Diet Club

Can I join? I've joined Slimming World as spotted the council area I work in now allows self referal applications from those who work in the area - so I've got 2 lots of 12 weeks free.

In my first 4 weeks I lost 1 stone and another 2.5 last week so doing well.

Wasn't sure how SW would suit the vegan lifestyle but it does - I'm so fed up of the dreaded muller light debates and it's a lot of meat talk at meetings but the consultants lovely - I really feel he wants people to lose weight he's very genuine. I can't always stay for group but so far so good.

Need motivating to join a gym - I don't drive so nearest gym is in the next town from my village and that means 2 trains - there's a small gym at the school but that doesn't start until 6pm daily and over summer I want to go mornings whilst on my 8 weeks off from work break.

So onwards and downwards - I've got to lose weight this time and keep it off for good!
Another three and a half pound off! :yahoo: I've now lost a stone of the 15 1/2 lbs I put on with the infection. ;) I've got 9 weeks to the north run, I'm going to try and lose 1 1/2 stone by then, if I can lose 2 even better. ;)
Wasn't sure how SW would suit the vegan lifestyle but it does -

..... I'm so fed up of the dreaded muller light debates and it's a lot of meat talk at meetings

I've decided to join SW too. A lot of people at work are on SW so have decided - if you cant' beat them - join them !

I'm pleased to hear it's suiting the vegan lifestyle . I'm not a vegan - or vegetarian . I am a true omnivore - but I respect people who are vegans . I am not looking forward to " meat talk " .... or "chicken talk " either !
3lb off this week so 1 stone 5 1/2 lbs off in total since 4th June.
Not been an easy week but managed not to go for any bread or alcohol,chocolate or crisps.
1.5lbs off this week takes me to a grand total of 1 and 1/2 stone loss.
Went to the morning group so well aware an evening weight in would have shown a stayed the same or a gain but still got to my next target so happy.
Started my weight loss beginning of June and feel a lot better a stone and a half lighter.
Still got a long way to go but this weeks been stressful - past 2 weeks have as got my Mum in hospital and lots going on - normally I'd have comfort eaten and drank wine but not gone down that path hoping I can mai Tain and trying to take food with me and not over eat or if I do try to just eat fruit and soya yoghurt. I'm trying to get to a weekly weigh in too as that helps.
I'm hoping I am over the days of over eating and snacking on crisps etc - slimming world doesn't teach you about portion control - over time I need to do that myself.
I had a small gain this week which is understandable as over five days I done 6 hours in the gym and two 3 mile runs. Had today off as I donated blood and taking tomorrow off as I'm looking after my grandson before going to work at 1pm. ;)
2.5lbs off this week, another morning weigh in as couldn't get to evening class tonight. Pleased with that as eating been all over the place with stress and hospital visits. Bit of a binge at the weekend as I somehow managed to eat an entire 200g block of vegan cheese between Satuday and Sunday so had not expected a loss!
2lbs off! :yahoo: which is surprising as I had a massive Chinese curry and a full box of chocolates on my birthday! :shh:
Very much struggling This week! Since Saturday one day on plan and if I can keep
Up the good work today will be another full day on plan!

Someone give me the kick I need!
I've been a little off the wagon but still well within my target :)

On it 100% this week need to see if I can still lose when I need too!
I've quietly joined you guys on the SW diet. I'm doing it with a chum from work so we support each other with recipe suggestions and police each other's lunch and snacking. It's most difficult when I'm working away for chunks of time (like this week) but I have managed to lose 6 1/2 pounds so far so I know that it does work when I can stick to it.
7 days to go to mine! :yikes:

Good luck! Are you ready? My half marathon is in 2 weeks. I've no intention of actually doing it what so ever!

In other news my SC application was successful and I'm just waiting for an assessment centre date :yahoo:
I've quietly joined you guys on the SW diet. I'm doing it with a chum from work so we support each other with recipe suggestions and police each other's lunch and snacking. It's most difficult when I'm working away for chunks of time (like this week) but I have managed to lose 6 1/2 pounds so far so I know that it does work when I can stick to it.

Snack Police? I could employ someone to do that as a full time job for me!

6 1/2lbs is fantastic going :)
I don't know what's wrong with. Me good week last week but this week has been a write off! Not on plan at all.

Couldn't face group this morning knew it would be a gain. Back on plan from today
I have an underactive thyroid gland & take loads of tablets, so the weight comes off so so slowing. Yet the men lose it so fast, I could hit them
Can I join too? I can't face going to meetings so in doing it online only. Having a bit of friendly motivation would be a great help :)
Quite a few people on this thread are on SW so, I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice. I'm on weight watchers ( well, apart from today -that is ) :))
@PiggyOwner I knew there was a reason I was eating salad leaves for my lunch today :lol!:
I've just managed to lose 8lbs in a little over 3 weeks - not bad considering my itinerant job and Wiebke's cake mountains...