Engel's Herd

He's been home 2hrs. Not eaten much so given about 10ml of mushed up pellets and 5ml water. He's nibbled some watermelon and had a pea flake. To be fair he looks spaced out. Will check on him in an hour or two.

On a positive note he's peed and pooped! His incision looks very tidy. It's also very small, I didn't even see it at first! I thought it'd be a lot bigger as it's abdominal.

Jupi, Po and Cyril are happy to have him back.

He's got an appointment tomorrow at the vets to make sure everything is ok. I've been given recovery food too just in case. I will be getting more though to be on the safe side.Screenshot_20211020-191328.webp
Micah took a while to recover from his neutering too.
The anaesthesia takes a while to work out his system.
I syringe fed for a day or so until he was eating properly.
Sounds as if he’s doing well.
Micah took a while to recover from his neutering too.
The anaesthesia takes a while to work out his system.
I syringe fed for a day or so until he was eating properly.
Sounds as if he’s doing well.
That's reassuring to know. I gave him another 5ml recovery food and 3ml water with probiotics. He then started eating hay! I intend to continue syringe feeding as a 'top up' until he's eating properly. He's had a few more pea flakes but is more interested in hay at the moment. Had a few more poos (strange ones which are to be expected.) He's walking around no issue. Not his usual vocal self... yet.
Quick question
Basil is on Loxicom (dog 1.5mg) 0.2ml once a day. I've read that pigs metabolise meds faster and twice a day is recommended. Should mention this to the vet to see what they say? Or do I do 0.1ml twice a day OR 0.2ml twice a day anyway despite being told only once a day? Basil is ~700g.

@Wiebke @Piggies&buns @VickiA
Quick question
Basil is on Loxicom (dog 1.5mg) 0.2ml once a day. I've read that pigs metabolise meds faster and twice a day is recommended. Should mention this to the vet to see what they say? Or do I do 0.1ml twice a day OR 0.2ml twice a day anyway despite being told only once a day? Basil is ~700g.

@Wiebke @Piggies&buns @VickiA

If Basil is recovering well, he won't really need any loxicom after day 3 because by then the healing process is fully underway. The younger he is, the quicker he'll heal.

Whether you split a dosage or double it very much depends on the prescribed dosage and on the nature of the problem it has been prescribed for. you can never generalise.
At 700g and seeing that it is a routine post-op prescription, I would split the prescribed dose and give half every 12 hours.
Basil is still doing well. Almost back to his usual cheeky self. He is walking (and running) fine and is eating. Begging at the grid for veggies almost to say, 'hey! Don't forget me!' he's taken his medicine like a champ.

I have topped him up this morning with some syringe feed as I didn't through the night as he was munching hay.

He's interacted with his neighbours. Rumbled at Po as normal.

His incision is looking good. Can you spot it?

Basil is still doing well. Almost back to his usual cheeky self. He is walking (and running) fine and is eating. Begging at the grid for veggies almost to say, 'hey! Don't forget me!' he's taken his medicine like a champ.

I have topped him up this morning with some syringe feed as I didn't through the night as he was munching hay.

He's interacted with his neighbours. Rumbled at Po as normal.

His incision is looking good. Can you spot it?

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Please weigh him daily at the same time. If his weight is stable, he won't need any extra feeding support. By the sound of it, he doesn't. ;)
700g was Basil's pre-op weight.
617g is today's weight.
Does that sound about right? I'm giving him 40g wiggle room for full tum/bladder. Now I don't know how much a pair of pig testes weigh but I don't know if that's a lot or not.
Back from his appointment. Wound is looking good and they're pleased he's started eating/drinking/pooping and acting more like himself. I've got another sachet of recovery food just incase. He'll next be seen 7-10 days post op and hopefully be signed off! Obviously if I have any concerns before then I'm to phone them.
Sounds as if Basil is doing very well.
You’re doing everything right.
It’s always a bit stressful when one of our beloved furries has surgery
Sounds as if Basil is doing very well.
You’re doing everything right.
It’s always a bit stressful when one of our beloved furries has surgery
I wouldn't be so stressed if I'd been through it before (with piggies).

