Eriathwens piggies

I've decided to postpone the bonding until tomorrow, unfortunately mum has been unwell most of yesterday and overnight, I've had barely any sleep and just don't feel I can adequately supervise 2 bondings at once. One of my best friends kindly took us to the vet this morning which was very much needed emotional support, but I'm going to try to catch up on a little sleep while Pumpkin is getting done. Luckily Mum is feeling slightly better, we've not had to get the paramedics out this time so seeing as she's fed, watered and medicated (along with the piggies 😅) I've got some time to nap. Hopefully I'll be woken up to news Pumkins doing well.
Hope your mums ok. Sweet dreams and hopefully great news from the vets. 🤞🏻
I'm just about to go collect Pumpkin..unfortunately as soon as she was given the aneasthetic her heart stopped. They tried to bring her back but were unsuccessful 😔 she had fluid in her chest and an underlying heart issue which would have been the likely reason her teeth had started to create a problem in the first place. Poor little sausage 😭
Gosh I’m so sorry to learn that - popcorn freely Pumpkin at RB ❤️
Look after yourself
Oh just seen this and I am so sorry you lost Pumpkin, how tragic, she will have known just how much you cared x

Popcorn high little lady 🌈
Thankyou all.. ive placed her in with her little family to say goodbye, she was still warm which was a bit of a shock, I dont know why I don't remember the others being warm 😔 she just looks like she's fast asleep as normal, she never used to wake up when I'd go in the room, being deaf.
I'm gutted, but in a way, at least this was peaceful and she didn't suffer, the nurse said she was gone very quickly.

I was given Mabels trial of Sulfasalazine while I was there, so fingers crossed we see some improvement with her and we at least get a little good news this week.
So sorry to read the sad news about Pumpkin. Sending a big hug. :hug:

Sleep tight little one. ❤️🌈
Thankyou guys, it's been usual I got her meds ready before I realised.

I've been off and on the phone all day arranging various appointments etc so haven't begun bonding yet, typically Ivy has come into season so her little lot will have to wait, no way will she be accepted behaving how she currently is to poor Popcorn and Kiwi.

Once I've had something to eat though I will probably go and pop Banjo in with his 2 new ladies and see how they get along. Fingers crossed!
Thankyou guys, it's been usual I got her meds ready before I realised.

I've been off and on the phone all day arranging various appointments etc so haven't begun bonding yet, typically Ivy has come into season so her little lot will have to wait, no way will she be accepted behaving how she currently is to poor Popcorn and Kiwi.

Once I've had something to eat though I will probably go and pop Banjo in with his 2 new ladies and see how they get along. Fingers crossed!
No worries, you a do it when you are ready
As much as I love him, I'm very ready to not have to deal with the amount of hay all over my bedroom floor from little Banjo burrowing..I'm sure he thinks he's part mole. It's been a never ending job cleaning it and at this point I've given up which hasn't done my allergies any favours 🤦‍♀️ I'll miss hearing him zooming about though, he's a funny little sausage.
So far so good..although still early days. He has rather rudely introduced himself to Tilly by shoving his head under her bum and recieved a jet of urine up the nose for his troubles 🤦‍♀️ and got frightened when Lily ran into him while she was zooming around, but he has already been popcorning and has settled down to eat hay with them in their cage. Fingers crossed everything stays calm and quiet!

Pippins xrays today showed 2 small stones, absolutely tiny, she should be perfectly capable of passing them herself which I'm hoping she does.. her left? Knee has really bad arthritis so I'm wondering if she's not emptying her bladder out properly if that's sore. So going to give her some extra pain relief.

Fern and Panda went in because Panda was sneezing..because of course she was 🙃 she was fine once she was there though! Just going to keep an eye on her and if she gets worse start her on antibiotics. I'm hoping it's just a wobble after losing her sister.

Ferns bladder felt fine, her squeaky wees are probably as before, IC, but we're going to trial some supplements to see if that has any effect.
More weight gain for my beautiful girl 🥰 I cant remember the last time I picked her up and didn't feel like I might break something. You could feel every single rib, her pelvis, the bones in her legs.. now she's like a brick! It may only be 90g worth of muscle coverage but it's made a massive difference, it's only been 4 doses..48 hours! I've not even recieved the delivery of most of her higher calorie foods yet, this is just from her normal diet!

I've been a bit on auto pilot today, things had to get done, piggies needed to be seen and sorted by the vet, Pumpkin needed dropping to the crematorium. Now I've been home and eaten, rested and spent some time just sitting, I've sat and had a good cry, happiness for Mabel, sadness for Pumpkin and frustration with the ongoing bladder issues we just can't seem to fix or get on top of.

Sending you a BIG hug - it’s been really tough for you with the piggies and with you - lovely to see sweet Mabel putting on weight ! ❤️
Thankyou 😔 in the last year I've lost a piggy every other month and the year before if you averaged it out, its about the same..although in reality I lost more than one some months in 2022.

I have so many seniors now, I know this year is only going to get worse. Its motivation to make sure they get the best care possible and spoilt, but it still gets me down sometimes. And I feel bad for being so happy for Mabel while Pumpkins loss is still so fresh. Its quite the emotional roller coaster.