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I always say, I'm making up for the years I didnt eat! But I guess no everyone has that excuse!

I'd rather be fat and happy than, skinny/normal and sad, living off vegetables and not allowed to even look at a cake :(
Haha, sadly I do need to loose some weight, though I have no aspirations of being skinny!
@aimzer Mum managed to get me lemon slices.... -.-! I was expecting mini eggs and banoffee slices.. and she got me lemon slices lol I was so disappointed!
@aimzer Mum managed to get me lemon slices.... -.-! I was expecting mini eggs and banoffee slices.. and she got me lemon slices lol I was so disappointed!
Oh no haha I hate lemon. Will you still eat them though? At least to least she got you something :)
I ate my creme egg and have to say I DEFINATELY noticed a difference in the chocolate. That's probably because I'm such a cadburys lover haha
Oh no haha I hate lemon. Will you still eat them though? At least to least she got you something :)
I ate my creme egg and have to say I DEFINATELY noticed a difference in the chocolate. That's probably because I'm such a cadburys lover haha

Probably haha, only because I'm a massive fatty! I quite like lemon.. unless its really sharp and makes me pull funny faces :(
Oh no! Maybe you got one of the newer ones! You should complain! See I wanna try one... but I never liked creme eggs before... and if there not even cadburys chocolate... that makes them even worse! Was the center different too?
Probably haha, only because I'm a massive fatty! I quite like lemon.. unless its really sharp and makes me pull funny faces :(
Oh no! Maybe you got one of the newer ones! You should complain! See I wanna try one... but I never liked creme eggs before... and if there not even cadburys chocolate... that makes them even worse! Was the center different too?
Haha well at least you have something yummy to eat!
The inside was the same but I thought the eggs were smaller. I mean, it tasted fine but I just noticed the difference. Someone who isn't a Cadbury addict might not notice a change at all.
Haha well at least you have something yummy to eat!
The inside was the same but I thought the eggs were smaller. I mean, it tasted fine but I just noticed the difference. Someone who isn't a Cadbury addict might not notice a change at all.

Do you think it would be possible to eat the chocolate without eating the middle?! Its the middle that really freaks me out lol. Apparently there's a lot of other people out there that noticed the different! Your not alone! I'm gonna get some for OH and see if he notices! He's a fan on them too! Have you had the creme egg chocolates that are in the isit 'heros' box?
Do you think it would be possible to eat the chocolate without eating the middle?! Its the middle that really freaks me out lol. Apparently there's a lot of other people out there that noticed the different! Your not alone! I'm gonna get some for OH and see if he notices! He's a fan on them too! Have you had the creme egg chocolates that are in the isit 'heros' box?
Mmm I love the middle bit! Yum! Yeh I have had the 'twisted' creme egg you get in the heroes. You used to get those but as a chocolate bar but haven't seen any in ages. I wonder if those ones are cadburys?
Mmm I love the middle bit! Yum! Yeh I have had the 'twisted' creme egg you get in the heroes. You used to get those but as a chocolate bar but haven't seen any in ages. I wonder if those ones are cadburys?

:O! Maybe thats why they dont put them in the proper creme eggs, because they can only afford to put them on one of them! and they choose heroes!
Although I find that kinda unlikely...I think they're just cheap.
:O! Maybe thats why they dont put them in the proper creme eggs, because they can only afford to put them on one of them! and they choose heroes!
Although I find that kinda unlikely...I think they're just cheap.
Haha they are turning into such a cheap company :(
Does anyone eat chocolate coins, and forget to take the wrapper off before putting in their mouth?
Hahahaha, no I can't say I do!
I use to like cadburys coins but they got rid of those. Now they taste like holiday chocolate.
Lol, it is because the foil is in half so sometimes it looks so real, like it is part of the chocolate!
*hides away*
Yes that is the case! Jaffa cakes have been made smaller too. They keep the same size packet, but reduce the treat!
It's scandal I tell you. I may complain then we may get a ton of free Ff :)

My grandfather bless his soul once complained to Heinz as his tin of beans and sausages said 8 on the tin, he had 7. They sent him 40 pounds worth of Heinz vouchers!!
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