He's not really moving from his hide so I've removed it and draped a blanket over his cage so the whole cage becomes a hide. He's now moving and eating more.

Basil is 596g today but is eating much better. Lots more poo last night which is great. More vocal today too.
Sounds as if he’s doing very well. :D
I know, hopefully he continues.

Currently his hay is in a haybag to keep hay off the floor and away from the wound. He eats more when its in a pile so do I risk putting a pile in and potentially aggravating the wound? Or should I wait until 10-14 days post op when the wound is more knitted together?
I know, hopefully he continues.

Currently his hay is in a haybag to keep hay off the floor and away from the wound. He eats more when its in a pile so do I risk putting a pile in and potentially aggravating the wound? Or should I wait until 10-14 days post op when the wound is more knitted together?

When Saff and Luna (rabbits) had their spays in January, I continued to put their hay in a pile but I put it to the side of their hospital cage rather than in the middle like id normally do so they weren’t walking on it so much as they moved around the cage but still had free access to it
Basil had me concerned this morning. Eating and drinking fine, toileting fine, weight seems to have gone up to 619g. However his wound looked red. Took him to the vet and saw the exotics vet for a check. She says it's nothing of concern, stitches are holding well ect. I'm to carry on with the Loxicom for a few more days as its anti-inflammatory.
When Saff and Luna (rabbits) had their spays in January, I continued to put their hay in a pile but I put it to the side of their hospital cage rather than in the middle like id normally do so they weren’t walking on it so much as they moved around the cage but still had free access to it
Ok I've added a pile in a litter box. Here's his hospital cage at the moment. It's 2x3 grids which I know isn't huge but it's only temporary.


Just worked out that Po and Mia's birthday marks the end of Basil's 6 week wait.

I can't believe there's poo...I'd literally just cleaned, turned around and got my phone to take a pic. Typical piggy
Poo is good.
I remember getting very excited when Jemimah deposited poo in my lap while I was syringe feeding her after her spay.
I just put the hay on the floor, and like @Piggies&buns put it to the side.
Basils doing well. His wound still looks good. No redness now. It's not warm, oozing or uneven (nothing to suggest infection). He's eating well and pooping.
Rumbling and wheeking with his neighbours. Back to his usual self.

Today's weight is 589g.
Ugh back to the vets at 4pm. Dysnomia has an eye injury. It's either a hay poke or she's caught it on the spout of the water bottle. Her lower lid is puffy and her eye is squinty. Last night she was fine. I'd imagine they'll prescribe antibiotic eye drops.

My dog, Pebbles, has lots of issues and gets given 'Isathal' for it. Don't know if that's safe for rodents though. I can't see any hay in the eye so it may just be a corneal abrasion. We'll see. I'll update after the appointment.
I hope Dysnomia gets on ok at the vets. Percy and Pepper are sending healing vibes your way for your piggies.
Back from the vets. Vet managed to get the finest bit of hay you ever did see out of her eye. She's got an ulcer on the eye from it. She's got isathal eye drops twice a day as well as some Loxicom (metacam). Even though the Hays just been removed her eye looks a lot better already, doesn't look anywhere near as puffy. She wants to see her again on Thursday to make sure it's healing as it should. She's back with Mumma munching on some hay.
It doesn't stop does it?! Basil is now squeaking (peeping sound) when he poops (only. Peeing is fine).
Oh no. Poor Basil. You are having a rough time at the moment. Hope he’s ok. ❤️
I know. I'll see what he's like in the morning. He's still eating and drinking fine. Poops are normal. Incision looks good still and he had it checked on Saturday and it was all fine no signs of an abscess. May ring them tomorrow and ask for advice. Unless @Wiebke or @VickiA have any ideas?
How’s Basil today?
Still squeaking while he poops. Will phone for advice. I know he'll be in some discomfort as he's had surgery but, as of tomorrow, we'll be 1 week post op. I really hope he's ok. Honestly starting to regret having him neutered. 😞