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Yes, I love it. No, I haven't been there, have you?

Noo, but its one of those places you couldn't pay me to go on holiday too lol. I'm more a... if your gunna go on holiday go on holiday to try the local culture and food... benidorm is like.. basically england.. with sunshine. Have you been abroad?
Sell...cakes.... yes, ofcourse! I'll sell them to myself! ;)! bahahaha. whats your favorite thing from greggs?!
Caramel Custard Doughnuts. I have to limit myself to one treat a week though, put on a stone in the first year I worked there.:oops:
OMG - I haven't been following this thread as I don't like French Fancies. What an eye opener. I had' t ever heard of a Caramel Custard Doughnut .
All I can say is you're a bad influence @alibobbles . I think I 'm safer staying on the Diet Club thread.
Caramel Custard Doughnuts. I have to limit myself to one treat a week though, put on a stone in the first year I worked there.:oops:

Oh jeeze! I can imagine i'd be like that... I wouldn't be able to stop myself!
I'm so sorry...In my defence(?) I have lost it all again now, and a bit more doing weightwatchers online.
I'm so sorry...In my defence(?) I have lost it all again now, and a bit more doing weightwatchers online.
Well done. I admire your self control.

I'm a weightwatchers member.

How many ppts in a Caramel Custard Doughnut ?
P:S: according to my calculations, a French Fancy has 1/3 of the points in one of those doughnuts !
I'd dread to think how many ppts I eat a day... Seriously I only have normal meals because I have to!
Noo, but its one of those places you couldn't pay me to go on holiday too lol. I'm more a... if your gunna go on holiday go on holiday to try the local culture and food... benidorm is like.. basically england.. with sunshine. Have you been abroad?
No, never been abroad. :(
I had a yumyum for my breakfast this morning, it was sooo good! Not as good as a French Fancie though!
Oooh tell us what they are like Rachel! I think they are going to be horrid, but at the same time it could be a load of media hype!
Chocolate mucky fingers brigade (aka me) has thoroughly assessed the cream egg:
Chocolate: very nice, no different taste to normal
Egg: very nice, no different taste or colour to normal.

So they taste the same to me. Maybe the ones I bought were an older batch?
Chocolate mucky fingers brigade (aka me) has thoroughly assessed the cream egg:
Chocolate: very nice, no different taste to normal
Egg: very nice, no different taste or colour to normal.

So they taste the same to me. Maybe the ones I bought were an older batch?

Haha chocolate mucky finger brigade! That made me chuckle.
Hmmm, so we have yet to confirm is they have, infact, changed the cream eggs. The mystery continues!
yano want I cant wait for..MINI EGGS!!! omnomnomnom
Have you tried the cadburys pebbles? Very similar to mini eggs but with a smooth shell and slightly flatter. And you get them all year!

:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: Cadburys pebbles!?!? Similar to mini eggs! AVAILABLE ALL YEAR! why have I never been told before!?!? Going to Tesco tomorrow now! I need to try them!
If they're amazing, I'm going to love you forever!
:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: Cadburys pebbles!?!? Similar to mini eggs! AVAILABLE ALL YEAR! why have I never been told before!?!? Going to Tesco tomorrow now! I need to try them!
If they're amazing, I'm going to love you forever!
They are delish! I finished a packet of them tonight :drool:
They are delish! I finished a packet of them tonight :drool:

You had some tonight?! This makes me sads :( I need some, times like this I wish I drived. (drived?...Drive..ed...drove Ah drove!) I wish I drove! I'd so go to Tesco right now to try these bad boys!
You had some tonight?! This makes me sads :( I need some, times like this I wish I drived. (drived?...Drive..ed...drove Ah drove!) I wish I drove! I'd so go to Tesco right now to try these bad boys!
Pahahaa bit of thinking out loud there! Driving is so handy but it's absolutely freezing here I wouldn't be going to the shop for anything, brr!
Pahahaa bit of thinking out loud there! Driving is so handy but it's absolutely freezing here I wouldn't be going to the shop for anything, brr!

hahaha yeah sorry about that, I knew drived was wrong but couldn't figure it out in my head so had to write it down haha, then I couldn't be asked to delete it.
Thats true actually... all that black ice and stuff id probably end up in a lamppost without any cadburys pebbles :(. My OH drives, he'd take me to Tesco, but hes at work :(!
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