Diet Club

just remember to "scribble when you nibble" with those slimming world syns - and if you don't use the slimming world app when you are out and you want to grab something to eat 20 cals = 1 syn - which no other instructor has ever told me.
just remember to "scribble when you nibble" with those slimming world syns - and if you don't use the slimming world app when you are out and you want to grab something to eat 20 cals = 1 syn - which no other instructor has ever told me.
Totally i write down everything i eat. The app is fab and the 1 syn-20cal rule is a big help for non app treats etc :-) x
Just got back - lost 1 1/2 lb so only half a pound away from target - then just need to tone everything up!
5lbs down this week! Taking me to a total of 13 already. I'm so pleased. I know it'll slow down now but that is a-okay with me, cause for once in my life I feel like this could actually work for me.

Treated myself to a vibration plate too, so I'm hoping that'll help keep me going in the right direction! :D
I occasionally go on joint patrols with my local roads policing unit. The advantage being, if we turn up at a RTC, I'm fully trained to put out the emergency traffic management equipment (cones and signs) on high speed roads (motorways) whilst the police officer deals with the motorists. ;)
Wahoo! One whole pound this week! Was advised that week 3 would be sticky on this plan but you know what? I don't care.

Why don't I care? Cause I've lost my first stone! Many, many more to go but I'm thrilled so far and really do feel like I might actually get somewhere this time. :yahoo:
Another 2 1/2 lbs off! 5 1/2lbs in 2 weeks! :yahoo: and I went for my first run in 9 weeks yesterday and done 3 miles in 35 minutes! No twinges in my knees, but my legs were heavy this morning. Back up at 7 in the morning for another 3 miles. My intention is to do 3 miles every other day this month, 6 miles every other day next month and 9 miles every other day in August. Then I'll do a couple of 12 milers before the big day on the 11th. ;)
Well done! Hit my target - down to 11 stone 3 1/2 1b with my clothes on ,which is where I wanted to be - as I'm 5 ft 7",and if I loose too much weight my hair starts to thin,so while I would like to be thinner this is where I have to stick - but in to a size 12 so not complaining - just have to now maintain by adding extra healthy extras instead of syns.
After a crazy week I've gained 1lb. Still total loss of 3st 4.5

And still half a pound below my sw target. Will rein in the naughtiness this week
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Went out for another run yesterday and knocked two minutes off. Out for another run in the morning . ;)
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another gain this week. Upped the exercise but still gained 1.5lb. This week I'm 100% on plan. I'm still within my target range but would rather get to the lower end!
That's the reason, the more exercise you do, your body initially retains water to protect the muscles, it's that water that's giving you the weight gain. ;) I've bagged myself a bargain, my local council is running a men's get fit campaign. They gave out 3 months worth of gym membership for just £10 to the first 100 applicants - I was one of them! So I've got cheap gym sorted and I'm now getting used to on road running, so I should be sorted for GNR. ;)
image.webp I don't know how but got this today! I'm not meant to be loosing anymore and went and lost 3 and half pounds :0

At the lowest point in my target range. Oops best eat cake
I've bought a load of stuff to binge on today but only eaten some garlic bread with cheese and feel sick! The galaxy counters, choc twists and 2 cakes will have to wait :)
My usual group is quite large, there were only 7 in the group I visited, it wasn't worth picking up, I left it for the next group to add to. ;)