Just a heads up there will be some kind of gross pictures at the bottom of this post!
It's been quite a day.. this morning Bella, Delilah and Mabel went to the vet, Delilah has had gabapentin added to her little mix of pain relief for her arthritis, Mabel has had metacam added, as her back legs were stiff and she was wallowing in urine so seems she is also developing arthritis, both already seem significantly better already.
Bella was weighed in at 1350g, 300g heavier than last time she was weighed with them
He isnt sure about the possibility of hypothyroidism but he's left a note to talk to the specialist about her opinion when she's next in and he will call me when he hears something. I'm wondering if shes potentially part cuy at this point, but she's chubby even for how long she is.
Anyway all was well until about 2 hours ago when I went to start cleaning out the piggies, I'd got almost everyone out the cages when Poppet decides to wriggle in my arms and dislodge the scab on her "good" incision. Underneath it I could see pus and suture material..
so phone the vets and I take her down an hour or so later. She's reacting to the suture material and rejecting it, she had the scab removed and as much of the stitching as he could see, cleaned it well and put a staple to keep it closed enough to heal but open enough to drain if needed. I'm to put flamazine cream on twice a day for a few days until its dry and healed over and the staple needs to come out in 2 weeks time.