Diet Club

I have Fibromyalgia so that can make it hard at times, when I'm battling dwindling energy levels, but loosing weight will help hopefully!
I'm back or attempting to be back on plan with slimming world this week as in from today.
Since June when I joined I've lost 2 stone 10lbs then over Christmas I've put 2lbs on (amazing considering how much I've eaten and drank)
I still went to weigh in as it was held above the village wine bar where I was meeting my friend before a curry
Today was back to work day so back to my overnight oats, fruit, bean chilli at lunch then huge stir fry for tea but couldn't be bothered to make a sweet and sour sauce so did use half a sachet.
I need to lose 7.5lbs to reach my next target of 3 stone loss, would like to do that this month but am not pushing myself.
Will review things then see what else I need to lose but go with 1/2 stone goals, maybe 1-2 stone more long term.
Will keep going to SW at the mo but eventually aware I need to start doing exercise, other than trying to walk 10k steps a day.
How's it going so far peeps? x
I walked into my group yesterday, said to the lass at the scales, "I have had a full week off plan, did no exercise, ate what I wanted, takeaway 3 times and chocolate till it came out my ears - do your worst!" Stepped on the scales and closed my eyes and waited for the dreaded figure! :yikes: You could have knocked me down with a feather when she said pound and a half off! :woot::woot::woot:
Hopefully it won't creep up and ruin next weeks weigh in, I've had that happen a few times :(
Brill, well done! To be honest I've eaten so much over the holidays that I'm looking forward to going back on monday!
I've eaten far more than I intended to. I'm contemplating another half marathon later this year. Don't know if it will be GNR though. ;)
Go for it! I want to do something this year, but it won't be running. I love walking, so perhaps something along those lines.
I'm struggling to be good and stick to my SW plan as there is still so many naughty treats in the house. Twiglets, cheddars, cheese. I think I'm going to just have to dump it all.....
I've just opened up a tin and found some mince pies and iced Christmas cake :doh: A shame to throw them away eh? :whistle:
Get them eaten! I haven't gone back to slimming world yet as the house is still full of junk from xmas. Plus I have other things on my mind right now :(