Engel's Herd

What a lovely few days we've had. Piggies have had their first helpings of grass and a clean up. Mr Po had a heart to heart as the realisation that he's running out of time hit me. He's become more cuddly in his older age and definitely loves his comforts. I had the pleasure of giving him a boar clean as he had a minor impaction. I almost had a meltdown when I felt a lump then remembered that Po is the only male I have who isn't neutered šŸ˜…

Piggies are currently on snowflake wood shavings but I'm wondering if this is starting to irritate Po's feet as they're looking a bit red and flakey. If it was warmer I'd have him on fleece but I'm debating whether to put him on megazorb or paper bedding as it's softer. I'm checking twice a day for damp patches in the hutch as he's not as mobile as he was and don't want urine and wet bedding to make it worse and get infected.

Hes had a bum bath today, well, a warm damp cloth wipe around more like, which he didn't seem to mind and everyone has had a nail trim.

As Po has lost his wheek, the job of Chief wheeker has gone to Blossom and Cyril. Po still kicks it off with a squeak followed by ear flapping and a hissing noise to let his neighbours know it's time to sing the song of their people.