Miss Mabel did great at the vet, the nurse told me what a good girl she had been and had lots of cuddles and my vet told me the same
she didn't even need sedating for her bloodwork, she just sat and let them do it. Her blood has been sent off to a different lab for a reason I cant remember.. so not sure when I will hear the results, shes had a basic rodent panel and a T4 (apparently to check her thyroid) she didn't get a cushings saliva test, apparently if she has it, it'll show in her liver values or something so that saved her having to deal with that.
She was happy as Larry what she got home, chatting away to me and the other piggies, no doubt telling them all about her day
she didn't get a dodgy shave like Thistle did, so no chicken legs.
Forrest and Silver had their teeth done and as per, Forrest kicked off.. he knows damn well what my vets about to do now and makes it take forever
can't take him anywhere, luckily Silver was as good as gold.. apparently because he's fat and easier to keep hold of
his eye is what it is, it's filling with something, just like Forrests and his other one is the same, just not as bad. I need to keep an eye out for signs of glaucoma, no eye removals until then, because only then will it be painful.
All in all, not a bad day!