Unfortunately Panda has lost some weight, so I'm working on that, the smell is as bad as ever so I've booked her an appointment already for Thursday. I was told to bring her back in a week 'if' the smell was still there or the tooth looked like it might be removable but at this point I don't think there's any 'if' about it not really being resolved by then.
She can always take Forrests appointment Monday if needed but I'd like her to have the full course of antibiotics at least to give them a proper chance to work, however appointments for my vet fill up fast so I figured I'd get it booked before I really need it.
It's been awful in this heat, keeping an eye on the slightly fragile Forrest and Silver who love the heat but sleep really deeply, I've got to keep an eye on them to make sure they've not tucked themselves somewhere under the hay overheating.
And of course same for Tilly at 8 years old, she loves a nice warm nap, but she doesn't wake up when she gets too warm either!
Then of course keeping little Ivy and the babies cool enough because they love hiding under the flipping bath mats they're on!
It's like they're deliberately trying to get heatstroke sometimes
And of course there's Pumpkin, death napping as usual, scaring the hell out of me