Diet Club

I had a 1lb gain last week, I'm not feeling very well, I'm aching all over, eyes are stinging, I have a hacking cough and my nose is running like a tap! :(
I had a 1lb gain last week, I'm not feeling very well, I'm aching all over, eyes are stinging, I have a hacking cough and my nose is running like a tap! :(

Aw Boss, a few people in our group have been unwell - and gained . I hope you feel better soon .
I have to crack on with it, haven't been able to go to the gym as week as I don't want to pass my lurgy onto other members.
How's everyone doing ?

I bought " 2 of each " of @Wiebke 's biscuits - I shared them with my hubby and ....

I lost 3lb this week :yahoo:

so .....

I am officially declaring that Wiebke's biscuits are NOT fattening :))

I, too, indulged in @Wiebke's baking and still lost 1 lb this week. So I think you are right @PiggyOwner - much better alternative than Ryvita
How's everyone doing ?

I bought " 2 of each " of @Wiebke 's biscuits - I shared them with my hubby and ....
I lost 3lb this week :yahoo:
so .....
I am officially declaring that Wiebke's biscuits are NOT fattening :))

I, too, indulged in @Wiebke's baking and still lost 1 lb this week. So I think you are right @PiggyOwner - much better alternative than Ryvita

Glad that there has been no damage done! I've lost a kilo baking, but I am putting that down to all that exercise from rolling out dough and not having much of an appetite from all that sweet stuff I am handling.
I hate the lot of you, I was good and gained! :raz:
remember this ?

I will be rejoining my Slimming World group on the 9th when I'm back in work. Lets get going people!

@PiggyOwner You are an inspiration! What a difference :D
I've put three quarters of a stone on over the festive period. I'm in group on Thursday, I'm going to push on to target this year and maybe do another half marathon. ;)
@PiggyOwner Yes I'm rejoining my local slimming world on the 9th after I go back to work. Until then I have to finish off all the food we bough for xmas and new year :P :P
I've put a stone on, more than normal as I'm not very active at the moment, just sat eating cheese and choccy. :roll:
I have half a costco chocolate cake in my kitchen from my birthday yesterday!
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