Diet Club

I actually gained 4lb last week but that was down to fluid retention in my leg muscles following my little jog! :yikes: I have been completely off plan this week with no exercise at all. I will be back to it next week. ;)
Can I join too? I can't face going to meetings so in doing it online only. Having a bit of friendly motivation would be a great help :)

Can I join this thread too (Lisa that is!)? Motivation and support is what we all need and here is definitely the place to get it by the looks of this thread. Hats off to everyone who is giving healthy eating a bash.

Lisa x x
Can I join this thread too (Lisa that is!)? Motivation and support is what we all need and here is definitely the place to get it by the looks of this thread. Hats off to everyone who is giving healthy eating a bash.

Lisa x x

:wel: to the thread Lisa .

Have you a plan in mind? FitBit? Weightwatchers? Slimming world ? ...... Atkins ( does anyone still do Atkins ?) ......

I'm on weightwatchers . I was thinking of joining Slimming World but decided not to - I thought husband would get suspicious of I started to talk about how many sins I could have in a day :lol!:
I'm not going to a class but kind of following Scottish Slimmers which has worked for me in the past. Got a fitbit and a gym membership so no excuses for me! Checking in here regularly will hopefully give me extra motivation and a giggle at the same time!

There are so many clubs out there with points/syns etc - too confusing for my liking! :hb:

Lisa x
I have had a total week off plan, no exercising, eating what I want, stepped on the scales this afternoon to find I've gained a solitary pound! :))
I'm not going to a class but kind of following Scottish Slimmers which has worked for me in the past. Got a fitbit and a gym membership so no excuses for me! Checking in here regularly will hopefully give me extra motivation and a giggle at the same time!

There are so many clubs out there with points/syns etc - too confusing for my liking! :hb:

Lisa x

Wow - never even heard of Scottish Slimmers ( probably 'cos I'm not Scottish !) .
I think my metabolism catching up from my little jog may have had something to do with burning the extra energy off from the takeaways. ;)
Nope, takeaway 4 times this week, cumberland sausage and chips, fish and chips, Pizza and doner kebab, plus load of bread and chocolate! :tu:

I think my metabolism catching up from my little jog may have had something to do with burning the extra energy off from the takeaways. ;)

Carefull Boss - it'll catch up with you if you're not careful.
Just look at Ali - he was a slim wee thing and look what I did to him - drove him to the takeaway with my expert cooking skills :gd:

Mind you - I can hardly talk - I couldn't cook anything without my gadgets ..

I have a slow cooker
an actifry
a spiraliser
and... a soup maker

I highly recommend all these gadgets too !
Carefull Boss - it'll catch up with you if you're not careful.
It won't as I'm back on plan as of tomorrow and back to the gym, it will be strange going to the gym knowing everything I was training hard towards has gone! :(
My Actifry arrived today. I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. Will have fun over the weekend trying to work it out.
My Actifry arrived today. I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. Will have fun over the weekend trying to work it out.
A member on another forum I post on swears by hers - or is swears at hers! :))
It was an impulse buy on Weds night when the 2 chubby Cubs posted a link to one on Amazon that was massively reduced. We shall see what we can produce with it!
Oh , I have another gadget to add to my list ....

A chip cutter ....

George just asked me how I will get chips the right size. I just showed him my extensive collection of knives and he cheekily suggested a chip cutter.