Engel's Herd


Back from the vets. They can't find anything wrong. Wound looks fine. No signs of abscess or infection. Teeth are fine too.

His temperature is slightly low and they too noticed weight loss. He is well hydrated though. I'm to recovery feed for the next 24hrs to see if that helps and to phone tomorrow.

I did ask about increase of pain meds and antibiotics to be on the safe side but they can't put him on anything higher because it's not licensed and won't give antibiotics because there's no sign of infection.

I'm at a loss. I've given him a heat pad and going to recovery feed for the next 24hrs and give him some probiotics.

@Piggies&buns @Wiebke @VickiA any ideas?
At least you got him seen. I hope someone on here can come up with some more advice for you. You’re doing a great job though.
If you start a thread just about this issue then one of the health experts will look at it hopefully. Put it in the health and illness section. 🤞
Percy was “talking” two days ago while peeing and pooping. I wasn’t sure if he was in pain or just talking. So I started him on Pro C for a few days and his poops are firmer and he’s not talking while pooping now. Are Basils poops softer from the medication? Maybe try that?
Percy was “talking” two days ago while peeing and pooping. I wasn’t sure if he was in pain or just talking. So I started him on Pro C for a few days and his poops are firmer and he’s not talking while pooping now. Are Basils poops softer from the medication? Maybe try that?
He's having pro C anyway. Poops are normal :/
Maybe he’s still a bit sore and it hurts to push? Bless him. Really hope he perks up soon.
Micah’s weight did drop after surgery. He developed a scrotal abscess and needed a second surgery but I’d caught it before it could develop.
I was syringe feeding him for a few days until he perked up and started eating properly for himself.

I added a bit of mashed banana to the CC which went down really well.
I also put a little dish in his cage so he could eat it for himself.

It is worrying when we want our piggies to be better instantly.
You sound as if you’re doing a great job in caring for him.
One of the health experts will probably have more help to offer.
Please run any health or welfare related thread in the Care sections, where we get automatic alerts. The chat sections are there for exactly that but not for any particular welfare and health issues.

We cannot cover all sections with automatic notifications because we would drown in too many irrelevant alerts and am at a higher risk of missing an important one whenever I come on.

Please concentrate on on feeding and keeping him warm for the time being. if there is a developing issue, then it is currently unfortunately too soon to be diagnosable and you are already medically covered.
Micah’s weight did drop after surgery. He developed a scrotal abscess and needed a second surgery but I’d caught it before it could develop.
I was syringe feeding him for a few days until he perked up and started eating properly for himself.

I added a bit of mashed banana to the CC which went down really well.
I also put a little dish in his cage so he could eat it for himself.

It is worrying when we want our piggies to be better instantly.
You sound as if you’re doing a great job in caring for him.
One of the health experts will probably have more help to offer.
Why was a surgery needed? Did antibiotics not work?

I've tried putting the dish in with him but he just poops in it.

I'm trying my best, just hope he improves. He's just pooped without making any noise. Not sure whats causing it.

If he continues to deteriorate I will be getting another opinion from a different practice.
Basil's been back to the vets. Theyve given him baytril twice a day as they are suspicious of a UTI. If this doesn't work he'll need an x-ray to check for stones. He's got another checkup tomorrow and Friday. I'm to continue syringe feeding him. He's been weighed today and he's 613g now.
Just finished another feed. Managed 14ml recovery food and 4ml water. In the past 10 hours (approx) he's managed 34ml recovery food, 50g veggies and about 8g of pellets. I don't know if that's much or not. Will be up again at 5-6 for another feed. Hopefully he'll take 10ml+ again. I've got some alfalfa coming tomorrow. I'm going to offer him a small amount to help him put weight on and encourage to eat more hay.
Just managed 7ml before Basil told me off (ouch. It was just a nip but ouch). He's eating more hay today. His weight this morning was 608g so he's creeping up slowly.

On a less positive note. Mia has stated squeaking while peeing now. Are they trying to drain my vet fund?!
Been to the vets. They too think he's doing better and I'm to carry on with what I'm doing and I'm to phone Mon/Tues to let them know how he's going and whether another vet visit is necessary.

Mia had her check up on her eye and it's healing really well. I'm to carry on with drops and painkillers until next Mon/Tues too. They're going to see if antibiotics are working for Basil before giving it to Mia re squeaky while peeing.

I have asked if Loxicom can irritate the bladder/cause UTI. I've found it can in humans but can't find anything regarding guinea pigs. The vet I saw today is more a general small animal vet and as she wasn't sure, she phoned the exotic specialist within the group and they too couldn't find anything in the literature and hadn't come across it before. They mentioned that there isn't much research regarding exotics in general. So theyve noted what metacam can do in people and has said that they're not going to rule out metacam as a cause to the discomfort both pigs are in while peeing.

It could just be a coincidence, but I find it strange how both pigs are showing the same symptoms days after starting metacam. Anyone else had this issue?

While the exotics were on the phone they also asked about diet. I explained that they're on a low calcium diet as I'm aware calcium build up and stones are common and diet can be one of the causes. 1tbsp low calcium pellets, low calcium veg fed daily and high calcium veg fed rarely like once or twice a month, if at all. Plenty of grass hay. They said that the diet was good and given age and background (Inc diet) they think stones are very unlikely. Also noted that they can urinate and a lot too not many times in small amounts. They can't feel anything unusual either.
Basil's been on antibiotics for a few days now and they appear to be working. The occurrence of squeaking while peeing is lessening more and more. Today he's weighed in at 630g! The heaviest he's been post op. Hopefully it continues. :yahoo:
That’s great news. I’m so pleased Basil is feeling better. I hope Mia is ok too!
That’s great news. I’m so pleased Basil is feeling better. I hope Mia is ok too!
Mia is doing great. I haven't heard her squeaking while peeing as much but she hasn't had antibiotics. So will be keeping an eye on her. Her eye looks great. Eye drops should be finished Mon/Tues so hopefully vet will sign her off regarding than
You’re doing really well. Its so hard having poorly piggies. I’m feeling stressed and all I’ve got to do is give a probiotic! I dread to think what I’ll be like if they actually get ill. 😕
You’re doing really well. Its so hard having poorly piggies. I’m feeling stressed and all I’ve got to do is give a probiotic! I dread to think what I’ll be like if they actually get ill. 😕
How are you giving it to them? In the cage or are you taking them out?

Pro C is meant to be quite palatable. I've mixed it in recovery food, sprinkled some on pellets, dissolved in water and syringed. Have you tried putting a water dish in the cage with some probiotics mixed in?
How are you giving it to them? In the cage or are you taking them out?

Pro C is meant to be quite palatable. I've mixed it in recovery food, sprinkled some on pellets, dissolved in water and syringed. Have you tried putting a water dish in the cage with some probiotics mixed in?
Hi. Thanks for the advice. Percy is getting fibreplex twice a day. I’ve mixed it with mushed up pellets. I’m taking him out of the cage to give it. Yesterday was good but this morning it clumped up. Don’t know why?

Pepper is getting Pro C on a small piece of cucumber in the cage. Do you know if I can give Pro C twice a day?

No other veg for either of them.