Eriathwens piggies

Thanks! The rash has gone today, luckily. It doesn't usually last very long 😅

The boys were in a great mood last night 🥰 Forrest has an appointment Monday to check out his honking and snorting. I'm pretty sure it's due to his malformed skull, but I want to rule out heart issues at least.

I've got to collect Ebonys cartrophen injection later and reordering metacam and gabapentin, I'm going to be booking her and Delilah an appointment for check ups, Pippin most likely as well as she has a small amount of hair thinning and knowing my luck, it's the start of ovarian cysts. Oddly enough I've noticed lots of black spots all over Pippin that never grew any black hair, the little monkey has been a secret dalmatian this entire time! I miss when they used to take it in turns to have issues 🤣

Totally forgot to update, when I went to collect Ebonys cartrophen yesterday I was able to get a double appointment for an hour later, so I shot back home, grabbed Ebony, Delilah and Pippin and got back just in time 😅

Ebonys foot is definitely looking better, shes been given some flamazine cream to put on 3xs a day.

Delilah has no tumour that he could feel, shes gained 100g and a tumour that size would be very easy to find. She did however have pain around the kidney area. For now she will finish her panacur and I'm to stop her gabapentin after a week to see what she does. But she's happy and otherwise well.

Pippin doesn't have any palpable cysts, she did however have flaky skin under all the hair on her back end that I hadn't seen when I looked, why she has signs of mites and the others don't we aren't sure, she's otherwise a chunky monkey and quite OK other than sitting in her urine for some reason, she has had some urinary issues in the past but that didn't seem to be an issue currently. He's given me enough panomec for them for 4 weeks and we'll monitor her.

For being well behaved I picked them up a rabbit toy to destroy, which that group were quite interested in! At only £8 in Pets at Home I might get one for each pen, Silver and Forrest would definitely enjoy it, especially with plants woven into it.

So the scab once again came off Ebonys foot last night, I was expecting it as it looked like her body had kind of rejected a whole slab of scar tissue under the scab and had started to peel back, I was very worried it was going to leave a huge crater and we would be back to square one, but thankfully it's just left behind footpad, no real scabbing. It's a little raw looking, but healthy tissue. 🤞 this is the beginning of the end to this now!

So the scab once again came off Ebonys foot last night, I was expecting it as it looked like her body had kind of rejected a whole slab of scar tissue under the scab and had started to peel back, I was very worried it was going to leave a huge crater and we would be back to square one, but thankfully it's just left behind footpad, no real scabbing. It's a little raw looking, but healthy tissue. 🤞 this is the beginning of the end to this now!

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That's great news!
So happy with how it's looking today! Its already starting to shrink. Fingers crossed by the time she's finished her cream it'll be all gone 😀

Lovely Lily came out for a weigh in as well, 814g yet she will be 1 year old in a couple weeks, such a little thing! Bless her.

And Delilah has come off her gabapentin at the vets advice and still doing great, happily having a snooze in her favourite corner 😴

So, yesterday was busier than expected 😳 originally I just had an appointment for Forrest who went in, got his teeth done and checked over for his weird honking noise, his heart and lungs are good so it's definitely nasal, either seasonal allergies, tooth root issues or something like a polyp causing an obstruction. We're going to monitor him for now, I do not think sending him for a CT scan is really in his best interests at the moment.

Also while I was sorting Forrest out I noticed Mabels coat looked a bit off so I got her out and found she had pooped a large amount of thick, sticky mucous that had got stuck in her hair and needed cutting out. I managed to get her an appointment about an hour after Forrests so rushed back home with him and back with her. Everything seems fine, she isnt bloated, she had poo pellets in her guts, she's eating and otherwise very well in herself. He has given me some ranitidine for her to have twice a day, while he talks to the exotics vet today as he wasn't in yesterday and he's going to give me a call to see what he thinks as this has been an ongoing issue with her digestive system that really needs sorting. He's also considering the possibility of parasites but we are unsure, given how uncommon endoparasites are in guinea pigs.

She also did a stealth pee down his shirt and all over the table which was nice of her.. a bit of karma for him laughing at my unfortunate sunburn after the half marathon I did Sunday 😅

Ebony also decided to take the scab off her foot again which was incredibly unhelpful! But it's looking not too bad again now.

🤦‍♀️ hopefully today is a lot quieter!
Mabel finished her ranitadine Saturday, which had given her soft poops again, now she's finished it theyre solid again but the mucous is back 🙄 so she will have to go back to the vet to see what's next.

Ebonys foot is so very almost healed, fingers crossed another month and it'll be totally clear.

And Forrest has typically almost stopped making the honking noise since his trip to the vet 😅 little , I swear sometimes they just like going for a visit!

Glad to hear Ebony and Forrest are better. Hope the vet can get to the bottom of Mabel’s mucuous poo!
Good news Ebony and Forest are much better now. Hope you can find out what‘s making Mabel poorly, touch wood it’s easily sorted
Now that it's June, they means Ebony is officially 6 years old! It seems forever ago she came up from the Isle of Wight to be a companion for my Bramble, who immediately loved her 😅

Of course wouldn't be one of my pigs if it went smoothly, Ebonys little back legs barely moved thanks to really bad vitamin C deficiency, but we soon got her sorted out. In spite of a myriad of health issues since, she's still absolutely tough as nails!

Obligatory baby picture first 😅

6 weeks have flown by! Today's the day Dylan could meet his ladies and luckily, it's been totally seemless. I was worried Bailey would show her old colours and attack him but nope, she has been tolerating him mostly and walking away. He is having the time of his life.

Of course Olivers herd had a great time watching the new entertainment 🤣 and Dylan has also said hello to Lily through the bars.

6 weeks have flown by! Today's the day Dylan could meet his ladies and luckily, it's been totally seemless. I was worried Bailey would show her old colours and attack him but nope, she has been tolerating him mostly and walking away. He is having the time of his life.

Of course Olivers herd had a great time watching the new entertainment 🤣 and Dylan has also said hello to Lily through the bars.

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Aw so glad Dylan’s has been accepted, how lovely for him 😊
All is still going really well for the little man, I sat with them for a bit this morning, checked everyone for bites etc and watched them interacting and safe to say, that was a success. They're getting along great! He has mounted them a few times and they tolerate him doing so, it's rather funny considering they're all so much bigger than him 😅

Of course because dentals are currently a hot topic, Ebony has chipped her problem tooth and stopped eating again 🙃 so she will be accompanying Silver and Forrest to their vet appointment tomorrow for an incisor burr, hopefully. (I was hoping for an early night, but here I am syringe feeding 😅)
