Eriathwens piggies

Shes not had the best day I'll be honest, during the night she could not get up at all, couldn't even lift her head up off the floor. I've been feeding (mostly to get some fluids into her) wiping and rotating her every couple of hours, massaging and gently moving her legs while also trying to encourage her to walk. The gabapentin and panacur I'd put her on seems to be kicking in as she started to raise her head again and this morning has started taking a few very difficult steps. It's very tiring for her, but it does give me some hope this is something we can reverse.
She has even managed to get herself under her lap pad and throw it into the air so.. fingers crossed.

Tomorrow seems so far away but I dont dare risk taking her to the out of hours vets, especially now she's improved a little bit. I'm sure they're very good in their own specialities but I have never had a good experience with them and avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

Delilah says thankyou for the well wishes and wants to show you her new trick!
After everything we've done today, it seems her brain is starting to figure out where her feet are again as long as you put pressure under her back feet to start her off, I'm almost certain this is neurological now. Compared to how she was this morning this is a massive improvement!

By some miracle I got through to my vets straight away this morning and got Delilah an appointment. He agrees it's neurological and basically given her improvement I am to continue what I've been doing. She even took herself back into the carrier when he was done checking her over! Which is a relief.
I hope that Delilah continues to improve. Fingers and paws crossed here for her. ❤️
Poor Delilah hope she continues to improve, wonder what has caused her neurological issues? Does the vet know
Poor Delilah hope she continues to improve, wonder what has caused her neurological issues? Does the vet know

As she's in with Pumpkin it's likely due to E.cuniculi unfortunately. The luck with that is I already had the meds to hand from treating the others so was able to get her started asap, as it takes a few days to fully work. So fingers crossed there's no lasting damage done.
I went up to clean out her hospital pen just now, and caught her using her water bottle! She hasn't been able to do that since Saturday, she even shook herself without falling over. Seeing as she was feeling good I let her spend the time I was cleaning, in with her friends. She was a little ungainly and awkward, but she managed half a circuit around the cage, plopped herself in the middle and ate some hay while everyone came over to say hello 😅 very pleased with her!

Hope she makes a speedy recovery 🤞

Thankyou! I've been worried sick, I knew already but my vet confirmed that staying how she was yesterday wasn't acceptable quality of life and had she not made as much progress as quickly as she has, I may well have been looking at euthenasia this week for her. We still aren't out of the woods yet but it's promising at least.
Shes done great today, first day she has not needed me to shift her position in the cage every few hours, she has been getting up and moving herself to new spots.
She is still finding it difficult to walk through the hay, but on carpet she can walk almost normally again! I'm getting her out a few times a day to stretch her legs, she's even had a small run.

Delilah relearning to walk, almost there!
Well! She's back in with the others, she even ran! Unfortunately didn't video any of it as I wasn't entirely sure she would be staying in with them but she's doing fine, so she might as well. Very relieved, I really thought last weekend that she wouldn't even make it to her vet appointment, nevermind the end of the week.
I figured seeing as I cant sleep I'd update on some things to take my mind off the screaming headache I currently have.

Delilah is still in with her friends and continuing to show improvement.
Silver and Forrest went to the vet today to have their mouths looked at, they have an ointment to apply twice a day. Silver has a fatty hump where I give Gus and Ebony their cartrophen injections so when I do his I'm going to have to get creative by the sounds of it.

We lost Orsa our little dwarf hamster yesterday morning at over 3 years old, we recently discovered she had a mass on her ovary or uterus, we opted not to spay her due to her age and ongoing respiratory issues which turned out to be the right call as she wouldn't have lived long after the surgery it would seem 😞

And out of nowhere tonight, Clover has passed away..I'm absolutely gutted. I will be seeing if I can take her for a post mortem Thursday, as my vet has a very well deserved day off and I'm not going to let him do what he did with Thistles post mortem and come in anyway. I can feel a mass in her abdomen which no doubt contributed to her passing. I'm going to miss her massive bright eyes 😥 she was such a lovely girl.

I hope you managed to get some sleep and your headache went.

I’m so sorry you’ve lost Clover and Orsa. ❤️
So sorry to hear that Clover and Orsa have decided it's time to toddle of to the Rainbow Bridge. They both chose to go while at home surrounded by love. There is no better way to pass over. Have a hug :hug: have lots as one hug is never enough :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Hope that you are sleeping better soon. Sometimes putting things down in words helps our brains process them better. 😴

Sorry to hear that Clover and Orsa have left for the rainbow bridge. Even though we know that they will only be with us for a short time, the loss and sadness never gets any easier.😢 Sending you a big hug.:hug:

Glad to hear that Delilah is still doing well.xx
Oh what a beauty, I am so sorry you lost Clover and little Orsa too, sending hugs, such a sad time :hug:Just remember they had the best of lives with you, like all your little rescues

Sleep tight Clover and Orsa 🌈
Thankyou all, my headaches gone although I can't wait to go to bed, I feel like I've not had a minute to sit down this afternoon.

I had an appointment earlier with Maurice my gecko, saw the exotics specialist my vet had been talking about, she was brilliant. She did an ultrasound and found Maurice has an undeveloped egg causing an infection so she's on metacam and baytril for the week where she will have a follow up ultrasound to see if its helped. She may need spaying yet, not sure how I'll manage that but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

She very kindly offered to do Clovers post mortem this evening as she's a qualified pathologist and it'd save my vet having to squeeze her in tomorrow.
Turns out poor Clover had a brain tumour, her pituitary gland was pumping out hormones which caused her adrenal glands to grow huge, they in turn messed with her gall bladder and liver, the mass I felt would have been her liver, it was hard, grainy and pale (she took a few pictures of what she found for me to see)
With her liver failing, her lungs filled with fluid and that is what caused her to pass..I cant believe she had all that going on and showed absolutely no sign of anything. She didn't even have a runny nose or noisy breathing..