so had to write it down haha, then I couldn't be asked to delete it.
Thats true actually... all that black ice and stuff id probably end up in a lamppost without any cadburys pebbles :(. My OH drives, he'd take me to Tesco, but hes at work :(!
I know, I slipped twice today. Luckily managed to stop myself from falling over though haha.
Aww man that sucks!
I know, I slipped twice today. Luckily managed to stop myself from falling over though haha.
Aww man that sucks!

haha I bet you did some ninja moves to keep you upright though! I'm not allowed out when there really bad ice (not that I go anywhere apart from food shopping anyway) but I have dodgy hips and don't wanna make them worse. I fell over once on my way to college a few years back now, I couldn't walk for weeks after!
haha I bet you did some ninja moves to keep you upright though! I'm not allowed out when there really bad ice (not that I go anywhere apart from food shopping anyway) but I have dodgy hips and don't wanna make them worse. I fell over once on my way to college a few years back now, I couldn't walk for weeks after!
Haha Yeh I did along with grabbing onto my friend for dear life! Oh no that's not good. You don't want to go out in this freezing weather anyway. I'm skipping uni today because it's waaaay too cold and icy and inhave to travel to get there.
It's not that bad here to be honest. Frozen, a bit icy and very cold but we've littering only has a dusting of snow.
@A&T guess what I spied in Asda today? MINI EGGS! Noticed them whilst in was giving in and buying myself a creme egg! Also got myself some of those Mr Kipling slices! This thread is a bad influence!
@A&T guess what I spied in Asda today? MINI EGGS! Noticed them whilst in was giving in and buying myself a creme egg! Also got myself some of those Mr Kipling slices! This thread is a bad influence!

Ohhh my goodness! This makes me wanna cry :(! I asked OH if he could take me to tesco before work he said no, so now I have to wait till Friday! All this waiting and I know the mini eggs are sitting there! Waiting for me! :(
You'll have to tell us if your creme egg taste weird!
Which Mr Kipling slices did you get?

I went into the garden today to break up the ice in the pond and slipped on the stepping stones! Nearly put a foot right into the freezing pond water! I'm NOT EVEN SAFE IN MY OWN GARDEN!
It's not that bad here to be honest. Frozen, a bit icy and very cold but we've littering only has a dusting of snow.

Yano when you just want it to snow so that it warms up, Thats how I feel right now. Its not even that cold when it snows! Its the presnow weather Thats really cold!

Although after it snows you get all that slush snow which turns into a deadly ice rink!
Reading this thread, I really need to get myself some French Fancies. They are the delicious!

Hahaha I bet sales in French fancies have shot up since this thread started!
Nice French fancie and a cup of tea mmm :love::love:
Ohhh my goodness! This makes me wanna cry :(! I asked OH if he could take me to tesco before work he said no, so now I have to wait till Friday! All this waiting and I know the mini eggs are sitting there! Waiting for me! :(
You'll have to tell us if your creme egg taste weird!
Which Mr Kipling slices did you get?

I went into the garden today to break up the ice in the pond and slipped on the stepping stones! Nearly put a foot right into the freezing pond water! I'm NOT EVEN SAFE IN MY OWN GARDEN!
Oh nooooo! That sucks! Oops I thought I said, I got the banoffee slices and also got the angel slices as a back up in case I don't like the banoffee ones haha.
Yikes! Just as well you never slipped in! It is so slippy, be careful!
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Oh nooooo! That sucks! Oops I thought I said, I got the banoffee slices and also got the angel slices as a back up in case I don't like the banoffee ones haha.
Yikes! Just as well you never slipped in! It is so slippy, be careful!

We ran out of banoffee slices within two days of buying them, literally they were GONE! let me know what you think of them :). I'm gunna have to get myself an angel slice now, the one thing we still do have left!

Have you had snow where you are?
We ran out of banoffee slices within two days of buying them, literally they were GONE! let me know what you think of them :). I'm gunna have to get myself an angel slice now, the one thing we still do have left!

Have you had snow where you are?
I'm having a banoffee slice just now. they are ok but I think I prefer the angel slices. I also like the bakewell ones too :) They are so small, literally gone in a few bites.

Nope no snow here. I can't decide if i want snow or not. Think I would like a little bit but only for a week or so then it can go haha
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I'm having a banoffee slice just now. they are ok but I think I prefer the angel slices. I also like the bakewell ones too :) They are so small, literally gone in a few bites.

Nope no snow here. I can't decide if i want snow or not. Think I would like a little bit but only for a week or so then it can go haha

:yikes: I thought they were heavenly! Maybe they'll grow on you! I know there tiny arnt they! Do you remember the old boxes you use to get with two slices in? Instead of one per box!

Haha same! I love making a snow man! I have to do it in stages though because I get too cold. I hate the after snow, that mushy slippery stuff. Apparently were due snow down here this week!
We just got a new car! I'm scared of someone banging into it from sliding in the snow!
:yikes: I thought they were heavenly! Maybe they'll grow on you! I know there tiny arnt they! Do you remember the old boxes you use to get with two slices in? Instead of one per box!

Haha same! I love making a snow man! I have to do it in stages though because I get too cold. I hate the after snow, that mushy slippery stuff. Apparently were due snow down here this week!
We just got a new car! I'm scared of someone banging into it from sliding in the snow!
Oh yeah I totally forgot about the twin packs haha.
Hmm I'm not sure if we are due snow or not! But Yeh it can be scary to drive in. We live in a neighbourhood that's down a hill and the gritters rarely come here. The hill gets like a sheet of snow and ice and cars struggle to get up it! One year I couldn't get up it haha just kept wheelspinning half way up this hill :(
Hopefully your car will be ok!
Oh yeah I totally forgot about the twin packs haha.
Hmm I'm not sure if we are due snow or not! But Yeh it can be scary to drive in. We live in a neighbourhood that's down a hill and the gritters rarely come here. The hill gets like a sheet of snow and ice and cars struggle to get up it! One year I couldn't get up it haha just kept wheelspinning half way up this hill :(
Hopefully your car will be ok!

Just ask my mum if she can bring me in some mini eggs and more banoffee slices ;D I hope she can get them in tesco express!
Oh God! I can even imagine walking up a hill in the snow let alone driving up one! London just can't deal with snow at all, they run out of grit and the trains stop working, it's embarrassing lol, especially that year a few years back which was particularly bad!
My kitten (not so kitten like anymore over a year old now) has never seen snow before! That will be funny to see!
I haven't had mini eggs in ages! I need some desperately. Not as much as french fancies, but still!
Just ask my mum if she can bring me in some mini eggs and more banoffee slices ;D I hope she can get them in tesco express!
Oh God! I can even imagine walking up a hill in the snow let alone driving up one! London just can't deal with snow at all, they run out of grit and the trains stop working, it's embarrassing lol, especially that year a few years back which was particularly bad!
My kitten (not so kitten like anymore over a year old now) has never seen snow before! That will be funny to see!
Hopefully she will get some for you. Aww cute, I wonder if she/he will like it! He/she will be wondering what the cold, white stuff is!

Mini eggs are lovely.
they sure are!

I haven't had mini eggs in ages! I need some desperately. Not as much as french fancies, but still!
they are sooo good. I go through a good few bags each year :drool:
Diets are over rated.. Id rather be huge than not be able to eat my favourite things... I.e all the things listed above lol
Fat sounds good! Let's get fat!

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Us when we get fat:
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