Eriathwens piggies

I am sorry you are having such a tough time right now.
I hope you can take comfort in how well you look after your piggies, you take on the difficult cases, the sick ones, the ones most other people would refuse. You give them a wonderful life full of love and fantastic care. The losses are so hard and however many we lose it never gets easier.
Thanks guys 😞

I've got up and found, once again, that Kiwi has hurdled over into Dylans group.. I have a feeling its because she's being frightened, there's work being done on the gas lines right outside our house and she's quite flighty so to remove any risk of her injuring herself I've decided that I'll just chuck the other 2 over as well and let them crack on with it. 🤞 they're OK, Dylans been a little excited after Ivy shoved her nose in his mouth unexpectedly while he was yawning..honestly I can see where Banjo got it from now, this little family has no idea how to introduce themselves to other pigs 😅 she hasn't met Bailey yet who is napping under the hay but hopefully they don't dislike eachother.

So far everything has been going smoothly, Poppet gave Ivy quite the headbutt a little while ago but nothing nasty.
I removed the sectioned off area that Ivy and babies have been living in, to give more space and Lily and Dylan went running over to eachother to say hello through the bars, which was quite sweet. Its been a long time since they were able to do that.

I've had to make an appointment for the boys to go to the vet later, Silver has either mucous or dried boar glue all over his nose 🤦‍♀️ he has been sneezing all day so I dont want to take and chances, hes fine in himself, eating, mounting poor Forrest and running around, but given hes a fragile sausage best to have him checked, he had boar glue on his nose not so long ago which has left a bald spot so i expect its just more of the same, fingers crossed!

Banjo is coming out of his shell with his new ladies too, theyre making sure hes ok, he likes to smuggle up with Tilly and Lily is lovijg having a ypunger pig to play with and harass, hopefully he will reciprocate once he's more settled and less scared!

So, Silver was put on Baytril at his appointment, Forrest started to show symptoms too so was put on Baytril yesterday. Both seem to be doing ok, although Forrest is a little quieter than normal.

Bailey went to the vet today, her bladder is slightly inflamed and when expressed, she passed some blood. She has also been put on Baytril in the hopes she has a uti but as she's Pippins sister if it doesn't improve, she will go in for xrays to check her for stones too.

Mabels going in tomorrow as she's had some periods of soft poops and her weight gain has stopped, so I just want to have her checked over.

Another busy week!
Aw thankyou, they're worth the stress bless them!

Mabel did well at her appointment, unfortunately she has lost all the weight she gained, she developed soft poops again a few days ago, spent a couple of days at about 850g, got soft poops again and is now back down to about 815g 😔

Shes still well in herself though, so we're putting her on metronidazole (I think) 😅 to see if that helps. Although I'll be collecting that Friday, the practice only had the tablet form which tastes awful when crushed aparently so she's going to get the liquid form from the exotics specialists own practice who is bringing it in Friday at her next shift. After putting Mabel through the awful tasting heart medication not long after we first got her, I dont want to do that to her again 🤦‍♀️ so hopefully she likes the liquid!

So, fingers crossed that'll get her back on track!

I should've taken my vets advice and only gone in the piggy room with the lights off and headphones on 🫠

I was sat waiting for several pigs to pee, just to see if the new urinary supplement we're trying on them is starting to work (spoiler isnt 🤣) and Panda is pawing at her mouth and making weird faces, just like Pumpkin did at the start. I'm gutted her dental issue may be genetic after all, I'm even more worried the heart issue that killed her may be as well. She's still eating fine.. I dont get it!

I did pull a thorn out of her gum by her incisors, whether that still hurts or there's one further back I don't know, but I hope so. I'm really crossing everything that that was the problem but its probably wishful thinking.

Shes absolutely sucked down 20ml of critical care in about 3 minutes, didn't even touch the sides, she can still eat.. but then so could Pumpkin. Ugh.

So luckily miss Pandas molars are perfect, it's likely either the site where the thorn was that I pulled out is still sore, or there's another sharp something in the mouth that's now gone (she's still doing it but not as bad) she's still eating and doing everything else OK so far so we're monitoring her and she has a check up in a few weeks to see how she is and obviously, she will go back if she gets worse. So..thats a relief.
I dont want to jinx myself but for a change, I think I have some good news to share 😅
So last night poor Pippin was squealing extra loudly while peeing, but unfortunately there wasn't much I could do apart from continue what we've already been doing.. this morning I noticed her peeing again and apart from a very tiny squeak at the start, she was quiet.. although it did contain some blood.

I got her out a while ago to give her some fluids to try to flush her bladder and see what she passes. She peed absolutely fine and didn't make a sound! So fingers crossed last night she passed the 2 stones that showed up on her xrays!

It's still early days and there's no guarantee she won't make more, but at least for today I can relax a little bit

(As you can see..she was thrilled about being watched while she peed!)

Forrest has been pretty quiet for a while now so he saw the vet today, nothing obviously going on so we are continuing to treat his respiratory issue but lowered his dose of baytril just in case. Silvers lung sounds totally clear now so going in the right direction at least.

She did remark on how healthy his knees were 😂 apparently there aren't many piggies who don't have arthritic changes to their knees so that was good lol

If he is still not back to normal once his antibiotics are finished we will have him back in for conscious bloodwork.

Mabels taken a bit of a turn, shes stopped her metronidazole, she only had a couple doses left anyway. She isnt pooping after passing lots of stringy stasis poops this morning even though she is eating fine. She's going quite flat when in the cage but when out with me she livens back up again so seems she will be spending the day with me. The vets had said if she didn't perk up/I was worried then she could go for a check up later but to be honest, I don't see what they can do that isn't already being done so I'm reluctant to stress her out.

She has developed the smell they make prior to passing away, so at the moment my focus is on keeping her comfortable. If needed I will take her down tomorrow unless she drastically declines and I'll call them back, but she has an appointment Friday with the specialist that I'm hoping we can get her to.

You can see the difference in her woth me and immediately after, when put back into her cage.

Bless her. Mabel is in the best hands with you.
Sending you hugs, it's never easy having a sick piggy.
Thankyou, shes been quite happily mooching about downstairs with us, eating, napping etc. Her urine looks very concentrated, and she has stopped pooping but with the stasis poops I'm not surprised. Hopefully in a few hours they'll return.

Shes enjoying a nice pile of grass at the moment, quite bright and happy. I put her back in the cage earlier but Fern and Panda both went for her and she started squealing so I think I may section her off with Pippin just to give her a break, especially as I won't be able to monitor her over night.
