Eriathwens piggies

I've been sat grooming Mabel and poor thing, just as she starts regrowing the hair on her belly and chest, she's losing patches off her back now 😔 I'm not sure if it's due to whatever it is that's going on with her directly, or if it's knocking her immune system and allowed mites to take hold..although her skin looks reasonably OK. I guess we will find out Tuesday.

Poor girl she’s been thru so much - hopefully the Vet will get whatever it is sorted for her ❤️
So..when I said I "faffed around" yesterday regarding Biscuit, what I meant was I had taken her off her antibiotics 😅 the vet that had been asked Friday had said to continue until she went into stasis but.. I knew my regular vet wouldn't have gone with that and I didn't feel comfortable continuing so I stopped them, which is exactly what he told me to do today. Stasis is a far bigger risk than the infection and she's so painful and bloated off and on now, albeit much improved since the weekend but hopefully she will be back to her old self soon enough.

Pippin has been booked in next Wednesday for xrays to check for a bladder stone, its unlikely but best to rule it out. She's otherwise OK, he was worried for a moment her bladder felt like a pea, until he gave her a jiggle and she pooped 🤣 but she at least hasn't started bleeding after having her bladder expressed, unlike last time!

Miss Mabel did great at the vet, the nurse told me what a good girl she had been and had lots of cuddles and my vet told me the same 😅 she didn't even need sedating for her bloodwork, she just sat and let them do it. Her blood has been sent off to a different lab for a reason I cant remember.. so not sure when I will hear the results, shes had a basic rodent panel and a T4 (apparently to check her thyroid) she didn't get a cushings saliva test, apparently if she has it, it'll show in her liver values or something so that saved her having to deal with that.

She was happy as Larry what she got home, chatting away to me and the other piggies, no doubt telling them all about her day 🤣 she didn't get a dodgy shave like Thistle did, so no chicken legs.

Forrest and Silver had their teeth done and as per, Forrest kicked off.. he knows damn well what my vets about to do now and makes it take forever 🤦‍♀️ can't take him anywhere, luckily Silver was as good as gold.. apparently because he's fat and easier to keep hold of 😂 his eye is what it is, it's filling with something, just like Forrests and his other one is the same, just not as bad. I need to keep an eye out for signs of glaucoma, no eye removals until then, because only then will it be painful.

All in all, not a bad day!

Phew that’s good news - we’ve all been worried about Mabel,Forrest and Silver - hopefully you’re feeling a bit better about it all
I hope you sleep a bit more relaxed tonight 🥰
Thanks! Fingers crossed. I dont need to he up early tomorrow either so I'm turning my phone onto silent and sleeping as long as I need to 😅
I'm almost hoping it comes back as her thyroid, so we have something to treat..but I suppose I will have to just wait and see.
Poor Biscuits weight has suddenly dropped, I've been able to get her an appointment right after Panda and Pumpkins, although with a different vet, so I might not get the chance to discuss referring Pumpkin to the C&R which is a shame but there's no real rush, getting them all checked atm is more important.

Luckily she is still eating and pooing even if her poos aren't great looking, she doesn't feel bloated either. Fingers crossed its just a small blip.

What a day.. luckily Biscuits weight loss isn't concerning, shes just getting over the last of the antibiotics, she was able to remove a little more of the rejected suture material so hopefully that will keep the pus down as well.

Panda had her incisors burred again and her molars look absolutely fine, one less thing to worry about.

Pumpkins however had regrown over her tongue, only 2mm apart. She's booked Monday for another dental, luckily for how bad they are, she is still eating well. I'll be keeping a close eye on her though to make sure she doesn't start to struggle.

Mabels blood results came back pretty much normal, I went home and came back with a fecal sample, to check for parasites. I need to try to bump up the calorie content of her diet so extra oats, and other higher calorie things.. its likely her intestines aren't absorbing nutrition properly. She also wants to trial a drug with her which I've forgotten the name..begins with S anyway, I think..its for gut inflammation, so hopefully if/when we do that, that helps.
Mabel was surprisingly cooperative giving a poo sample, I picked her up to take her downstairs and she did it directly into my hand 🙃 lovely 🤣

I've been giving it a lot of thought and have decided not to go ahead with the original bonding plan with Banjo, I feel like given Tillys special needs and age, meeting Ivy plus 3 boisterous babies would be a little much. Not to mention both Popcorn and Kiwi (Kiwi twice now!) Have hurdled themselves over the cage sides to introduce themselves to Dylans group and recieved a very warm welcome each time.. half the work has already been done to bond them into the larger group, theyre babies still so no one really minds, it will just depend on whether Bella and Bailey take to Ivy or not.

On top of that, Tillys ovarian cysts make her extremely hormonal from time to time, Lily has grown up with this, however I can see the 3 new girls, especially Ivy, taking great offense to this and causing a fight. Even in her younger years Tilly wasn't a placid, easy to bond piggy!

So, with Finleys unexpected passing I think it's best Banjo succeeds him for now, a baby male on his own will be far easier for Tilly to accept and he will be more accepting of Tillys behaviour as it isnt a direct threat to his position.

I'm not 100% when I will bond them, Banjo has been safe since the 21st, but next week I have a dental and xrays to deal with..although I'd like to attempt it while my vet is in, incase Tilly does decline suddenly. So it may be week after next, although I really don't want Banjo being alone any longer than he really has I may end up doing it Monday seeing as I'll be up early to drop Pumpkin off. As lovely as he is, I'd like my bedroom back now as well 🤣

Just kind of thinking out loud 😅 it's a shame the little family won't be reunited but they can still talk through the bars..assuming Kiwi doesn't keep chucking herself over walls to visit other herds, little sod!
Well I hope it goes well whenever you decide on time wise 🤞It will be nice for little Banjo to have a company again
Thankyou! The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking I'll do it Monday, he's such a quiet little man, he would really benefit from going with others. Fingers crossed he doesn't have his sisters jumping abilities 🤦‍♀️😅
Oh hope it goes well, I’ll keep a lookout for news, good luck!
Thankyou! Luckily it's Pumpkin having the dental treatment not me 🤣 I'm not sure that's any less stressful, but its preferable lol

I've got a big package of treats and distractions coming today and tomorrow, hopefully it'll keep Banjo calmer and Tilly, Bailey and Bella in a good mood 😅