So..we've had a hell of a night. Fern continued to get worse, and became lethargic. It dawned on me I hadn't seen her pooping and really, by now there should have at least been something.
When I checked her bottom I could see that she was impacted which, to give myself a bit of a quite rare in females. Where she had been dehydrated her poop had become totally dry and had adhered to the inside of her anus creating a blockage.
Essentially, she wasnt able to swallow because her digestive system had entirely backed up and there was nowhere for any more food to even go! I spent the next few hours very gently easing poop from inside her anus while she struggled to pass it, alternating between that and trickling very diluted critical care into her mouth.
I opted to start her on some of the gabapentin and ranitadine I had here as passing such dry, backed up poop would have absolutely been painful.
Luckily we got into a good rhythm eventually of a mouthful of critical care chased by a small amount of water to help it go down now that her stomach was able to empty and by 9am, she was well enough to begin eating grass.
She is still hit and miss with actually eating by herself, but she can swallow the critical care again, is pooping almost normally after passing lots of horrible, stringy stasis poops and is much brighter and alert.
I honestly thought she was going to pass away last night, she had that glassy look in her eyes but she's a strong girl.
She has a little weakness in her back legs but she's otherwise doing OK and has her check up tomorrow.
I was down the vets a little while ago picking up some critical care as I'd run out before my online delivery arrived, one of the nurses came out to ask how she was doing and seemed really happy with her progress, I assume she was one of the ones caring for her on Monday while she was hospitalised.
I am trying not to get my hopes up that we may be turning a corner, she still has a long way to go given how up and down she is, but I'm hopefully going to at least be able to get more sleep tonight. I can count on one hand how many hours of sleep I've had since Sunday